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Posts posted by Husky

  1. You lot are handy at all sorts of things so I thought I'd ask you all a random question relating to my house renovation :p


    Basically, I have a really stupid staircase that does not lend itself to getting large items, such as a bathtub, around the corner and up the stairs. The only way I can see us getting the aforementioned bath tub into the (to be) upstairs bathroom is onto the extension roof and through the bedroom window. The window however would need to come out and be put back in order for this to happen.


    I guess what I'm asking is, does anyone have an AntMan suit?


    Alternatively, does anyone know how much it will cost me roughly to get this done (Coventry)? I'm pretty handy, could I do this myself or will it end in inevitable tears and broken double glazing?


    Thanks :help:

  2. The thing that concerns/amazes me is just how many people suffer with anxiety and depression.


    I'm convinced it is a 'modern' thing. The stress we're put through in this day and age is horrendous.


    Pressure on relationships, work, consumer treadmill etc is immense these days.


    Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk


    It's not just the fact that modern life exacerbates mental health issues, it's that society then barely gives a @*!# about them in comparison to "normal" problems. Personally I have no interest going down the well trodden path that leads to a place like the USA working ridiculous times under crazy pressure. I'm all for the 4 or even 3 day working week where you knock your self out being solidly productive for the short time period and then spend the rest of the time actually living life.

    • Like 1
  3. This thread becomes irrelevant soon..... 2 weeks until Warhammer: Total War! Game of the century! :p


    Amen. Had it on pre-order since Feb, i CANNOT wait. I've always wished for a Warhammer themed Total War game since the days of Medieval Total War and now its happening :yahoo:


    I think I may have found a new game for my dad then... He is still playing Rome total war, modded and has, erm thousands of hours in it, no joke. The wonders of retirement!

    • Like 1
  4. I became nocturnal for a while in my 20's slept in the day worked at night separated from others and ate crap.


    Do you remember the days of us being nocturnal buddies on Xbox, is it still nocturnal if you are awake during the day too? :lol:



  5. Good advice on general health, drinking, food intake and exercise are all contributing factors.


    Also getting good sleep makes a world of difference.


    If like me you was also suffering from anxiety and panic attacks, sleep was the last thing you could do.


    I need to sleep...

    It's late, I'm really tired...

    What if I end up sleeping in, I'll be late for work!...

    I'm too wound up to go to sleep...

    If I don't get to sleep soon there's no way I'll be up on time...

    Oh god it's so late now, should I stay up and not sleep? That would mean I get tot work on time, but I'll be a zombie...

    I should sleep...

    I can't sleep...


    *smother self with pillow to stop hyperventilating*.


    Boy oh boy that's just a bag of fun.

    • Like 2
  6. I found that taking no medication was the best idea. stops your body relying on tablets!


    I had a friend that would stop taking his medication because he felt he didn't need it (which meant it was actually working for him, that's why he felt better), oh boy we got him back on that ASAP. Sometimes it's the right thing.

  7. Counselling mixed with hypnotherapy. Would highly recommend it, helps you think about things differently.




    EDIT: Office Space reference, if you haven't seen the film office space, shame on you! Go watch it now.

  8. I had a great (sarcasm) time with anxiety and panic attacks last year along with not feeling like I can do anything; I wanted to do things, wanted to be motivated but just couldn't get there, I didn't want to sleep all day or anything, I just... nothing. It's a hard thing to convey to anyone who hasn't dealt with it but it does suck. The way people treat mental health in general is poor, it should be treated like a broken bone or a virus; you're ill, you need treatment and time to heal, you need some concessions during that time and the current culture barely cares.


    For me it took a few steps that I had to push for myself; I moved jobs closer to home, that increased my down time and reduced wasted money on travel. The job change was back to something more familiar and comfortable with people I knew well, that helped me push work back as a secondary to other things in my life. I got off my ass and sorted my finances out, it's not like they were bad or anything, but I gave up opening any mail for a long time and let things dwell, always there in the back of my mind that I "should really sort that" but for some reason it was "easier" to leave in a corner, it wasn't easier. I was just trying to ignore being an adult really :lol:


    I turned 30 early this year and after the change of jobs in January, I lost 2 and a half stone, saved 8 grand and have a plan for the future that makes me excited. Oh and I have the time to be a pain in the ass to you people on the side :p I'm in a much happier place now and making scary changes is the way to make that happen. Get out of the grind.


    Oh I should add that I changed my diet completely which made a massive difference to how I feel, the days where I "cheat" and eat that old diet leave me feeling like utter crap.

  9. Once upon a time there was a video of a silver 350z V8 pulling out of a junction, filmed from up the road and it sounded epic. No idea where that video went but it was always a favourite of mine.

  10. Had work today, then ace cafe with a nice lil convoy with few of the local zedders. Tomorrow I'll be digging a 30cm trench from the house to the garage and then running a new length of armoured cable from the supply inside the house to the consumer unit in the garage - at least I'll be outside!


    Shouldn't that be 2 foot deep with warning tape at 2foot and 1foot?

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