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Everything posted by Husky

  1. I did this on mine shortly before I sold it. It looked good. Warning: If you short the dome lights you will fry a track on the BCM, it is however repairable if you take the BCM apart and re-solder the burned track.
  2. it is indeed a bulb not an LED, it has a silicon cap over the top of it.
  3. It's because the exhaust is cheap, badly made crap. It has been known not to fit for what? 5 years? The manufacturer have been made aware numerous times but they don't care because people buy them anyway. The company in china that spit them out must love it. Nothing changes as no one does the research before they buy. The money spent to fix a Japspeed could have been spent on a nice custom exhaust, etc etc. Sorry I'm sure someone will come along with a more helpful post than mine involving a big hammer soon.
  4. Ok, going to go through the garage boxes today to look for it. Wish me luck haha! I'll see how many I have and then post up. Sorry about my PM inbox, I don't think there is any way of saving it tbh I'll get Biscuit to PM you my email
  5. Having split lights many times I'd recommend a combination of oven and gun for splitting and sealing. Pre heat it with the oven then split it using the heat gun to keep the heat where you need it. When re sealing, use the heat gun to keep the glue easier to work with but then stick it in the oven to get a proper flow in all the cracks when together. If I did it again, I know I would; be doing it on a spare set if possible so I'm not rushed Do it in the most dust free environment possible never wipe or touch the inside of the clear plastic headlight cover (don't touch the UV coating!!) use the oven to do a final reseal use remelt-able glue to fill in gaps when resealing them
  6. Most of us can keep a car past 3 months without getting an itchy wallet Ricey
  7. we actually discussed this but his jag can't have a tow bar. I think the RAC woman was just being a bitch. I think the plan is now to get it recovered to the garage on saturday morning and i'll go with them. then get drunk saturday night up in blackburn and make my way back down in a fixed car. Either that or my mechanic is happy to loan me his van to use for a week.
  8. Ok, so this is the challenge. I need to figure out how to get the car from my doorstep in coventry, to the GT4 specialist garage in blackburn without running the car. To this end, I took out RAC cover for "at home" and "recovery". That sounds simple doesn't it, but no it isn't, here's the shortened blurb regarding the service: Right, so I phoned them up and asked them to come look at the car, I also asked them to take it to the Blackburn garage. I was told, "no" because it was at home they would only take it as far as 10 miles to a local garage and if i wanted it to go further I'd have to pay. To me this feels at odds with the recovery cover I'd paid for. So I phoned back and cancelled the visit saying things were just dandy again This leaves me with the issue of getting it there still. So I can do the usual thing and tow the car a distance away from home and then call them and claim on the recovery, asking to be taken to my destination which was the garage in Blackburn. But I don't want to have to go there myself! It seems this is the only solution and I'm going to have to be driven by an RAC bloke 130 miles away from home so I can take a £45 train back. Anyone got any better ideas?
  9. I think the whole thing sounds nuts :O Stopping to chat to a complete stranger after flashing your lights, it's a bit weird no?
  10. I think we've all done some stupid things in cars during our driving careers. I was recounting my 3 most retarded driving moments to the GF last night. Looking back on them it does make me facepalm a bit, and also think how lucky I was too. I've only ever been stopped once by the police, in the dead of night on a dual carriage way. I wasn't speeding, I just caned it off the lights and he happened to be behind me. He caught up and accused me of racing, utterly bewildered I realised he meant the taxi that was beside me at the lights. I just had a lead foot, it comes across as quite an aggressive driving style when viewed from the outside so his grumpy face was understandable. It's interesting when you see how your driving looks from the outside, not often you get the opportunity, it but it's amazing how much you learn when you do. "Do I really have that road position?" "I pulled away pretty fast there" "that wheel spin was way more noticeable than I thought." "My revving sounds far more dickish from the outside" Next time you find a car (including the police) tailing you, lift off the throttle. The only control you have over his stopping distance is the speed he travels at, so you need to reduce it until it's safe. After you've slowed a bit and they drop back then ease your speed back up. But for the love of god don't take the ****, do not stamp on the brakes, and don't stamp on the throttle either. If they still tail you, then it's easy for them to pass at the lower speed and they can crack on with their journey being an ass hat to someone else.
  11. Indeed, I got a slap on the wrist for doing 33mph in a 30, 5 metres from a 60mph zone. Which is a good back up of what someone said earlier, you can be .0001 over the limit, the rules are the rules and they can do you for it. I have various advanced driving licenses and drive tens of thousands work and personal miles a year, but bottom line, we are all human and make mistakes. Going slower means that when you inevitably do make a mistake, it doesn't cost you or others around you too much. That day when I got my awareness course for 33mph I'm damned sure all the cars in front of me got points as they were long gone at that 60 sign. Glad I was being sensible. PS: I'm never visiting sodding wales again those cheating speed camera fine raping bastards
  12. This entire concept makes me want to vomit.
  13. Slight speeding on the motorway is, as far as statistics go, not that dangerous (I'm not saying you should do it though!) hence the police tend to leave you alone as there are better things they could be spending time on. Speeding in a 30 zone however is statistically stupid thing to do. Not to mention the nature of the accidents involved (hitting children). Sit at 73Mph on your speedo on the motorway and put a good tune on to pass the time. It's surprising how many people obsess over their rear view mirror on the motorway and feel like the traffic is pushing them along to go faster. You'll never meet the people again, you don't actually care about them and they don't care about you, so why should you speed up for them? In a 30 zone, go 30 or slower, a ridiculous idea I know, but it is OK to go less than 30 in a built up area, especially if there are many parked cars and junctions. It's a limit, not a target.
  14. The worst part of the "Bose" is the CD player, the "hack" bypasses this and is far better quality audio with much increased volume before clipping.
  15. Might get more interest with a less confusing post. The wall of text makes me dizzy.
  16. Husky

    Purple bits

    Have you thought about getting parts dipped? Hydrographics I mean.
  17. Husky

    Purple bits

    Why not just crack on with some purple paint? Ricey did and it looked good.
  18. Totally childish but, best thread name ever.
  19. I feeling glad I'm at work and haven't watched it yet
  20. It's something that's so different for people, and really does depend on where. Mine was on my back and parts really sucked, others were tolerable. Overall though, it was a pretty painful experience for me.
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