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Everything posted by Husky

  1. I want to see a firehose take a cat out of a tree, infact I'd pay money for that
  2. Are you f'ing kidding! tell me someone stopped them!!!! EDIT: I've thought about this and decided, it has to be some firefighter training picture. "what's wrong in this picture"
  3. Through thousands of years of evolution we have developed instincts to protect us from danger. These instincts can be triggered by otherwise safe situations when they match our built in list of warning signs. The burst of chemicals being pumped round our system readying us for the fight or flight response heighten our senses and awareness of the situation around us, this can provide us with what you could call false positives. Once you get into this frame of mind you begin to be more concious of stimuli you would normally ignore as background information. Also, sensory deprivation, such as complete silence or darkness doesn't go down well with our minds. We are constantly receiving information and when this stops our mind starts inventing things to fill the gaps, seeing things, hearing noises, etc. So no, I do not believe ghosts exist, but I do believe the (more subtle) reports of sightings are real but misinterpretations of reality.
  4. Doesn't do them any good standing about you know, it's for the best
  5. The grille goes over the top of the slats Also, changing the reflectors is a matter of 4 screws once the bumper is off.
  6. Any need for a controls system engineer out there?
  7. Thanks for the info I'm not going to be building it in VBA, not to worry The work laptop has excel on it so nice and easy to get access to, just at the planning stage right now, so nothing flashy required. It'll be built for the Pi in TkInter or similar. I'll let you know if I need anything thanks!
  8. It's much nicer to people with slow interwebs and people on mobile. This way the page loads really fast, then you can load only the pics you want to see. Also it makes it much easier to scroll through the thread (and is more stealthy to browse at work ).
  9. So I had some spare time and started mocking things up on the layout and coding side of things. I'm not going to photoshop any of the nice graphics (buttons, headers, etc) until I'm happy with exactly how it's going to look. I have VBA to hand within excel so I drew some screens up on there and added some simple code to switch between them SatNav: Climate:
  10. Good plan! don't own the zed anymore Coventry bud. And 19's
  11. huh. Why wouldn't you let someone take it off you for what you paid for it? Then it's no loss to you.
  12. It's a great plan for sure, but I've already got 9m of veg boxes otherwise i would
  13. hmm, ok. I'd made an assumption it cost a fee to bin them, I'll check how much it is. Ebay is looking likely tbh. EDIT: ok, it's £13 plus the fuel and effort (Reeeeeeallly lazy) to get them in the tip.
  14. So I have these 295 wide tyres in my garage that used to be on the zed, they have 3mm of tread left but I guess are getting on a bit in age now. What do people suggest I do to get rid of them? Options I've thought of: Pay for the disposal (ugh) chop them up so they are no longer "tyres" and toss them in the bin (hello angle grinder) Recycle them into the garden as planters (Don't have anywhere that they'd look good though) put them on ebay for 99p, collection So does anyone want free 295 wide tyres with 3mm tread? Any ideas of how to get rid of them for free with minimum effort (I'm incredibly lazy) would be appreciated
  15. If a carpet fitter refused to take the old one away I'd cancel my order
  16. It's great really, it gets recycled and I don't have to waste fuel going to the skip to get rid of metal things (not that I even have a car that'd fit them in anyway). We time things disappearing, the record is a washing machine in 2 and a half minutes. I always separate the metal and pop it in front of my wall to let them know it's fair game, I once left it on the inside of the wall and it wasn't touched for days. Somehow they have developed a pikey etiquette near me, but maybe it's because we help them out by making it really simple? One of them even apologetically knocked on my door and asked for help shifting a fireproof filing cabinet I'd left for them into his van. I had a skip once where I'd left all the metal outside of it for them, I watched the woman pick up the metal and then, like a human metal detector went straight for the skip, reached deep into it and pulled out a mains cut off tap. I had tossed that thing in by accident and thought it was lost to the landfill, noooop mrs magneto pulled it out no problem.
  17. This, when I went to get my custom exhaust done, I asked if I could have my old Cats back, they said I could but it was built into the price, so it would be more expensive to have them back. As it should be imo
  18. Bet he overcharged you by 60 quid And he didn't even have to make a trip to the scrappy.
  19. LoL and Dota, UGH the amount of friends I've "lost" to those stupid games, it honestly looks dull as hell. I'm sure if I played them they'd be fun, but these days I can spot a time sink a mile away (too much time burned on Counter strike!).
  20. Agreed, car sounds as to be expected, with lots of bits giving you haggling power Just sounds like a normal trader job to me, minimum effort to sell a car they have no clue about.
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