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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. If you're selling the head unit, has it been unpaired from the ecu in your car? If not then its no use to anybody mate. I'm sure some places can do it for you though.
  2. Such a stunning dog! My buddy has a pit bull and a staffie and both are very very well behaved and do exactly as they are told. Some people just aren't cut out to train dogs unfortunately. I totally agree about not hitting a dog also! I should have made my statement clearer in my first post.
  3. Rule number 1 of training a dog. Never hit them on the nose. It ruins the glands they use for smell. A dog feeds energy from its human. The dog needs direction. To train a dog is a very easy thing once you find something they respond to. If its barking then wait till it stops and then reward etc
  4. But in reality we all know it never. Unless somebody can actually come up with some real facts instead of all this scaremongering carry on, this thread should end. Any fuel over 97ron will be fine for your car. End of.
  5. They sit well on the g35. Not sure about the 350 though tbh
  6. PITA trying to get the exhaust off to change the rear. Make sure you have a big breaker bar and a pipe for getting some of the nuts off the underside of your car. Would do it on an incline though. You will use a lot of force to loosen some of the bolts and nuts off
  7. saski had those on his g35 also mate
  8. What fuel are you running also?
  9. What u talking about mate??? Please elaborate so we know what you're on about. We aren't mind readers on here.
  10. Is you traction control kicking in at all? Roads are slippy these days. Also with those mods, have you had a remap done?
  11. The manual talks rubbish lol. Do it when its cold. It will give a much clearer reading on the dipstick.
  12. Ur correct!! Haha played basketball also I will add I was still listening to rod Stewart, Elton John and rave music along side it haha
  13. Love busta. I listen to everything from nwa to xzibit cypress hill skepta and Wiley. Used to be a massive hip hop and rap fan when I was younger. Love grime also.
  14. My brother does this. He is a solicitor for trading gas and oil for the government. I know quite a lot about what energy we have
  15. Mines is facelift actually oops soz mate
  16. I have them in my car but vandalised with pen. Ill dig them out for you matey
  17. Can you please keep the thread title relevant to the subject. I understand that the title is your thoughts but something more relevant along the lines of why do people park like idiots would be better. This has been discussed on the forum recently and there's too many threads which have titles that mean nothing without reading the thread. As for you question, some people are just idiots
  18. Programme was on tv the other night called don't look down.
  19. Can you please edit your first post and rename this topic to something with relevance. This was discussed this week and makes it difficult when searching the forum as you need to open the thread to see what it's about. Many thanks Neil
  20. See this in the dyce clydesdale bank carpark a few weeks ago
  21. Theres lots of browsers. Google chrome and firefox were the ones I use on the PC. Quite happy with safari on mac though
  22. Are you sure the telephoto lens is 1.4/5.6? Is it not 4/5.6?
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