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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. i agree totally mate! thats alot of weight ur benching, is that 3 sets at 8 reps?
  2. im a council gym user lol, used to use livingwell but its sh!t. council gyms have all been refurbed and i get it half price at 18 quid a month for unlimited use of all facilities
  3. lol im about 14'6 just now. lol i dont think i could afford to go to one of those posh gyms in town lol, but drinks do sound good
  4. if it wasnt for labour my mum and dad would not have jobs.. after the tories shut the steel works etc it fecked us.... but in the current economic climate, the tories have had a more realistic approach to the campaign and are actually sounding like they are gonna be what labour wanted to be.
  5. Neilp

    Matte zed?

    was just about to ask the same question?
  6. there plenty of stuff going around our gym. from dianabol to t450, its the polish who bring it in as it is legal to buy in poland over the counter ps im not thinking about it, just asking to see if anyone has had any experiences with it like the guys i know have..
  7. you mean the upper class that now get to pay 50% income tax and lose 40% of tha value of their homes in inheritance tax? Labour oversee the fsa and banking regulators, so they very much are to blame. They allowed 110% mortgages, and they laughed all the way to the bank given the vat they were raking in, a blind man on a galloping horse could compare the vat income to GDP and see this crisis coming a mile away, but apparently Gordon and alistair saved us all. What crock, history repeats itself. Labour wreck the finances and the Tories have to fix it. Introducing unpopular measures for just long enough for people to forget how/who got us into the mess and labour get in again. It's not the first time either. Interest rates in the 80s were a direct result of labours incompetence in the 70s but peole forget that bit. Income tax at 98% due to out if control spending by labour in the sixties, etc etc... The country needs jobs to be created, yet the Tories are the only ones stating that the ni rise should be stopped. Labours plan is to tax our way out of the hole. That simply won't work as businesses will not create as many jobs if the ni rise goes ahead, less jobs, less disposeable income and more benefits. But it appears Gordon and alistair are blind to this. Here Here!!
  8. haha ive seen people after they come off the gear when theyre older, its not pretty.. lol jay u should have seen me towards christmas time, i was training hard a my diet was perfect... now im a chinese and indian food lover and not training.... what weight u sitting at just now mate?
  9. When u eat foods to get natural protein intake you're eating alot of salts, saturates etc with a protein shake it's lean with lots if ur amino acids etc that are missed through food. My diet consisted if chicken, tuna and salmon, no bread and about a fifth of daily saturate allowance. I trained hard and I'm only 5'10 an was weighing over 15 stone with low bodyfat. I looked immense and I can guarantee to get like that without supplements I would have been eating ridiculous amounts of meat. It depends which way u wanna look, big and bulky, small and lean. Too totally different methods of training. Right now I've not trained in about 4 months but wen I go bk I will pull bk my shape very quickly. Has anyone used any steroids? What's ur experiences been like?
  10. When I was training hard I was having protein intake every three hours, except at night. U need to overload to ensure ur body is infact actually absorbing as much as posssibly. There different supplements that aid protein synthesis. Depends what ur into I'm afraid. It worked for me, I'm a fatty just now due to my diet not being right. When using supplements I noticed large increases in how quick my weights were going up compared to not using it. The recovery time was decreased alot aswell. To build muscle lower reps, heavier weight. To tone u use higher reps mate.
  11. Protein doesn't make you big. It's used a muscle repair. Using a protein shake is supplement the fact that u don't eat enough protein to aid muscle recovery as required. If they didn't work, millions of people, like myself, wouldn't be buying them.
  12. Bigger stronger faster? That's greig Valentino ain't it? He's a sterod junkie and all american bodybuilder hate him as he ruined it. I know a few guys who use steroids and they look amazing. I think there's a difference between using and abusing. My protein shakes have about 40 grams of protein depending on scoop size. When I was at my best I was on 4 a day and training hard.
  13. What is it u do? My missus won't be able to get a job if labour get in as they're cutting teaching positions. Tories are reducing class sizes which will mean more teachers needed. I suppose it depends on ur circumstances who u vote for. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get a public run government.
  14. Labour are increasing tax again, Tories are lowering and cutting alot from national insurance. Tories have had a more realistic view on the current economic climate as they've been able to stand back and watch labor screw it up. They've built there proposals on things that labour have done wrong which is why they're proving to be more favourable. Remember margaret thatcher isn't involved these days. It was her that screwed it originally. If you dnt vote then realistically ur giving ur right to complain up.
  15. I find legs one of the easiest muscles to build
  16. ESP powder coating in Glasgow do a good job, can do flip paint if u wanna chav it up lol
  17. My bedroom is like a nutrition shop, various products I use but now using more of phd and been using usn xedra-cut xt to start cutting for the summer. I played rugby for a bit too jay but done my ankle in badly and never continued. I was a flanker in disguise lol i was big but quick, played full back and right wing for a bit.
  18. I certainly won't be voting labour or lib dems
  19. I've been training for about 5 years on and off and I also do Thai boxing. Right now I'm 14 and a half stone but quite chubby. Was 15stone 4 with 13% bodyfat last year at summer. Trying to get bk into it but my job involves me working late alot and weekend so it's hard to make time.
  20. Does this remap include 100% throttle also?
  21. Goodstuff. Will have to try tonight at somepoint
  22. My k1 is going bk on but getting remounted so it sits straight. I haven't got these either only my airbags on side of seat
  23. I've got pirelli pzero rosso 275x35x19 on rear and a set going on front. Pretty good grip on the rear, little slippy in the wet if powered hard.
  24. do you loose all your apps when u do this, ive downloaded but dont even know where to start
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