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Everything posted by Husky

  1. Yeah man, proper Nintendo thing too, so works seamlessly and is a quality product. About £20 I think. Not all games work with it, as not all games require triggers or dual analogues, although it's worth leaving on as it makes it so much more comfortable to hold. had a go of the 3DSXL today, my hand/wrist is in agony. will be getting this!
  2. interesting, didn't realise you could get such a thing. the GF got link between worlds and a ocarina of time for the 3DSXL i got her.
  3. Did you and your mates get a chance to test that map? --- Just spent 2 hours mapping a controller for BF4 on the PC for my dad. EA need shot.
  4. Just got BF4 for the PC, what a mess EA have made of it. I had BF3 on xbox before and knew nothing of this browser based launcher, it's horrific!
  5. Sounds like when I switched from CoD to Battlefield. "It's the same... No wait... it's entirely different... ARGH I'm dying lots now!"
  6. Playing the Starbound Beta now, it's pretty good Been playing it LAN with the GF.
  7. On a competely different note, who's looking forward to the Steam box when it comes out? Valve are well on their way to implementing Steam in Linux and Big Picture is up and running, can't be far off now? For those who don't know what the Steam Box is; It's a system that is to bring PC gaming to the console folk, and release PC gamers from sitting at a desk. The box will be a small gaming centred PC running on Linux with a Steam front end. Steam has been developing Big Picture, so the whole thing is simple to use on a TV with remotes and controllers. Steam boxes will not be a sealed unit like a console, they will be upgradable. This removes the problem that consoles bring, gaming technology gets stagnant, locked in for 10 year cycles while waiting for the next generation of consoles, meanwhile technology has moved far beyond and way more is possible. People rave about the graphics in the new GTA, but PC games have had far better graphics for a long time! The other selling point of the steam box system is that it's not just going to be made by Valve, this is a system that can be built by other manufacturers, much like PC's can be. This means competition in the market leading to better prices and newer tech being added as it becomes available. Looking forward to it
  8. I played Modern Warfare 2 way, way too much. I was that guy who sniped across the map with a noob tube into a window. Sad, I know. But after putting so many hours into that game you realise how completely the same all the following games are. CoD, in essence has barely changed from those days, the maps change, the weapons are re-skinned and some gimmicks are thrown in, but it just feels like the same; run, shoot, run, shoot, die, re-spawn, run, shoot, run, shoot, etc. You end up in this loop for hours on end, more and more frustrating. No matter how well you do, you get frustrated when you get killed, it could have been you on a 20 kill streak, my god, 20 kills in a row, that's awesome! But nope, instead of celebrating 20 kills in a row, you rage at your kill-streak being cut off. Broken controllers ensue and it's just not a healthy environment I switched to battlefield 3 and found it to be a revelation, a completely different game that felt fresh and open. It wasn't just constant grinding like CoD, it was tactics, explosions, vehicles, huge maps, squads, and lots of fun. Now we are onto battlefield 4 and... I have to say it puts me in a bit of a dilemma... I have pretty strong feelings about the exceedingly large quantity of douchebaggery EA hands out on the gaming community and hate the idea of funding their "rape their wallets dry" approach to business. Like most people though, I will end up being another pleb bitching about EA policies with one hand while the other hits the download button on the disgusting atrocity that is Origin, just so I can play BF4.
  9. Ooh, I'll pop you a PM, save boring more people about Minecraft
  10. You can upload to imgur on their website even on mobile, i think the button is at the top right. Alternatively they have an app for iphone and android.
  11. Sweet Jesus people, make your way into the modern era and put them on Imgur. Way faster, less clutter, you can ctrl+V straight into it and you don't even need to log in.
  12. Yep, Minecraft. It's such a universal game there tends to be very different demographics that play. But I reckon there are as many squeaky kids playing CoD as there are Minecraft It's a game where you can be creative rather than destructive, which as an engineer and technically minded person, I really enjoy.
  13. Nice to find there are gamers here I'm kinda splitting my time atm between Skyrim (which is fairly heavily modded), Minecraft (the FTB Ultimate modpack) on my own server and development of my own RTS game. If, and this is a highly unlikely one, anyone want's to play FTB on a quiet, adult server you're welcome on mine.
  14. You should be wiping any machine bought 2nd hand, irrelevant of what you're told. You simply don't know what's on there that could endanger the information you put on it. Factory restore it.
  15. I agree completely, you break the rules you get the consequences.
  16. I find it funny the reaction from some to social media. It's like people years ago saying "ooh no, I don't have a television because they make you go blind!" or "No I don't have a mobile phone, they give you cancer and ruin everything" or when people would pass out going 10mph on one of the first cars because it was so scarily, dangerously fast! Time's change and the world evolves. To dismiss something so heavily present and advancing in modern society as a waste of time or stupid (I'm paraphrasing) is foolish. The television has allowed the world to learn, understand and stay informed as well as waste peoples time on an over indulgance of entertainment. A mobile phone might right now be giving a girl somewhere girl a way of calling the police to prevent violent abuse. Someones life may have just been saved by a paramedic able to get to a scene fast enough due to the invention of the car. Just the same as these other inventions there are examples of good coming from social media; people who suffer from heavy depression can find a voice through social media, friends who are far apart can remain in contact with each other, peoples photo albums are no longer dusty things in the back of a drawer taken out at christmas only and can be shared with their friends and family bringing people closer together. There is good and bad in everything new, obviously the OP's daughter has found the bad side of this. But people getting sacked for saying dodgy things about other employees is not a new thing (office gossip, letters, email, texting), this is just a new way of it happening. More on topic, I'd say not to challenge it and move on with the hard life lesson learnt. The workplace will never be the same, she will not feel welcome there and will forever have a bitter taste left from the whole experience. This will make it a miserable place to work and so she will want to leave in a few months time anyway. New job, fresh start.
  17. Give Wasso a shout, he does some cracking work
  18. It's not unknown for calliper paint to change colour under extreme heat cycles. Happens on various ceramc set ups.
  19. Sorry to hear about your braking overheat But those Brembos are a lovely colour now!
  20. Husky

