Oh ... of course the decimation of the coal industry only happened down south!
Of course everyone works in the Oil Industry up here... and of course the entire economy is linked to said Industry - No - Scotland has an awful lot more to offer and fall back on - medical research,chemical sciences, ICT and creative media/ gaming, Tourism - same as any Western / Developed (Industrial) country the (potential) GDP is made up of many parts not just oil.
According to Salmond, diminishing oil reserves will account for a massive 15% of Scotland's economy and they will dwindle to nothing in 35 years. If you think that's unimportant, good luck to you.
As for Neil, who thinks I'm talking the biggest load of "bullsh1t" he's ever heard, clearly he's not been listening to the 'yes' campaign's rosy predictions.
The selfish side of me says, "go ahead, vote yes", because in the long term it will be less of a drain on the UK's economy, but I really don't like to think of our Scottish brothers and sisters shooting their children and grandchildren in the foot, for the promise of short term gains. We're better together.
Buddy, I'm in the no camp and still think what you said was bullshit. I've watched every debate from the start of the campaigns until now.
I have immediate relatives who are in the gas industry and were legal analysts for westminster for trading gas. I'm perfectly well informed and aware of the oil reserves that Scotland has. Who gave you the figure that it will run out in 35 years?? The biggest threat to the Scottish economy is not the oil running out, its the costs involved in plugging old wells to allow us to open up new ones.
Docwra, Scotland has a thriving tourism industry, one of the most famous pharmaceutical research labs in the world, a huge construction industry, a very busy production industry, and a very good educational system. Besides a couple of car factories and canary wharf, what does England have when the oil reserves, that the country have, run out. Bear in mind if Scotland does go independent, this will have a massive impact on the financial sector in England and also the taxing system in England. If the oil runs out in Scotland under a westminster government the UK is still f*cked. The economy will crash again.
Please remember that I am a unionist and agree we are better together. However, there are questions and statements here that people need to back up with some facts.