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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. Whats your budget, as this will determine which version you will purchase and the issue related to that version?
  2. Unless your from the east coast they'll no get this lol I'm from the west coast mate think your talking about fury boots ye fe land. lol sorry bud I was thinking about East coasters not even getting it when typing lol! #Westside
  3. Unless your from the east coast they'll no get this lol
  4. Drop me a PM with their username and i'll have a look to see if I can see anything
  5. There were people actually stalking her instagram and all sorts lol poor lass
  6. Are you trying to message a banned member or a member who has had there PM's disabled?
  7. PM'd you to check mines. All ok. Are you on a mac? Try clearing the caches etc
  8. To be fair almost every guy on here was a complete creep to her also
  9. All is cars were legit also btw! New car everytime I seen him
  10. He almost certainly got banned, that was a MEGA incident. Although again I didnt witness it full frontal unfort. Yeah. He was banned. He was a grade A dick and was caught out. I always got on fairly well with him years back but he went pretty mental towards the end. Shame really but as they says 'nowt as queer as Dan.......I mean folk' I know him personally as he trains at the same gym. Him and his brothers are pretty big players up here to be fair.
  11. Lol, where you bought it from doesn't matter. Give Samsung a call. A tv is expected to last probably 5-10 years. 2 is unreasonable
  12. Very doubtful mate, there is the sales of goods act but electrical goods are excluded I believe, could be wrong... Nope, had the same issue. Got myself a new screen for free out with warranty. Theres a couple of things that you need to prove but consumer advice will advise on it. Fair enough mate, good to know Where's our resident trainee lawyer when you need him? I'll speak with my bro, his specialist is contract & competition law so he should know what approach to take on this one.
  13. "Before claiming under the Sale of Goods Act it's important to check: how long ago you purchased the television. As a general rule, the older the television, the less likely you are to be able to prove that there was a fault at the time of purchase if it's reasonable to expect this fault at this time. For example, if your TV is more than six years old, it may be likely to develop a fault to see if the part that's gone wrong is likely to be affected by wear and tear If you're outside your warranty period you can still claim from the retailer as your rights are not affected by the expiration of a warranty."
  14. Very doubtful mate, there is the sales of goods act but electrical goods are excluded I believe, could be wrong... Nope, had the same issue. Got myself a new screen for free out with warranty. Theres a couple of things that you need to prove but consumer advice will advise on it.
  15. Even though its out of warranty, I reckon Samsung may help you out. The item wasn't fit for purpose and has failed within a timeframe which the TV should have been reasonably expected to last.
  16. This is common when people are installing windows to a mac. Have you tried starting in recovery mode?
  17. Happy birthday Chris! Enjoy your day matey!
  18. This is what I said lol! I think it looks sweet without
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