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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. any update on whats going on with this yet stew? if you're struggling to make time to do it, why dont we just do the same route as last year. is everyone still wanting this to go ahead?
  2. because i do a/c works i have big bottles of oxygen-free-nitrogen laying in my shed... might chuck some in the tyres and see how it goes
  3. on the topic of swirls, how do u get rid of them, ive claybarred the car and waxed and can still see them, i use meguiars quick detailer for clay lubricant, use it once after a clean just to give it a quick polish
  4. You could swap that reg plate holder for one that fits mate lmao i like my little number plate on big holder u cheeky barsteward lol....
  5. may i ask what you's were doing at carpark in the sky? ive heard stories about this
  6. today around 4.45 in the 60 zone and obviously sticking to the speed limit... looking good mate
  7. i like the sounds of this although i have nothing to swap
  8. My apprentice has a mark 5 r32 and it's nowhere near as quick as my zed. 0-60 is well over 6 seconds. The New R is much more refined and has better performance. The r32 has one of the best sounding v6's I've heard.
  9. Neilp

    Nismo Exhaust

    i'd agree that the nismo is thicker materials, even the standard exhaust has thicker materials than the scorpion.... Does the nismo come with a decent warranty? my nismo got sold for 600 quid with 16000 on it, still in pretty decent condition... chrisuuc, its a company called junction26m1 on ebay, roadrunner motorsport i think the shops called. ordered on monday afternoon and was with me on tuesday morning. mines sound pretty deep all the way through the range, i think most people find it raspier with a different y-pipe which is the case with all the youtube videos, jay and cragus, paulie, vik54, gizmo-r and all the other guys up here have heard mine in person many times and theyll be able to tell you. chrisuuc- just checked and they've adjusted there prices i think best price now is ppd-uk 292 plus 15 delivery
  10. are you talking about dribble coming from the edges that meet the boot or the actual base? simple solution open the boot a few time and shut and then dry the car and polish
  11. Neilp

    Nismo Exhaust

    sorry im not disagreeing lads just a discussion, i was just wondering if there were any actual facts about it, whether it was the type of materials used or the manufacturing process was your basis for it being a better exhaust. As i said, my car had a nismo exhaust on it and im fortunate enough to have driven with various exhausts.. i nearly bought another but then i thought about it and never, im talking on value for money id say i would buy something else as you are buying the name which nismo manage to overprice... for instance nissan/nismo wheels, rays, cost a fortune but have the shittest finish on them for paint bubbling etc sometimes you can pay more for the name rather than what your getting.. fair play if your exhaust is still going strong but that wasnt the direction i was trying to take the discussion... purely that you can get very high quality exhausts for alot less cash. you's were fortunate to get yours for very good prices. chris the scorpion can be picked up for around 285 + 15 delivery, even with the standard y-pipe it sounds great.. no drone at all id be suprised if you can pick up a nismo new for less than 1200 quid
  12. im following the yellow stuff aswell mate, will be ordering from cs next week
  13. Neilp

    Nismo Exhaust

    On what grounds is the nismo a better exhaust? Is this a matter of personal opinion or have you got a factual basis. I've heard of nismo'd failing but never a scorpion? The nismo exhaust is retailing way over a grand and agree with the trader that if your gonna spend that sor of cash, a couple of hundred more and you have a top class titanium exhaust.
  14. Neilp

    Nismo Exhaust

    I never said that it sounded stock but in real figures, there is other exhausts which sound nicer and better quality for the same money. I do like the nismo but it never had enough beef for me with the standard y-pipe. I like a bit louder. As I said mines had It but got taken off and sold, then came the k1 for a laugh, and now the scorpion. I simply Wouldn't spend the money on one now after finding alternatives for similar prices.
  15. Neilp

    Nismo Exhaust

    Get someone to drive by you in your car and listen to the scorpion. Sounds brilliant, especially for the money
  16. They can do but nothing that dramatic. I'd check the tyre pressures. I really think it's u having fun with the happy pedal with all the extra grip though
  17. Neilp

    Nismo Exhaust

    Nismo exhausts have failed but I've never heard of a scorpion failing. Nismo is a very subtle exhaust and sometimes not even noticable except the name. A few guys have got it on here who have made they're alot louder by changing the y-pipes etc. Scorpion comes with a lifetime warranty and looks very similar. I thought about another nismo one but I think the money asking for it is very unjustified. I think chilli-red organised a group buy or something and your well over a grand for it even with that, and that is cheap compared to what the stealers want. If your in that sort of money then there is alot better exhausts for the money. Spend wisely
  18. I do t think anyone would use a rubber item to scratch a car if that's what they're out to so. Possible a jacket(rubber thing on zips? Maybe a kid with a plastic toy? Anyways hope it comes off mate, I noticed a scratch on my front splitter, was heartbroken, so I know how your feeling!
  19. Neilp

    Nismo Exhaust

    Mine used to have one has the scorpion now. It's a less than a third of the price, looks similar and I think it sounds alot better.
  20. Clutch rattle is normal. It's the dual mass flywheel. Very common, nothing to worry about.
  21. Sometimes vw's and merc's and beemers have a slight tint in there windows. I don't think the zed has any tint. Just clear
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