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Everything posted by MacW

  1. http://www.shell.co.uk/home/content/gbr/products_services/on_the_road/fuels/promotions/
  2. Hi guys, I've been a bit lazy about polishing for the last month or so and the Z is starting to look a bit manky. I've been thinking about getting it properly done before the winter sets in and wanted to know if anyone had any recommendations for detailers around the Reigate/Sutton area? I've found these guys http://www.ultrashine-uk.piczo.com/?cr=2 through Google but obviously if anyone knows someone first hand I'd take a recommendation from the club instead of my random searching. Cheers.
  3. I'm not a million miles away from you but busy until Monday/Tuesday next week. Let me know if nobody else can help you out in the meantime and I'll pop round and sort it out for you.
  4. I fitted mine myself and considering I have to think hard before putting Ikea furniture together it was a major undertaking. Bearing in mind my ineptness, I did a better job than that bodyshop did with your car. Although I do still have a couple of minor scratches to sort out, in pretty much the same places as yours too.
  5. MacW

    Alfa 8C

    I got to sit in one in an Alfa dealership in Vittoria, North Spain a while ago. Absolutely beautiful place to be. Had one try to race me about a year ago in the B roads of Sussex and I have to say I didn't like the sound it makes. Too much scream and not enough growl for me. Not enough to take it off my lottery list tho
  6. I really like that Let me know if you decide to offer your services out for more
  7. I watched it earlier in the year. Some aspects of it were pretty cool but being at the age where I remember the original I couldn't stop myself picking holes in it. Not sure I'd pay for it to be honest. If you can wait until it's released on regular TV I'd recommend you do.
  8. MacW

    Intermittent noise

    Hi guys, I've started parking in an out of the way corner of the car park at work for obvious reasons. The relevance of this is cos I'm now using a higher tier further up the hill so I have to go down a short, steep ramp at the end of the day when I leave. Every afternoon when I do this I enter the ramp at dawdling speed and gently touch the brakes half way down just in case any headless chickens are on their way home at the bottom. Every day I get a slight grinding from the front offside wheel. The strange thing is it's only when the car is first used, if I take the time to drive round the car park and use the same ramp again a minute later I won't get the noise. Also if I drive the car about for a while and then go down the ramp I don't get the noise either. I'm booking the car in to Abbey for its MOT soon anyway so I'll get it looked at then but just seemed quite strange behaviour.
  9. I've got the 710 in mine, it works fine with the stock other bits mate. Just the usual Z pain involved with changing the head unit out.
  10. I've not used them myself but a mate in the scooby community says they all swear by Canadas in Weybridge, might be worth a nose.
  11. +1 Space under that jacket for 2?
  12. Games: RoboDefense has already been mentioned but I'll add my +1 to that Homerun Battle 3D is ridiculously addictive. And of course the beta of Angry Birds is huge fun. Cestos is a good distraction too. Apps: 3G Watchdog to keep tabs on your data use comes in handy for me. myRemote is a cool toy that will control your Windows Media Player over wifi. And of course Swype for keyboard goodness, although you have to be quick to get in teh beta these days. They only seem to reopen it once every few weeks for a very limited period.
  13. Got exactly the same box of goodies delivered the other day too. My leather doesn't look quite as bad as yours but like yourself, am having trouble working up the enthusiasm to get it done. Seems every time I go to do it I find an excuse to drive rather than scrub
  14. Damn skippy! Who needs an estate anyway?
  15. Check out Pepipoo mate, I'm pretty sure these private firm tickets are unenforceable. Or at least none of the companies have ever taken the risk of going to court over one and being told they're unenforceable.
  16. Haven't read the article but from your quotes and reactions it seems like scaremongering or poor journalism to me. I work for a major copier company and it has been standard procedure for years for our military/govt/major corporate customers to request the hard drives be removed and left on site when the device has reached the end of its life. The latest generation even have hot swappable, encrypted drive options for the truly security conscious customer.
  17. Latest Dealer-Mobile from BMW.
  18. I've seen that too mate, no clue what it's all about. If none of the gurus on here have a clue this thread is always a great place to post random questions: Clicky
  19. They're right mate, it is an offence to leave the scene of an accident without providing your details. Of course if you drove off first then it could be argued that you were the one to leave.
  20. It's a close call but I have to say I prefer the looks of the 370, just don't have the pockets to match it
  21. I spent 5 mins staring at the empty text box wondering how to express my emotions over this, I just don't have the words
  22. The original was one of my favourite cars of all times, I remember having 3 or 4 toy Stratos's as a kid. This new one looks like someone described the original to the set/equipment designers of Buck Rogers and then left them to try and build something like it. Not a fan
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