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Posts posted by Husky


    Few gauge clusters available from zmanalex I think, and you can get other dials too when you swap!!


    I think R35Lee had a center guage pod!!


    pm R35Lee or Zmanalex - im sure one of those 2 can get you one


    Cheers guys, done :thumbs:



    Good luck, I've been waiting for someone in the uk to do this


    Thanks. I peel cars apart to test for a living and dont give a t**s but when its my own i get all panic'y and noobish :dummy::lol:

  2. Let us know how you get on! You'll need tri-colour SMD LEDs if they even exist! I'm pretty sure the LEDs in the dash are SMD LEDs not normal 3 or 5mm jobbies




    after a really quick search so at least we know they exsist.


    problem is if they are surface mount adding in any kind of control for the tri colour will be difficult <--optimistic


    anyone know where there is a pic of the instrument cluster with the front ripped off?

  3. here we go:


    Hmm i think a spare dash is a must!! will make a nice centerpeice on the coffee table :teeth:

    Where do i get a spare dash....?


    This does indeed look like a big job. got to work out if its going to look B) enough to be worth it...


    ontop of all the work that this guy is doing i would have to add in circuitry to control the colour of the LED's, possibly on thier own little network...


    if i have a spare dash hanging around i think i would reupholster it at the same time :teeth:

    this is how good plans form...! (and take over your life)

  4. Hmm :blink:

    thanks for the input guys :thumbs:

    I know i can work out the electronics side of it. the fitting in the Z though i have not a scooby doo about? ive never taken the dash apart as ive only had it for a few days :lol:

    Few people done it in the states now, have a look on my350z and search for the user name of Acree and you will find the info on all the bits you need!

    Going to read now.


    [someone just turned the heating on full blast in the office :yuck: i may not live long. :wacko:

  5. Has anyone thought of putting tri coloured LED's in the dash so you can pick what colour you want? I was thinking you could have the middle gauge blend to red when revs are high :teeth: I figure if im going to pull it apart i may aswell do a proper job of it all. B)


    So if your wondering what a tri colour LED is then:



    and if your a little more interested in how it could be controlled then:



    This may be a plan!! :dance:

  6. Hey guys n Gals.


    Was wondering if anyone had any experience with west way nissan coventry? I want to get the new car looked at to see what needs sorted asap so i can get the dealer who sold it to me to pay! :boxing:


    I hear lots of clicking. :blush:

    Gearbox feels like sychromesh could be poop also


    I just need someone who actually knows what they are listening for to have a prod.

    (Dealers prob arent the best plan then :lol: )

    I will need them to confirm it though so i have proof its there for the other garage.



  7. Ah, so my lovely shiney new car 04 plate 22000miles has this problem. thought it was quite dodgy and after coming out of a 6 hour drive i am pretty sure its showing the signs. I can only assume because it did so few miles in its first 3 years the problem didnt rear its ugly head untill out of warranty and noones bothered to sort it. the absolute bonus though is that i took out a year warranty when i bought it, 300 quid well spent if you ask me! phew! :clap:

  8. it was good but not the greatest.

    i liked it but it did feel like a cash cow taking the liked parts of the first one and repeating them with bigger budget, better graphics, closer perving etc. megan fox though :#1:

  9. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So before you read this i have to admit that its my fault for not checking. (will make sense in a min.)


    So last night i decided to get together the stuff ready to pick up the new car. simple...




    Focus's key and spare key, check.

    insurance documents, check.

    Registation documents, check.

    sandwiches and juice for journey, check.

    MOT certificate for focus, WTF, huh I swear I saw... well maybe i didnt *rummages arround some more*. nope definately dont. NOT CHECK panic panic NOT CHECK!!!! :scare::scare::scare::scare::scare:


    So phone up freind who was there when i bought focus.


    Me: "Dood, dood! you remember when i bought the focus?"

    friend: "wtf calm the f*** down, yes i do"

    Me: "and you remember him saying; "Yeah Yeah we'll service and MOT it before you pick it up"?"

    friend: " yeah..."

    Me: "well, they didnt f***ing MOT it did they.

    friend: "err.. is that bad?"

    Me: " :rant::angry::bang: OMFG what do you think it is? huh? you think its good? you think im bl***y laughing? NO im not, cos the car has been out of MOT for 6 months! :bang::angry::rant: "

    friend: *click*, *boooooooooooooooooooo <--hung up :bangin:


    So yeah. i did apologise btw.


    Anyhoo. so i phoned the garage first thing in the morning in the vain hope they just didnt give me the certificate.

    Nope. :thumbdown:

    No record of it. :thumbdown:

    At all. :thumbdown:

    What so ever. :headhurt:


    So i have had to run round today like a blue a***d fly trying to get an MOT done before 1PM. no such luck, way to busy today everywhere. so i though the ford guy could sort it tomorrow first thing for me seeing as he f***ed me over in the first place. Phone him up and:


    "Hi can you please sort out an MOT first thing tommorow morning for me."

    "i'll put you through to rapid fit"


    "Hi rapid fit, and who the f*** are you?"

    "hi, im some random customer who you have no reason to help out, please dont help!"


    And so i have managed to get the local Allen ford garage to supposedly do it by the end of the day. this means i wont get to scotland till prob 12.30AM - 1AM.


    :dummy: rant over, for now.

  10. Thankyou for the warm welcome! :teeth:

    i am worried about running out of road in a corner lol

    My freind was telling me not to bail in a corner, stick in there and dont be jumpy with the throttle it wont appreciate it!

    I cant wait! :clap: Im going to have to find somewhere to have a toy about early in the morning, would rather **** it up in private and safely :dummy:


    :bounce:3 days, 2 hours, 5 mins to wait!!! :bounce:

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