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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. Jay nicoles asking if ur better half is coming lol she's needing someone to keep her company and talk about shoes and handbags lol
  2. Bit extreme but I'll back it. I can't stand people who pm to slag people off. If ur gonna do it, do it in public. I'm sure the moderators or admin will be along soon to sort it out
  3. This is getting out of hand but laughable. The guy who hates is 350z... Sell it and buy another Audi. You only get what u pay for and your one of many who have problems with it, but most find other things that make up for it. No matter what car you get n black, if you don't take the correct care it will always look sh1t!
  4. Neilp

    My matt orange zed

    just talking to the boy from totally dynamic jus now. Stays near me. A shelf fell off the garage wall and bashed the full side from front to back. heading to te body shop just now. My k1 is going up for sale tonight. Buying a scorpion tonight and get it fitted before modified live.
  5. Lol paulie that's what's happening! I'm gutted, it better be ready for the show
  6. Neilp

    My matt orange zed

    Ooft mate! That's awesome! Looks like totally dynamic done us proud again! It's amazing! Don't know if ur read knockhill thread, my car got wrecked yesterday! The full side is all mashed in from front to back. A shelf fell of the garage wall and landed on...
  7. looking good mate, my car got wrecked tonight, heading to bodyshop tomorrow and hopefully get it bk on wednesday to get it ready for modified live
  8. bit of a disaster guys, a shelf in the garage has fallen off and dented the full side of my car. the back wing has 3 dents right into the metal, the doors scratched all over, the skirt has got a scratch and the front wing is dented. heading to bodyshop tomorrow
  9. Neilp

    Matte zed?

    he doesnt have my number lol only my e-mail.... JAY! GET IT SENT
  10. Neilp

    Matte zed?

    Have u seen it vik? C'mon jay we're all depserate lol
  11. I've got the nismo r-tune extended intake which sits infront of the intake hole. Anybody had any reviews of power before and after.
  12. Correct or get a dodgy garage that a friend runs...
  13. that must be like chinese water torture Lol it's worse, I've tried everything to quieten it except dynamat. But I don't think anything will solve it. From outside you can feel the ground vibrating when the cars idleing. At a certain frequency every bit of trim in the car buzzes, torture doesn't even come close.
  14. Try hating rattles and then throwing a k1 in the works.
  15. I agree mate a Few boys I train with are the same. Diets are so strict and taking the courses are spot on.
  16. Lol ull be on the gear by tomorrow nixy
  17. Mate, try and get a copy, its a good documentary about steroids and the false press surrounding them, the guy goes on a sort of quest to all sorts of doctors and politicians, scientists etc and tries to find any actual physical proof/studies/reports where steroids are bad for you. I think in the end he comes to the conclusion more folk die every year from death by peanuts than steroids. Valentino is in it for about 5 minutes, but the guys a ****. Ask any qualified medical practitioner their opinion on steroids, they will all give you the same answer and they surely cant all be wrong. In medicine the prescription of steroids is only considered as a last resort. it's a different type of steroid. These are designed purely for bodybuilding, ur not taking a steroid for a skin disorder to get big bicepts. Watching that film puts it into perspective that to actually do any damage you really need to abuse it. There's protein drinks out there that cause more damage than injecting for talking sake t400 or hgh
  18. I'm up for that vik u got any ideas? I like the roads down towards the Borders, I know loads that are top notch!
  19. I don't see a problem with it mate, I'd pm stew though, he's the boss edit: vik doesn't want anymore azures lol
  20. Mate, try and get a copy, its a good documentary about steroids and the false press surrounding them, the guy goes on a sort of quest to all sorts of doctors and politicians, scientists etc and tries to find any actual physical proof/studies/reports where steroids are bad for you. I think in the end he comes to the conclusion more folk die every year from death by peanuts than steroids. Valentino is in it for about 5 minutes, but the guys a ****. I've a had a copy for a couple of years. It makes u wanna use gear. I like the guys story about his heroes and arnie. The old guy outside the gym is maniac, sleepin in his camper lol
  21. I can't wait to do it again. The only time I could go is august as I'm away on 28th of august. I think stews on the same boat.
  22. Neilp

    photoshop lmgt4's

    can anyone whos handy with photoshop, photoshop my lmgt4's, im looking at the black centres, white nismo badges, diamond cut lip with red rim.. cheers i have hi res-ish pics available but too big to post or even a pic of the wheel from the net, doesnt need to be on the car tbh
  23. so this is where the rozzers are hiding when supposed to be catching criminals, lol just kidding, i think i might get some quality vinyl like that for my car
  24. Neilp

    Matte zed?

    I can't wait mate, dying to see it !!
  25. i cant get my car on the ferry, too low im afraid
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