When you buy from one of us traders on the forum you get more than a purchase. You get the security that we will still be there in the morning, a track record that speaks for it's self and forum members who will happily do this for us too. We give you our best possible prices and to be honest, if someone on ebay can beat us on price then you should maybe ask yourselves how they are managing to do that. If after all that you still wish to buy from ebay then of course, feel free, it's your money.
Sorry Mitz, I know this is your area but though I would post up anyway
U see that isn't the case, plenty of traders disappear, even with stuff that belongs to you. In this particular item, none of these issues are the case, scorpion issue a lifetime warranty and are a massive company. The store on eBay is a recognised shop and I have nothing bad to say about them. They're customer service is next to none and are a pleasue to deal with.
At the end of the day, traders will back traders, and zedders will back zedders. I didn't notice this was in cs's section at the start as it came up in the new post section on the front page and being on the iPhone I never browsed in detail. I guess there's lessons to be learned by everyone here. I meant no harm, just simply looking out for someone who may be in similar circumstances to myself and every penny counts. Unfortunately we can't all be loaded and afford to pay more when somethings available elsewhere. And I would rather have someone help me out to save a few quid.