Oh, I thought it was his mum... The lights were off and there were... extra bits.
OnT: I do miss the zed in some ways but I love my GT4 and connect with it in a way I never did the zed. She blew her radiator the other day and I gave her a hug to make it better
All the bits I might miss from the zed are made up for in a completely different way in my GT4.
- I miss the beautiful polished paintwork, but then I love the fact I don't have to give a stuff about cleaning the GT4 and I don't stress about scratches etc.
- I miss the awesome wheels I had on my zed, but then I love the fact I don't ever worry about kerbing or cleaning the GT4's crappy ones.
- I miss the linear acceleration of the zed, I love the turbo in the GT4
- I miss the newer looking interior (ish) of the zed, I love the cloth seats and simple mechanical feel of the GT4's interior and the fact I have 4 seats, the front seats being able to go flat like a bed.
- I miss having a different car that people noticed, now everyone has a zed, there are 6 in my work carpark alone. The GT4 is generally ignored or seen as a old jap car with a big jap can (which it is )