Got pulled by the rozzers twice on the way home tonight. Overtook a learner driver doing 25 in a 40 limit the first time, probably hit about 55 as I went past him and immediately dropped back to 40ish once I was past. Didn't realise it was a copper behind me at the time but they did wait until I got to the roundabout then just had a chat through car windows, suggested I maybe should have waited until I was completely off the corner before overtaking in future. Could see over a 1/4 mile down the road as I overtook and there was nothing on the other side.
Went round the roundabout and some daft cow in a ka made me slam on the breaks and bury my hand in the horn as she just pulled out in front of me, then proceeded to drive in front of me at under 30 in a 40 for the next mile or 2 until we got to a hill. The hill is only about 300m but pretty steep so has 2 lanes so you can overtake the slow people. But oh no... she slows down to under 20 and stays in the outside lane so I did the reasonable thing and blasted past her at about 45 on the inside. Again there was a copper behind me (again I had no idea), this time the blue lights came on and they pulled me. Thankfully it was a different pair of cops. They started going on about overtaking on the inside and didn't seem very impressed when I pointed out that the highway code states you can overtake on the inside when the outside lane traffic is travelling at under the speed limit and did the usual blustering before 'letting me off' with a warning.
Must have been a really slow evening for proper crime.