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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. My companies md was an apprentice with our company
  2. Why don't you join us then? We won't have an indoor stand but we'll a club stand outdoors. Your more than welcome, it's a tenner per car. Pm me if you want your name down on ours as I have to submit today. Doesn't matter about condition! Polish it up and make it look as best as it can.
  3. I left school with very little knowledge of where I wanted to be with a regards to career. I knew I didn't want to go to university as I was too immature and couldn't be bothered studying, so i became an apprentice building service engineer and with lots of hard work I won various awards in Britain, got accepted into the chartered institute, qualified with 4 different qualifications, electrical, commercial gas installer and servicing, air conditioning and refrigeration (ventilation) and plumbing. Now that I've matured a bit I'm now back doing a degree in building service design and energy management. One thing i can say is that I absolutely love my job, I'm getting paid for doing this just now lol. But I genuinely love what i do and have targets set for the next 5 years to get me where I want to be.
  4. Was gonna buy a 911 c4s, crashed my previous car, insurance went through the roof as only 21 at the time. Bought the missus a new car as I thought i was gonna keep my car. Within a month door handles were falling of going over bumps as it wasn't fixed right. Drove to Nissan to buy an older standard gt, seen the nismo and fell in love and bought. The guy wouldn't haggle as he knew I was gonna buy anyways and if I didn't someone else would.
  5. I have 245/35/19 on front and 275/35/19 on rear. No issues
  6. To have the desired effect of deionised water. Microwave ice cubes to melt them. Old trick from my granda lol
  7. i got a thumbs up from a gm gtr r35
  8. check your tyre profiles as sometimes you need to stagger the tyre sizes, when the lights on are you losing power or is the traction control actually turned off?
  9. Neilp

    nismo vs remus

    mines is a rev-up. To be honest i thought mines was quite loud at first and then i heard others and they were quieter. yeah i will be at aberdeen meet and im on track at knockhill also
  10. Hands down the scorpion is probably the beat vale for money exhaust. I absolutely love mine.
  11. Neilp

    nismo vs remus

    I had a nismo aswell Colin but it got sold and I bought something noisier Feel free to call by my house mate and you can hear my scorpion. To be honest people will argue to the death bit at the end of the day it's upto your budget and sound requirements. The nismo does come with the y-pipe which make it a good buy- especially if your getting it cheap. I've heard different nismo's and for some reason some are louder than others. It does have a nice tone and is built specifically with the car so there's no argument about whether it does the job. It's more about the money involed.
  12. Neilp

    nismo vs remus

    I had a nosey at the Remus the other day. I'd definately pick it over the nismo just to be different and there's not many about. Better value for money and every Remus exhaust I've heard sounds ace
  13. Neilp

    Wanted Exhaust

    Scorpion is a much better system! Similar price, spooned nicer and has a no questions asked lifetime warranty.
  14. In my old car that cable was a supply to the seat belt tensioner when your in a crash.
  15. That's without a y-pipe. It really isn't a noisy exhaust, just a nice tone. I don't think a y-pipe will make it a lot louder.
  16. If im correct nissan are owned by Renault. Difference is ours is built in japan not France. Build a Renault in japan and see how good it is. Ive heard very little complaints about renaults from ppl I know with megane sports and Clio sports. Don't worry about it lads. It's all good even if it's a Renault v6 block
  17. Zero drone in car, only noisey your foots hard on the fun pedal. I can barely hear mines inside but sounds amazing from outside
  18. I'm listening to a bit of funky house , yolanda be cool vs dcup- we no speak americano Funky tune
  19. I've messages him requesting an area for 10 cars. He's a busy boy working a few jobs so I'll wait and see what he says. As soon as I hear I will update.
  20. I've messaged him there so I'll see what he says. Can we compile an interest list please. 1. Neilp
  21. My mate is actually one of the organisers but as the club ain't going from here then I think I'll be missing it as I have no stand. Was a great show last year
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