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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. The only vid I've really seen with gearbox failure is a t1t with 600bhp changing gears like it's rally spec'd gearbox. It will defo be fine with the 100% throttle. Plenty have it done in here
  2. Neilp

    A Days Cleaning

    Lol wait till you see mine then lmao gm shine off on it's way
  3. Pm Zmanalex about the spoiler, he may have one in stock, chilli-red has the original nismo one in stock too on website I'm sure
  4. Neilp

    A Days Cleaning

    Looking good. I love the single exit look! Proper jap street race look. 1st class m8
  5. Without a diff controller 80% power is at front wheels I'm sure
  6. Could be the compressor, could be short of gas. If it's the latter then it generally means there is a leak. This isn't a home repair job. Sit with car idling and press the ac on, your revs should changed. This will indicate a gas shortage as the compressor is kicking in. In the unlikely event of the compressor head failing this will still happen but it is rare. If the ac has a gas leak you may find an oily substance laying under the car or around the ac pipework or coil. Have a look around. I would highly recommend taking it to a car a/c engineer or any a/c engineers you know.
  7. Mines does it too, it's the moisture coming off the coil when you turn the air con off. It's basically dampness, if it's on windscreen you will see the windscreen mist up. Doesn't bother me that much to do something about it, I'm an ac engineer and a good clean of the coil will sort it but I really can't be arsed. One of those things where you know how to do it but really can't be bothered
  8. Wish I had 13k laying about but unfortunately my missus won't let me sell the swift sport as she loves it too much. These cars are so much fun to drive + very very reliable. Good luck with the sale
  9. Nah mate was in the work van heading the opposite way.
  10. You can pickbup Mazda rx8's with low mileage for pennys these days.
  11. Hard enough under warranty. I had mine regressed and axle turned. Been ok so far but I'm waiting, hence the reason my warranty has extended again, Nissan warranty 400 quid a year only available if bought before the cars warranty expires. I reckon between parts and fitting for axle will be about 300 so I may aswell take warranty again.
  12. Scorpion also has a 2.5" pipe diameter, the japspeed etc have 3". My scorpion is sounding better and better everyday. That's about 800 miles on it now and it sounds great
  13. i know this car and its a beauty.. well looked after
  14. the big run is one day, but most people are up a few days or a week depending.... stew will be able to inform better... what you basically said is what the hoon was
  15. welcome mate... i have the ginger seats mate, i think they can be too extreme for a black car, but i really think they suit the gunmetal cars and also match the brembo's
  16. Aw well time for me to go hunt down some more roads. Hopefully they will put a nice new road down for us next year at applecross.
  17. Gutted.... What date is the applecross pass shut?
  18. Yes but the middle section has to go from passenger seat to boot so put covers down to prevent any scratching. The standard one fits in the boot also
  19. nice mate! ill need to get you to come and do mines the next time your in scotland..... love the blue to match your car mate
  20. did you sell your nismo exhaust paul?
  21. lol paul its before the tunnel lol, thats the 50 zone
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