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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Sadly I do not have the circle thing that air comes on the door.
  2. Thanks for that No lights I'm afraid
  3. Hi, For sale, 350Z pre 06 y pipe. Condition as shown in pictures, new bolt required on flange. £35 inlcuding P&P I'm clearing out so these will go in the bin if not sold, payment by paypal only. Thanks Husky
  4. Or maybe you need to grow up. /leaves thread
  5. Wow, Did you actually just call me a cretin?
  6. Glad you find it funny. Personally I don't find bullying on any level funny, as you don't know the effect on the person who's being picked on. Each to their own I guess. Laugh away
  7. just mocking you, not dyslexia. I don't post much these days but I do read, so sorry if I'm late to the thread but really... If I were the admin you worked under you would have your very own infraction for that, bullying of forum members from a normal member is bad enough but from a moderator it's disgusting. How old are you? 12?
  8. Ok, these are all sold so the thread can be locked. I'll talk to RTBiscuit to see if he wants to run a group buy for you, I know how he loves those things
  9. Hi guys, I'm digging around as i think I have more than 4 (maybe) I'll get back to you all tonight, sorry for the delay
  10. http://ricks2k.com/info/instructions/350Z.pdf
  11. You're ALIVE!!!!! *checks pulse* Barely I think.
  12. Hi, For sale - 350z Pre06 headlight CLEAR reflectors I have 4 pairs of these available. I don't do fitting of these, If you want to know how to fit them search my350z.com or YouTube as many people have done it there for various vehicles headlights. I will have blacked out headlight internals available shortly if you were looking for them also. £20 including delivery they look like this fitted: I have a large amount of parts to move on, as such I won't be changing the price, either it sells here or gets ebayed or binned, most likely the latter as I don't want it kicking around. Payment via PayPal. -Husky
  13. Hi, For Sale - 350z Pre06 UK heater controls (I have two available) £60 inc p&p sorry about the greasy fingerprints on them, seems the camera picked that up as well as flipping the image upside down They are clean now. I have a large amount of parts to move on, as such I won't be changing the price, either it sells here or gets ebayed or binned, most likely the latter as I don't want it kicking around. Payment via PayPal. -Husky
  14. Hi, For Sale - 350Z post06 heater controls £75 including delivery I have a large amount of parts to move on, as such I won't be changing the price, either it sells here or gets ebayed or binned, most likely the latter as I don't want it kicking around. Payment via PayPal. -Husky
  15. Hi, For Sale - Pass side door handle trim £17 inc postage I have a large amount of parts to move on, as such I won't be changing the price, either it sells here or gets ebayed or binned, most likely the latter as I don't want it kicking around. Payment via PayPal. -Husky
  16. Hi, For Sale - 350z Passenger side door trim insert, carbon wrapped The quality of the carbon wrap can be seen in the pictures, can be removed, but do not know condition of metal underneath. £17 including delivery I have a large amount of parts to move on, as such I won't be changing the price, either it sells here or gets ebayed or binned, most likely the latter as I don't want it kicking around. Payment via PayPal. -Husky
  17. Hi, For Sale - 350z pre06 - Drivers side door trim £35 including delivery I have a large amount of parts to move on, as such I won't be changing the price, either it sells here or gets ebayed or binned, most likely the latter as I don't want it kicking around. Payment via PayPal. -Husky
  18. Hi, For sale, 350Z pre06 UK heater controls + ECU. £160 including P&P I have a large amount of parts to move on, as such I won't be changing the price, either it sells here or gets ebayed or binned, most likely the latter as I don't want it kicking around. Payment via PayPal. -Husky
  19. I'm a massive gamer I play Minecraft mostly (running some servers too), and moderate for the Yogscast.
  20. Thanks for the kind comments guys, These are now sold pending payment.
  21. Cheers guys, yes it was a day full of noob error and I don't have a copy of them. Fortunately they weren't technical for sale posts, just there were quite a few of them to write again. I just checked my emails as they are filtered into folders and yes they are there. yes I do receive PM's, I just thought the disapprove would come via PM and didn't think that it might only come via email. I guess a copy paste into the disapprove email for big for sale posts would be pretty useful. Cheers
  22. Hi, I notice the level of communication from forum staff to user in the for sale section is rather frustrating. I entered a fairly hefty number of for sale threads, some of which I mistakenly added pictures from the wrong photobucket album (not containing the piece of paper with user name). Of course this mistake means the threads do not conform to the forum rules and so will not be approved, I respect that. However, the problem arises that I haven't been informed they will not be approved, I just had to scratch my head and figure out after a few days of missed sale time why they weren't there. I do not have a copy of the threads to edit and resubmit as they were not sent back to me along with any reasoning for refusal. A helpful system to implement would be one where, if the thread was to be refused, a message (be it automated or moderator written) would be sent to the user. The message would contain a quote of the thread and a quick sentence of why it was refused. Hope that helps forum
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