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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. when the discs were installed, were the run outs checked?
  2. On the inside and out Ahh aw well I'm of no help
  3. Are the legs on the correct sides? I noticed on the sunset the megan racing sign is on the outside. Not sure if this makes a difference?
  4. Not really as we don't know your car that well and can't trace the history. This prevents people selling cars that are dogs on the forum and protects the members.
  5. This is a common fault from using low octane "normal" unleaded fuel in these cars.
  6. This isn't plasti-dip, This is a genuine wrap. Its Jays old car
  7. lol nah it was just for the rest of the scots pansies that are scared to camp out. I'll be in my nice warm tent Hows the weather forecast looking for the end of the month? Rain as usual?
  8. Hi, I'm looking for some help with a formula for a spreadsheet i'm producing. I'm limited in skill and got to a point where I need a spreadsheet to auto-accumalate. I'm unsure how to give text a numerical value, and then based on the text- a total to be accumulate per column as a numerical value. Any help would be appreciated and if it helps I can forward a copy of the document i'm trying to produce. Cheers Neil
  9. Welcome to the club Mats! Look forward to watching your project! Keep us updated with how you are doing with it! Plenty of help to be had on here with any issues that you may find on the car! Lots of easy fixes and cheaper priced parts on here!
  10. Cheers mate! Its one of my most favourite photos i've taken to date! Its lost some quality on the forum though.
  11. Photo taken in Inverness at the start of last week
  12. Same camera as I have! What lens are you using? Looks a little under exposed. Are you using an editing suite?
  13. Happy Birthday mate! Hope you have a fantastic day!
  14. Yeah, we have the apple store in Glasgow which is handy! The aftersales is part of why I really love apple!
  15. Theres a few of us heading down from Glasgow/Motherwell area if you want to tag along
  16. Hi Stu, It doesn't help much to be honest. I'm thinking about taking my MBP to the apple store to get them to test it out.
  17. Ahh! Thank God for that!! Was panicking there!! This is a lads event this one. The good lady isn't coming with me as she hates camping and also my car lol.. Gonna get messy!
  18. Martin, Just to clarify, will there be no camping at the hall at all? This is a bit of downer as trying to get bk to a camp site 2miles away smashed will be a bit of a challenge
  19. yep, works fine. Its the noise cancellation software that isn't working I think.
  20. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5489176?start=15&tstart=0
  21. All devices mate. Theres a few threads on the mac forums about it
  22. Noticed this thread hasn't been updated recently. I'm having an issue which seems to be quite common. When using FaceTime, there person i'm talking to can hear themselves talking via a feedback to there device, as though my mac mic is picking up their voice. I've search online and tried reinstalling 10.9.3 however this did not solve the issue. Anybody else having this issue with MBP?
  23. Neilp

    Akrapovic evolution

    Its very quiet on the 370z tbh
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