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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. Hahaha who's been with there partner/bf/gf/spouse the longest on here? My mum and dad have been together 35 years!!
  2. I think when you find the correct person for you the jealousy goes as you know you can trust them and if your 100% happy then you generally trust yourself as the need to "check out the menu" goes. I think the latter leads to the first. Don't take anyone back after a break up, as they say a leopard can't change it's spots. People always do it and then break up again. You've gotta remember why u break up in the first place, people forget because there emotions get the better of them. Things may change for a while but will almost always return to the way they were. Met my missus at 15yrs old, 100% happy and content ever since! Ps I think I should get a forum on here lol agony uncle haha
  3. I hate jealousy. I used to be a bit jealous but I hit that nail on the head as a youngster. I think the jealousy comes from an insecurity with youself which prevents you from trusting somone else because you don't trust yourself.
  4. Yup will have to take this to the off-topic forum I think
  5. lol i give it 45 minutes and vik will have the convo back to the cars lol. .. cheers jay ill let nicole know No Laura?! Boooo No Neil ....I've told you I'm going to 'educate' her on diamonds - you are screwed mate I missed this yesterday due to tiredness from all the pain killers im on after a tool ran into the back of me while parked in a layby at work yesterday. You can educate her but don't over educate, I've not got that much spare cash laying around lol
  6. LIES!! ringleader i say
  7. Welcome I recon u could get lower mileage for that price to be honest.
  8. I did not feel emasculated, I was just overwhelmed with how often she talked about cars - it was freaky. Anyhoos, I have no idea how you women have so much time to talk about cars. Gotta shorten that chain from the kitchen sink... just kidding Lol mate the ladies are gonna love that one lol
  9. lol i give it 45 minutes and vik will have the convo back to the cars lol. .. cheers jay ill let nicole know
  10. I've already told you once tonight wee man...remember I have a very deep river at the bottom of the garden where you'll be playing on Sunday night Oh and if Nicole's thing is diamonds I have a lovely little Jewish diamond dealer at the London Diamond Bourse - I'll happily help Nicole with some advice on how to choose a diamond NOW you're in trouble lol shes already picked out her tiffany engagement ring in selfridges, 14.5k... her cars getting sold for money towards it lol ps dont throw me in the river, im a driver not a swimmer
  11. lol i cant compete with jay, he's rich, im not..... lol but i try lmao maz
  12. na mate, my missus is coming too, but u need to purchase a passenger ticket online or at the gate
  13. she sounds high maintenance na she's actually amazing, been with her since school, she works hard aswell so im proud of her!
  14. lol its coz it was the only thing us guys had to ourselves but yet women eh hmm managed too wriggle there way in
  15. i annoy my missus with talking about my car all the time, i bought her a new car aswell but turns out all she really wants are tiffany diamonds and louis vuitton and chanel purses and bags
  16. you bad bad bad man! bugger i did quote it oops! hahahaha mayhem! these mods are busy bee's tonight
  17. lol i apologise now.. was easily mislead by these guys
  18. i paid 17000 for my 06 300bhp uk nismo with 16000 on clock last june
  19. i think i should get 2 just for donating all that entertainment to the site
  20. You still get one for more than 350 posts, just need to PM M13KYF to claim it ahh lol nice one, will get too it.. is everyone happy now
  21. lol btw what ever happened to getting a free forum sticker after 350 posts? sorry off topic there... alls quiet, everyone pre-occupied??
  22. ive got a liquid cooled pc does that help?
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