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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. lol! Love playing piano. Much better when i'm sober though lol
  2. I use PIAA and could do with some replacement blades for them Definitely one of the best wipers available
  3. i said this to you on Saturday! I should be a mechanic
  4. You aren't helping anybody on the forum keeping quiet. You may find that somebody will no the member and help you out or it could go the other way and somebody else could get screwed. Expose if you ask me
  5. a fully built n/a high compression enginer.. job done
  6. I would be interested if you could get similar to this Not a fan of the the thick canards.
  7. 2013 118d beemer. Fantastic car, brilliant mpg (50+mpg) and is quite powerful
  8. Not necessarily, a detail usually includes a machine polish/wax. For proper paint correction, depending on how many passes are required, the price will vary greatly
  9. Seems to be fine so far, everything I use on Mavericks seems to work. I have it on a Mac Mini (16gb RAM) it does say you need a certain spec to run it. These are the "known" issues that apple point you to before installing . . . afari Safari may hang when playing certain Netflix content. iPhoto and Aperture iPhoto 9.5.1 and Aperture 3.5.1 are required on OS X Yosemite. Update to these versions from the Mac App Store. When entering edit mode in iPhoto, a black screen may be displayed instead of the selected photo. Photo Stream and iCloud Photo Sharing may not function properly when both iPhoto and Aperture are installed. iCloud The shared purchase history page on the Mac App Store is disabled for Family Sharing accounts. iCloud Drive may appear empty in the Finder after first time setup. Restart to resolve this problem. AirDrop AirDrop may not show nearby Macs. Sending files to another Mac using AirDrop may not work. I never updated yet as I was worried about all the know bugs and issues. Also that iCloud doesn't update on devices without iOS8 Is it worth downloading the beta? This is the public beta, so most of the issues were sorted out in the dev versions. As for if its worth it depends if you mind the odd weirdness creeping in. I dont sync much between my devices using iCloud, but I think when iOS8 comes out I will do more. I updated to this but then took it back off again. Really don't like the graphics on it. Was far too much of a change for me at the moment. Think I will wait until the final version is released
  10. you will probably find that your tyres will wear on the centres at these pressures. When driving hard your pressures will be coming up well over 40psi with air in them. Out of interest what tyres are you running?
  11. Seems to be fine so far, everything I use on Mavericks seems to work. I have it on a Mac Mini (16gb RAM) it does say you need a certain spec to run it. These are the "known" issues that apple point you to before installing . . . afari Safari may hang when playing certain Netflix content. iPhoto and Aperture iPhoto 9.5.1 and Aperture 3.5.1 are required on OS X Yosemite. Update to these versions from the Mac App Store. When entering edit mode in iPhoto, a black screen may be displayed instead of the selected photo. Photo Stream and iCloud Photo Sharing may not function properly when both iPhoto and Aperture are installed. iCloud The shared purchase history page on the Mac App Store is disabled for Family Sharing accounts. iCloud Drive may appear empty in the Finder after first time setup. Restart to resolve this problem. AirDrop AirDrop may not show nearby Macs. Sending files to another Mac using AirDrop may not work. I never updated yet as I was worried about all the know bugs and issues. Also that iCloud doesn't update on devices without iOS8 Is it worth downloading the beta?
  12. Same spec as mine by the looks of it. What price did you manage to get it for?
  13. mines discoloured tho but they replaced under warranty FOC
  14. I had a few vids but running decats. Scorpions just slightly more growl than standard, sounds sweet and zero drone, even with decats
  15. o but it does [Edit- its ben sopra so its not rocket bunny kit] This is the spoiler i've been trying to get somebody to fabricate for me!!! Tarmac !!!??!!
  16. Yep sounds like it could be a fluid or slave issue
  17. I hate plates that need letters moved, you have it for a bit, the coppers pull you, you then run around with a worthless plate on
  18. are you sure the blade had rays? Theres a blade that belongs to a girl in my streets bf, doesn't have rays though
  19. The stud isn't broken on the y-pipe its on the back box. Will need drilled out and replaced as welded in.
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