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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. I don't know if it really makes you sit better. It definately stops you sliding from the seat when braking hard on the track.
  2. Lol sorry I'll rephrase, use the apex's and what kerbs to use and not use.
  3. Lol some poor guys gonna end up reading half of this thread and buying it lol
  4. Duncan. It was brilliant. Managed to shift the tread on the toyo t1r's. Was really going for it. He taught me which kerbs to use etc and how to use the apex kerbs and what lines to take if I make mistakes etc. It was brilliant. Is it a 2 hr slot? Will need to wait till pay day to see how the finances stretch coz I've got the holiday at the end of the month aswell.
  5. Can u describe in detail what is happening?
  6. How much is the hotmarques night? I done my performance lesson yesterday and learned the dry lines and all I can say is wow. The car is amazing. The instructor was amazing aswell.
  7. If you were wanting to sell it fast I think the price is too high. Especially being 2 yrs old. If it was more around the 700 Mark it will sell in minutes
  8. I'm not too sure yet. Looking down the custom route and trying to do something totally different. Fed up following the usual and buying kits even though they work. Gonna look at spending about 10k. Thinking bout buying another z and doing it and keep mines the way it is. Wanna buy one that I can track and not worry about it.
  9. Ian I'm saving for a turbo install aswell. Only single turbo though
  10. the standard nissan parts are pretty good, plenum spacers have a great effect once remapped.
  11. a few people have got it, i think PaulT has it, personally im saving for the cosworth intake. i think for the money you will put into the n/a engine you wont get much gains, probably better saving for a turbo for a few years. but defo go with either a plenum spacer for the intake manifold, exhaust, high flow cats, and a remap and you will defo feel a difference.
  12. i think it basically has the same effect as the throttle controller, makes it alot more responsive but i think its unnecessary... dont really use my first and second gear alot, generally 3rd and 4th are my favourites
  13. its not so much the gains u get, but more about how responsive the car becomes, how smooth the torque band becomes etc... you also take the limiter off the engine power or 1st to 3rd gear..
  14. do you mean the garage open sensors, that are on the front of the car, for people with automated garages. if it was parking sensors every tom dick and harry would be speed exempt and everyone one would be driving like mad max lol theres a special type of parking sensors which work on the freewave... the garage open ones aswell if you do get caught then you will have to argue the case that they were not fitted as speed camera jammers but purely the sole use if parking sensors... there has been various arrests without successful prosecution but those were devices which were bought as laser jammers.
  15. Neilp

    Yesterdays Drive

    Great pics Dawn! You never let us down! Kennys cars amazing! One of my favourites! Dying to see him giving it some beans and finally unleash the power of those twinturbos! Awesome!
  16. You can buy parking sensors which have the same effect. Uk police lasers work on a free-wave and so can be easily muddled without breaking the law. Check on the snooper website
  17. Lol how come every new member on here asks the same thing? I honestly don't think you'll need anymore power unless you want to be a straight line racer. If you want a faster car then buy an evo or something. The thing with the zed is that u have to learn to admire the potential the car has not only in straight line but how it drives on corners. I still haven't been able yo exploit the cars full potential even on the track. So in all honesty, chill and explore all the mid range torque you have find corners to really feel the car. Don't just concentrate on how fast it is in a straight line, remember it weighs around 1.5 tonnes and not a lightweight wanna be rally car. Take it to a track and get a lesson in it and you'll soon realise thy car is more than fast enough. Welcome by the way!
  18. i have the samsung series 6 and i have to say it was amazing when i got it... the full hd on it is outstanding but, to be honest, id lower the size you want and defo go for the led, nothing compares
  19. Tyre sizes are fine. How's the tread looking?
  20. Get a job near the missus, keep the house and car.... Simples
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