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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. I'm a no voter mate lol, i'm just mixing it up
  2. Dat Rental car tho, Honestly worst thing about that track was Lethal b, saying that not heard anything i really like from him since his Back to Bizznizz album Lethal Bizzle is massive on the scene just now. Love a bit of grime. Lethal B has some awesome cars
  3. My music for when I'm doing deadlifts or squats is the Jay Z & Linkin Park Collision Course album
  4. Do you not think there is the slightest chance it could work? And potentially open up more jobs for the scottish people?
  5. lol decent album for free! Great publicity stunt for them though as its been assigned to every iTunes member as a purchase it will go straight in at number 1 in the charts no doubt
  6. Wow! Lots of hostility in here! The English are an angry bunch eh??
  7. that was exceptional good will Neil. Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear t'was mate, they said that it was an uncommon issue that had caused it and it shouldn't have happened. They did look at his records and seen he had paid for apple care etc, he had also taken it to them over the years for servicing and repairs etc. So, as usual, with apples phenomenal customer service, they done him a favour.
  8. I would honestly take it to mac. My buddy's 8 year old macbook pro hd failed and he got it replaced under good will. MBP is the business! Love mine and on it constantly. Infact my life basically revolves around it. I no longer use my work laptop at work because the mbp is just so much quicker and efficient.
  9. anybody heard any rumours of contract prices and the costs of the phone with it? I'm currently trying to weigh up getting the phone outright with my sim only deal or go for a contract
  10. hmm thats not good! Have you taken it into apple to see whats happened to it? Do you have apple care?
  11. how do you know the motor is fine? Its brushes that jam in the holder and lose contact with the commutator
  12. I'm pretty sure if you swap it round about the screen will flip for you
  13. Lol he was wearing it the full way through was he not? I've been chirping away on Facebook to myself about it. Currently in Stockton for work in a @*!# hotel bored! My video kept stalling though. Don't think apple were quite expecting the traffic. The watch looks absolutely amazing!
  14. Mate I watched it live!! Absolutely jizzing my pants!! Cannot wait to get rid of my 4s! Still, until today, I maintain, the best iphone ever made
  15. its a 2hr job to strip them out, repair them (free usually) and then refit. People are mental spending big money on new motors
  16. This is my favourite GT86 at the moment up here.
  17. Im at Spa tomorrow with a mate who drives a 182 Cup and other than long straights theres nothing between my coilovered, wide tyred, uprated brakes 350Z and his pretty much stock car. Youd be surprised .......... I had a different experience with a clio 172 at track, It was caged etc but for some reason I kept nearly running over it in corners but he was quicker out of corners until the beast decided to move (without nitrous running)
  18. Just seen this! Is it the y-pipe that's knackered mate or the gaskets? I have a couple of spare gaskets
  19. is the ex-sumo powers one still purple or has it changed now This was ZMANALEX's old car btw or should I say one of them...
  20. is the ex-sumo powers one still purple or has it changed now This was ZMANALEX's old car btw
  21. The thing is, intelligent scots know that Braveheart, the movie, was bullshit. I don't know why people keep referring to Braveheart... sh!ttest quality slagging i've ever heard. Bare in mind we also have trainspotting
  22. Ride that dirty diesel torque Lol I love my derv 1 series! Just a shame it runs out of revs so quickly
  23. Happy days mate! You've made the right decision!
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