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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. on the down side your paying double tax. not all facelifts have issues btw. Mines is a facelift and uses no oil at all.
  2. what is wrong with people!! Who would do that to a zed!!!
  3. Also does it have high and low beam xenons or does it have a halogen high beam? Does it have led's for break lights or normal bulbs ?
  4. Where abouts is the hazard light button? In front of the gearstick or behind it?
  5. Buy online, much cheaper than halfrauds! Nightmare of a job to change it also. I'm sure facelift is the D2R but somewhere on here there is a guide which will confirm
  6. Hey mate! Nice to see you back! Can't help with the 370z but just thought id say hello!
  7. Wow Matts coming?? There's a face from the past lol! Look forward to catching up with you guys! Not seen Matt in years!
  8. Have u paid the retention fee again because it expires every year I'm sure. If not u may have lost it
  9. All the best mate! Hope u have a goodun
  10. No mate, its just a social weekend so no requirement to have a zed. I'm sure room can be made for resident traders also
  11. I had a K1 and it was just noise. lasted 2 or 3 weeks with it at most
  12. I love this car!! Looks awesome without the spoiler!
  13. I love my Buddy club exhaust although with decats mines is a fair bit louder than with normals or HFC's. Cars I have heard with normal cats or HFC's sound brilliant. Nice deep tone but also smooth and the V6 tone is crystal clear. Worth every penny IMO.
  14. Lol I experienced 48 in egypt a few years ago! Couldn't have a drink next to the pool for more than 2 mins before it was hot! Ur a lucky man being out there though!
  15. Neilp


    How close are they to MPSSs? Or not comparable at all? I wouldn't say they were anywhere near them but in reality they cost a lot less so you can't expect them to be.
  16. Neilp


    I used to have these on my Nismo 19's. Good tyre for the money
  17. Neilp

    M3 e90

    Starting to look dated imo mate. Nice car though and nice v8 sound Id go for the v10 M5 first though
  18. ROFL it looks like gas engineers closure plate tape! Has to be an engineers car lol poor sod!
  19. Its a lot of money for 4 hours though as you've still got to factor in all the fuel and tyres etc. I'd rather pay the 50 or 60 for a 2 hour session tbh as the costs for the session are less and much less harsh on the car etc.
  20. Too expensive these days in my opinion and no longer worth the money.
  21. No chance on a wet day with front wheel drive. Dry day will be close but zed will pump it. My mate has one mapped by dastek and I'm still faster without the nos. 280ps vxr 0.62 is 5.6. As i said of the line it should have the edge, rolling am not so sure. Ahh i'm forgetting you guys have the older slower zed The 300ps is 5.6 standard How o How old is yours Neilp? mines is a 2006 revup. No where near standard and running nos also mate
  22. Ur dreaming if you think you're gonna make 380whp. There was a car with a fully built forged high compression engine that abbey done for sale on here and it made 310whp. Good luck but I think you should be more realistic. To get that power your gonna be 10k+ in parts and labour. Engine building is not the same as mechanics. It's the same as a plumber is to a heating engineer. Two completely different specialities.
  23. Skeptas 350 was owned by a member on here wasnt it. White import.....scotty someone? It was mate but its now wrecked.
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