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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Right indicator on is a great German technique that is completely ignored in the UK. right indicator on means you're an arse - I know you're there and I will get out of the way as soon as i can anyway ..... now you're just pissing me off You only use it if you know they can get out your way and haven't done it for some reason (not paying attention etc.). I wouldn't sit behind you with it on for no reason.
  2. Right indicator on is a great German technique that is completely ignored in the UK.
  3. That sounds really good, will go take a look
  4. Ok, so this inspired me to go on a massive internet trawl and see if I can dig up a copy of the original to repost here. It's buried deep in the web somewhere, just got to figure out where, most people have just linked to it. In the mean time I found this, which is also sobering.
  5. Don't toy with my emotions like that! In regards to the celeb deaths, it's well known that it's only going to get worse as we delve deeper and deeper into generations with more celebrities. The whole "**** 2016" thing is getting tiresome, it's sad yes, should we mourn, yes, but I'm fed up with the over dramatic arm flailing in the air "OH MY GAWD 2016! it's like a George R.R. Martin script!". And the news sites are trying to report as many deaths as possible now as it gets so many "clicks", it's sad.
  6. I did think it was a dazzling Pink. I'm only a **** when I'm raging at people who won't shift up the line when someone leaves the loading bay Britt is her name, i know it's a big place though so who knows how many people they employ in there.
  7. I'm not going mad then my mrs works there too, I'm the blue (previously white) fiesta that sits there waiting until the end of time for her to finish. Small world! I think I watched your car being wrapped panel at a time each day you picked her up
  8. I'm trying to think if I've seen your car around Cov, have I seen it near IKEA? My memory is going, clearly as you'd think I'd remember a bright red one
  9. The Mrs drove the Zed home so that explains the femininity of the hands in question!
  10. So you completely lost the solder pad? Yeah I guess if you trace the track to somewhere else and solder there it'd be fine, can't quite see on that pic. Once you've done it and you're 100% sure it's all working, you can put a blob of glue over it, then use a cable tie to tie the wire onto something as strain relief.
  11. Awesome stuff, good info from a good source.
  12. if you're gonna be shelling out for a new BOV it cant hurt to have a play around with the current one first (assuming you don't make it worse and blow your engine up) or would you hope to sell on the Blitz one once you have a replacement? If it's in good condition and working I guess I could sell it, I have a habit of being far too lazy to sell stuff though and it just lays about in my garage. I have a ton of 350z stuff all boxed up in there
  13. I've updated the steps here: http://www.350z-uk.c...de/#entry686203 With info regarding both cutting of the tracks and removal of the spring. Both of these seem to be a common point of confusion so I hope that clears it up. 5 years later... Better late than never
  14. It's been years since I wrote the guide, but wasn't there a spring or something to be removed? Either that or people were getting a blank cassette, pulling all the tape out of it and putting it in, tricking the system into thinking there was a tape in there. I went for the spring option as the tape being in leaves the door partially open which looks a bit meh. EDIT: I updated the guide here: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/45398-how-to-bose-phono-ipod-hack-guide/#entry686203
  15. Husky


    I'll have you know that there isn't anything power related on mine that's untouched from the factory anymore I even have a teeny tiny bit more capacity than you do! Re-bore ftw
  16. Basically my Blitz BoV blows too early since I had the hybrid turbo put in, so I have to keep the pressure down or it goes a bit crazy dumping every half second. There is an adjustment on the back but I've checked up on it, it's not an adjustment for the spring, it's for some factory calibration and shouldn't be fiddled with. So I'm back to square one of needing to shell out for a new BoV then, ahh well, thought I may have been onto a cheaper option there
  17. Husky


    You got a damn good deal then! What a lovely history to have, wish something like that was around when I was looking, but then again, I was determined to get a UK one not an import.
  18. Just need to find something to blank it with... Can I use a chunk of wood? Joke I guess I have to go get something machined then, or are there aftermarket parts for it? Only thing I've found under ST205 bov blanking is a 4 year old post which was a dead end.
  19. Dealing with the rusty stock exhaust flange is like a right of passage for all Zed owners
  20. Husky


    I'm getting paint jealousy here! I'm guessing the previous owner of your Faff was as diligent as you? The paint seems in great condition compared to mine, red fades really well after 20 years.
  21. Ok, so if one were to feel the need to remove their BoV and block that off, what would a noob use to achieve this?
  22. Car supplies the correct amount of fuel for the air that is metered in. For simplicity let's say 1 amount of air gives 1 amount of fuel. Air coming back out the air intake due to closed off bov will be read again (albeit not accurately), now car thinks theres more air coming in even though there isn't. 2 air now gives 2 fuel. The problem is that the engine is actually only getting 0.1air but it's still going to give that 2 fuel as dictated by the AFM. That's my grasp if it thus far.
  23. Ok ok, I'll put my cynic hat back away
  24. Can't quite seem to get that closure and ever permanently leave
  25. Totally sounds like a can of marketing, but interested to see if it makes a difference.
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