    Celica GT4

    Fired an insurance enquiry your way
  21. Husky

    Celica GT4

    Yeah, removing the risers is really easy. Depends on how well they were fitted originally as to how tight the bolts are etc. Just open the boot, look underneath and you'll see some access holes for the spoiler with bolts in them. Can't remember if you have to take the black plastic trim off, it just pops off if you do. Undo the bolts to the risers. take the spoiler with risers attached off look inside the risers and you'll see the bolts holding it to the spoiler. unbolt the risers from the spoiler. use these bolts to fix it back down onto the boot. Mine hadn't been fitted properly so there was a lot of paint damage sadly. But better to know about it than leave it hidden under the blocks rusting away.
  22. I thought it was pretty much the accepted thing that insurance companies auto renew if you don't tell them otherwise. Every time I read through my policy, that line is there. This is why renewals are circa 25% more expensive. Sadly, it's not up to them to tell you to look after your money, or diary, or wipe your bum for you. Don't worry though, you're not alone, I'm equally useless at remembering to check such things! My insurance that is, I'm fine at wiping my bum these days, it was a hard learning curve but 27 years later I have it sorted.
  23. Can't say I like them, sorry :/ However I think that's more due to the fact I detest the basic OEM wheels. Love the colour though
  24. Yes, twist too hard without clamping the bottom and you'll potentially do damage. Although I've never seen any mention of being in neutral in a guide, I'd imagine this is the best place, just an educated guess. From memory, anticlockwise. I put a rubber o-ring under the metal spacer and left it in, means it doesn't rattle and you don't lose it.
  25. Husky

    Celica GT4

    Hi Sorry, PM inbox is probably thousands over being full. I swapped in my 350z for a GT4 a few years back. Love the GT4. I did indeed take the spoiler risers out to lower the wing, it's just personal preference. The bonus is that the WRC risers sell really easily, think I got around £40 for mine on ebay and they needed a respray. The best thing I ever did with this car was take it to Martin at MK Auto Repairs And Tuning https://www.facebook...4641634?fref=ts I'm real damned picky with garages after being burned a few times in the past with so called "amazing" recommended garages doing shoddy jobs. Now I drive from Coventry to Blackburn to get the car worked on, it's worth it. Let him know I sent you Speaking from experience I'd take everything previous owners say as a guide to the car, not fact. Get everything they have told you confirmed first and then work from there. My car was running 300bhp when I got it, but only because of some Maplin style ECU mods that ended up killing my injectors and MAP sensor. I detuned mine right back after that was discovered and then I rebuilt from stock levels. Originally I bought mine with forged internals, and some random bits modded here and there. Since then, due to the shoddy work of previous owners garages, I've replaced most of the engine. I'm not too concerned about it as now I know it has been meticulously put together by Martin. I basically have a factory fresh engine. I bought some fresh forged pistons too as the bore in my engine was stupidly large for stock sized forged pistons it had, I stepped up to the next size piston and we bored the block to match perfectly. Turbo wise, it depends on what you want out of her. Personally I decided on 350BHP as you can get a refurb of your stock turbo with hybrid internals. The hybrid actually gives you a better spool time and wider power band than the stock as it's ~15 years newer. If you go bigger than 350BHP it starts to get on the laggy side. There are plenty of guys running bigger turbos pushing out 400~450 no problem, but it delivers it in such a different way. You completely miss out on low down power, and when you do get power it is all in one lump and over very quickly leaving you changing gear rather often. Again, all personal preference though. I happily pay the gt4oc.net membership as the guys on there really know their stuff. They also have their own version of Ebay which you can view without membership.
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