Mate, try and get a copy, its a good documentary about steroids and the false press surrounding them, the guy goes on a sort of quest to all sorts of doctors and politicians, scientists etc and tries to find any actual physical proof/studies/reports where steroids are bad for you. I think in the end he comes to the conclusion more folk die every year from death by peanuts than steroids.
Valentino is in it for about 5 minutes, but the guys a ****.
Ask any qualified medical practitioner their opinion on steroids, they will all give you the same answer and they surely cant all be wrong. In medicine the prescription of steroids is only considered as a last resort.
it's a different type of steroid. These are designed purely for bodybuilding, ur not taking a steroid for a skin disorder to get big bicepts. Watching that film puts it into perspective that to actually do any damage you really need to abuse it. There's protein drinks out there that cause more damage than injecting for talking sake t400 or hgh