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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. theres almost 30k worth of kit there m8, and its amazing
  2. nice to see someone joined my club mines hits alot, can get over a few speed bumps but any of the square centre of lane chappies and i have no chance.... looks good mate
  3. if you could see my gfs car tyre then youd be worried. (it was me that kerbed it lol- hate driving in edinburgh) as long as you can see the metal you should be fine.
  4. A vvti v6. I imagine it would be like driving a time machine
  5. I raced one and there wasn't much in it at all. It pulled better through the lower range. They generally are quicker but all It takes is a bad driver.
  6. Gutted for you mate. I'm still in Poland but home tomorrow. Will come have a wee look at it. I'm sure my painter will be able to help you out at a very good price
  7. welcome!! its alot of car for the money... great price.. serious amount of fun for such a little amount
  8. I think that's still a bargain. Nissan offered me 17 for mine against a 370. Mines is nismo factory fit though with 20k on clock but still. I'd try and see if you could scrape up the extra money. You'd probably find yourself spending more on the cat c due to little niggly rattles etc that appear after bumps. Message the guy on here who it belonged to and see what he says about it.
  9. thanks mate, but id say its on par with the azure i think the two have pole position in colour scheme
  10. lol are you feeling left out? I think we should get one for every colour
  11. since huskys bigging up the blades, time us gun metal's have a say in the game stevens gm car also
  12. cruise slowly and let people check out your car lol.... its the rising fuel costs mate, and most people are unemployed these days so there in no rush to get anywhere
  13. Welcome! Its been in a smash, if it doesnt bother you then go ahead. By the sounds of it though i'd check the airbags are reinstalled etc and just havent had the lights stickered up... take it to nissan if your viewing it and get them to do a check on it. I would avoid and get one which isnt a cat c though. plenty more up for grabs which havent been smashed for not much more and some with lower mileage. Good Luck with the purchase
  14. +1 on the weight distribution. I was contemplating putting a foam insert with a toolkit and tyre can in, should be a bit closer to the spares weight. is there any point if your keeping the same weight? at least make it useful like fitting nos bottles or amps or something other than a bad replacement for something that works better and weighs the same
  15. On phone mate so having problems linking. If you look in the meets section under highland and central Scotland it's in there managed to figure it out I think http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=33037&hilit=Spring+time+run&start=60
  16. I manage to hit 35mpg doing around 68-70mph. Had a full tank when leaving the sellers and I clocked up over 300miles and still have just under quarter of a tank left. Cost me £60 to fill up (but it did have some fuel left in it) So you do the maths.... is it cheaper for you to fill car up and motor down to Abbey and put some mileage on car or pay to get it down on low loader Why you call breakdown assisantance and say you car is conked and the garage it needs to go to for repairs is Abbey!! Thats half the roudn trip sorted for you!! lol that's good, I've got a van and trailer but I would really like to drive it down. Have you been out playing in it today?
  17. I've got eibachs too and love them. Not too harsh a ride either. There's pics if you use the search button, springtime run by neilp. There's loads of pics floating about of stews too from modified live knockhill
  18. Did you use much fuel mate? Just wondering as I have a trip to London soon and don't know whether to drive the car or tow it.
  19. I can second that! Enjoy the drive home mate, was good meeting you!
  20. Check for the clicking axle, it happens when reversing or picking away, Make sure you have the windows down. Check the breaks, and oil, airfilter. Check the service history is upto date. Check the tires for wear on the insides as this is a common issue. Try and blag a new set and get the allignment done.
  21. Pics are awesome! All the best to you's!
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