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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. I wouldn't just go quoting media mate. If you Actually paid attention to the debates and whats going on you will see that both of these have been absolutely shattered, as rumours.
  2. yep virgin and EE aren't releasing their prices until this afternoon reports say. I'm hoping virgin is a good deal as I get friends and family, I will just cancel the order at O2 if need be
  3. http://appleinsider....rt-and-best-buy Looks like this is set to go big!
  4. you tell me lol.. however I was thinking more along the lines of desperate housewives
  5. I totally agree. I have had a fair use of both apple and android and I just find android a little too much work for me.
  6. Yep similar to the whole canon nikon camera debates Whatever suits you is best for you
  7. yep seems a very secure and easy way to use this! Along with the watch, everything will just fall into place
  8. How many NFC payments have you made since 2012? Hard to understand, is not just the device's hardware capabilities, is about the ecosystem, the OS, the inter-operability, the user interface, the customer service, the PERFECTION of Apple products. We are all just fan boys with too much money though (according to android and windows phone users)
  9. I have a nokia lumia beast and thats similar to the iPhone 6 size and it still feels huge in my hand, and I have quite big hands Don't know if I could cope with the 6 + size. I do like the idea of it though
  10. I've updated, just realised it wants you to vote in each poll before submitting lol
  11. Not really relevant. My mum has the nexus and its absolute pants! Its about how things work that matters, my mums phone crashes whenever it wants, freezes, and the android interface is a piece of sh*t to deal with. And also it doesn't sink with my MBP, iPad Air & iPad mini
  12. Just a quick fun thread to see how many people are skiving at work, or skiving while working from home
  13. I really liked Virgin to be honest. Always had fantastic service. Even outside up our way 3 coverage is terrible mate, we attempted to have 3 a couple of times up here and its been disastrous every time unfortunately. That 53 quid a month includes the costs of the iPhone 64gb also. So 1300 over 2 years including phone and contract. Not too shabby imo.
  14. 3 has terrible signal where I live. Currently with Virgin on a sim only 15 a month unlimited but no 4g. I'm in between glasgow and edinburgh in the hills and signal issues are a nightmare. My old man had a 3 sim only deal and it was atrocious where we live. Couldn't get any signal in our house and the customer service was shocking
  15. Decided to move back to O2. 20gb 4g data, unlimited minutes and texts £53 a month
  16. Honestly, the wheels aren't worth more than 100 for the set, 2nd hand tyres with probably 1 or 2 days left in them aren't worth £200 imo.
  17. That was awesome! People seem to be getting into a frenzy over small things. Like him or not he answered it comprehensively. The best bit is that the BBC are claiming that Alex Salmond didn't answer this question
  18. Are you saying that Westminster is or has been putting a block on companies setting up business's in Scotland? Or could it be the uncertainty that is putting companies off, or maybe there's other factors. Pete Nope what I was thinking is that if we need change our service etc then jobs will open up in the Army, financial, public sectors etc.
  19. really? i dont think Grime has ever been as good as it was mid 2000's with Sway, Kano, Akala Tinnie tempah before the big record deal it just seems full of the older guys ie LB or sway trying to make club tracks which i see the reason but there all @*!# and people like Devlin who i know have been around just aslong but the stuff there releaseing now is nothing on, 'This is my Demo', 'home sweet home' and 'Its not a Rumor' And just because i love these track im going to share it sorry off topic but this thread just made me think of it again I agree however, I'm still a massive fan of Tinie Tempah, Skepta, giggs, devlin and all the rest of the mob that became commercialised. I've been listening to grime since skepta first came on the scene. Before that I was a massive fan of american rap and RnB etc. I do listen to everything but there something about grime.
  20. What the RBS thing really means is that they want their licences registered in London if there is no currency union so they are covered by the Lender Of Last Resort (LOLR), the Bank of England, and can continue to get huge taxpayers funded bailouts every time their investment arms go over the fiscal cliff
  21. Uncertainty mate. And no cold hard facts. I would love to be free from westminster (and I'm pretty sure half of England would too) however I'm not sure if the time is right just now
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