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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. My Haltech platinum pro ECU cost over 1k 2nd hand!
  2. may be worth posting close up pics of all the flanges and studs to show they are all intact etc.
  3. over 5 years now and still love it
  4. Neilp

    3" centre pipe!

    The standard Y-pipe has a 2.5 outlet on it. The Nismo system and most aftermarket Y-Pipes have 3". I, myself, run a buddyclub pro spec 3 which has a 3" centre section
  5. Neilp

    3" centre pipe!

    you need to get a free photo bucket account and upload them there. Then once uploaded, copy the IMG tag and paste it onto the forum
  6. Neilp

    3" centre pipe!

    Jasma is the same as DOT in the UK, its a standard I'm sure
  7. Neilp

    3" centre pipe!

    Can you post a photo of it up?
  8. 17.3 mpg in my 350z on the way home from lakez on motorway at 70mph
  9. I would make sure the coolant system is drained completely and filled with the correct fluid as the repair sounds like he has just put anything in there. There has been issues with the internals of the engines when the wrong coolant is used. Also make sure the system is air locked. This happened in my car when it over heated and was a complete PITA to get the air out of.
  10. Nice engine, probably the worst photos i've seen of a car. Looks like they have been taken on an old iPhone 2
  11. To be completely honest I think the car looked better completely standard. Sorry but not to my taste in this colour scheme. As long as you like it, thats all that matters though
  12. Just seen this mate! Don't be silly! It was a pleasure!
  13. or is it? Yes as a matter of fact, Paid in full 100% by me, no daddy's input. Working full time in a garden centre, saving non stop! Wow must be your entire yearly salary Stop being mean at least he's got a job! Too soon? I do also run a website What one?
  14. I have a family member who looks normal however she is going blind (retinitis pigmentosa). I got abuse hurled at us one day when parking in a disabled spot by an old geriatric f*ck (who isn't in fact disabled but actually just getting normally old) as she looks very able. Never judge at first sight with these things as there may be something underlying which qualifies as being disabled.
  15. I bought mine many years ago, it was 2.5 years old and I was just turned 21. I had an 8k claim 2 months before and with mods declared I was 1300.
  16. Lol you don't even want to see the RAW images that came out the camera lol! There was a fair amount of editing involved to get them to a recognisable state!
  17. I've uploaded the pics in a smaller resolution as it was making the thread laggy.
  18. 1st Class! Sorry I didn't get to say bye to everybody, especially Martin! Had a look but couldn't see you! Thanks again mate! And for anybody who is now a Midge Ure fan http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/ultravox-very-best-remastered-cd-dvd-3-99-with-code-wowhd-1941541
  19. Here's some of my photos! I have some videos but need to do some editing on them as I have shaky hands trying to hold that camera up for an hour while watching Midge! If anybody wants photos without the signatures on them please give me PM and i'll email them to you
  20. Great Photos G-Girl! Shame you didn't get long to stay! Excellent night Martin! I will put some pics up soon
  21. Clearly hensh had my laptop while I was in the shower
  22. I just want to say if you are reading this,,, I love you big time. At lake Zed and just came to the conclusion that I just would make love to this forum if it was a person. Just though I would share this, don't judge me Peace out
  23. I will have my laptop with me and can check it for you mate
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