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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. I'm meeting paulie around 6ish. So probs half 6 is vest. Paulie are you gonna leave your car with you tomorrow coz I think he keeps it to check the paint at paintshop. Have you called him yet?
  2. Lmao some Simon cowell shizzle going on. What's all this talk of an sl?
  3. Nup mate, it's a 3000degree blow torch for welding. The dremel will leave marks I think. The blow torch melts the welds and the actual stud comes away leaving no marks. The inside stud is a bitch to get near due to the angle. The dremel will work but I bet a metal shop will do it for a tenner and do it in seconds lol. Save yourself the hassle lol
  4. Neilp

    Wheels & Rubber

    I've got oems with pretty decent rubber. Minor kerbing to fronts. £250 plus delivery
  5. Lol I got my mechanic to undo the welds holding the studs in place and put new bolts in. You'll need to get oxy-acetaline onto it mate.
  6. ach nothing big mate, just nismo oil filter... been trying to hunt one down for a while now. nissan are doing the service for me muchos cheap as long as i supply filter and oil
  7. Neilp

    Brakes for track..

    i have 18" oem wheels with great rear tires and reasonably good front tires if your interested.. wasnt planning on selling them but may consider if interested.
  8. hahaha its really good quality, is this the cam that was advertised on here, think i might invest in one for on the track.
  9. i think we all trust you sarah, your well established throughout the forum and no-one has a bad word to say about you. thankfully i never ordered from z-store which i was going to and just in the nick of time your site came online and i managed to get the item from you.. cheers sarah
  10. nice lol, what kinda camera is it recorded on? sounds very similar to what my k1 sounded like
  11. lol jenni did it take you a while to get used to driving something which has so much power. I came from a cooper s and the zed feels rediculously quick compared to that... well done irfan, you wanna do mine next along with my teeth whitening lol(ps calling up tomorrow morning for appointment)
  12. the garage that done mines even struggled and it was only on for 4 months whens this video appearing then so we can hear it and decide whether we're taking our mid pipes and back boxes off
  13. probs the traction control kicking in if its damp... not too technical myself but if your doing it in the wet then this is probs whats causing it.. no doubt theres other technical stuff goin on, but those clever guys will be along soon to give you advice!
  14. thanks gizmo btw! cant wait to see this paulie, youll end up buying the full nismo kit for it... yes mate the lmgt4's are expensive and very hard to keep in good condition.. mines are due a refurb but these ones look in pretty good shape. Jays got an automatic btw if your interested in the ins and outs of it. Glad you got this before fitting the nismo wing to the old one lol. Good Luck with everything tomorrow!
  15. Still been crashed though and more than likely been getting the arse ripped out it
  16. M3 dissappointing? Why? Oh welcome btw!
  17. lol im more of a comedy type guy, i like all your cheesy american comedies like american pie, hangover, road trip.
  18. No point trying to fool people mate, just be honest about it. I doubt you'll see 18k on here for it especially when everyone knows the history. I'd post up repair invoice to prove what was done. Unsure bout repairs to badly buckles wheels , surely this will weaken it even more when it's put back into shape.
  19. Haha I know. chick flicks... i've learned to love them as I get dragged constantly.
  20. haha no chance i actually wanna see it and im not goin myself, she's my disguise so i dont look bent haha. is it as rude as the first one?
  21. lol what you's women like!! ill need to take her, unfortunately im working all weekend
  22. not seen it yet, but nicoles dying to see it!! 1st one was quite good
  23. Haha I have similar luck, chipped one of my lmgt4's tryin to loosen wheelbrace of after it jammed. Chipped my wheel arch with the jack while trying to kick the stop out from under the wheels. It's character building though, story is brilliant mate, I'm in noughts laughing
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