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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. Neilp

    Peugeot RCZ

    They are quite good with the performance. Not really fast but ok. I really like the look of them but they're far too expensive and I would never drive a Peugeot from experience. They fall to pieces like my Citroën I had as a youth
  2. Sounds like a thermostat problem your having. Could be a tricky job due to it being an automatic system. I'm not sure about the technicalities of it. My seats have barely any heat when on low. Leave them on and they will heat up. Mines take ages.
  3. You can lower it buddy, I've got all that my with 19's and dropped 30mm. Still fine lowered on 18's
  4. I will have a set up for sale next week probably but they have Tyres all in good condition.
  5. i had a supercharged cooper s and i reckon it would probs keep up with the zed to about 100, change the supercharger pulley and bigger intercooler and you can easily push 230 bhp from them.
  6. They'll have artic char roaming the depths with torpedo's on there backs, sneaking up on enemy subs
  7. Lol very nice, I bet they're well annoyed when 2 zeds moved in next door
  8. Wow that is my dream car if I could insure it. Absolutely stunning! Great work!
  9. Report to the police. If there's damage then there's a claim. Also she's hit and run! It's these non zed driving women! Shocking stuff
  10. I think the reason it dynos better is because it enclosed and not getting the hear soak. When on the road the induction kits have a larger surface area on the filter and with the airflow while moving it while be able to swallow more air where as the airbox will have a smaller free area so it doesn't necessarily mean that when moving your gonna have that extra gain over the induction kit. I've bought one of these gadgets that plugs into your ecu and monitors all your actual speeds, acceleration, g-force and an actual on the road 0-60 etc so when it arrives I'll post up my results On the road my intake temps were lower with a pop charger than a std 03 airbox & were lower again with the ARC box. But when dynoed I was told by the operator that design of of the popcharger was losing me power. On the same rolling road a few months later (only changes were headers, stock intake & removal of plenum spacer) I gained 13hp over the figures with a popcharger & spacer Exactly what I'm saying. The rolling road does not prove it's effectiveness
  11. I think the reason it dynos better is because it enclosed and not getting the hear soak. When on the road the induction kits have a larger surface area on the filter and with the airflow while moving it while be able to swallow more air where as the airbox will have a smaller free area so it doesn't necessarily mean that when moving your gonna have that extra gain over the induction kit. I've bought one of these gadgets that plugs into your ecu and monitors all your actual speeds, acceleration, g-force and an actual on the road 0-60 etc so when it arrives I'll post up my results
  12. My dyno runs were done with the bonnett up and a large industrial fan blowing so I don't think heat soak would've been an issue. The engine bay will always be hot whether you are moving or not which is why the standard intake has a proper sealed box, not just an exposed cone filter. I had a long chat with the Paul at RS tuning about this at the time and he reckoned that pretty much all after market filters were less efficient that the standard air intakes. Even with the bonnet up your still going to get heatsoak, there's is no way even with a large industrial fan blowing that your gonna get enough air to imitate the natural airflow when driving at around 60mph, it's the air volume and velocity that matters not only the air velocity. Surely these companys cannot sell something that doesn't do what is stated, that means it was misrepresented in it's sale and everyone should be given refunds.
  13. How can nismo claim power gains from there intake if all these kits are losing power? I'll tell you what I think then, I think on the dyno it's showing a loss in power due to the fact that when the car is stationary there's no possible way to imitate the airflow of when the car is moving ie getting heat soak due to it being stationary. So on a real road when the car is moving and getting the necessary airflow these kits will show a gain?
  14. Very expensive mate and hard to get. I'll sell you mine for 3k just kidding I would never well mines but keep tour eyes open and speak to zmanalex
  15. Lol nice pics paulie! Shame about the pic of me! Caught me of guard lol Love that gm nismo in they pics I wonder whos it is?
  16. Fab pics Dawn! I'm waiting on the one paulie took with me and the handbag and umbrella surfacing lol. Shame the weather wasn't better but still a fabulous day!
  17. We should start. Zed jazz band and take over the world
  18. Lol cragus plays the pipes aswell. My mate was a European champion piper and played with shotts and dykehead
  19. No discounts for passengers available sorry I tried
  20. I'm a classically trained pianist(no jokes please) and also trained in jazz(grade 8) got myself a nice yamaha piano. I play the keyboards and I also play the guitar, got myself a classic model of the yamaha pacifica before they made the cheap versions, had a fender silver strat before that. Not played guitar in a while ps i dont look like a pianist, so dont take the ****
  21. Re swap: any pics? Just kiddin mate! +1 on Zags!
  22. What made you ask that zugara
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