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Everything posted by MacW

  1. There was a quote from a French general after the first gulf war. I don't remember it precisely so I'm paraphrasing but it went something along the lines of: The latest weapons, the most advanced technology and a massive intelligence budget, all in the hands of unruly children. Thought it summed up the US military perfectly.
  2. £90? Isn't this what you're after? http://www.jdmperformance.co.uk/item_detail.php?prodID=60163
  3. Kill it! KILL IT WITH FIRE!
  4. Cheers mate, but I was referring to the 350Z badge, not the burgers.
  5. I reckon lacquering would be a good move. Been reading about badges recently both here and in the US and there seems to be recurring theme of finishing degrading quite noticeably.
  6. It's on my list of things to do to my sunset Sparky, it will look the nuts. Will have to wait a bit tho as just spent £200 on a spoiler, £300 on panel repair/resprays and then this morning my exhaust sections finalised their divorce so that was another instant £299. Bank account is starting to feel a bit drained and it's only 1 day since payday Let me know if you find anywhere to source the 350Z badge tho please mate, been keeping my eyes open but not found anything yet.
  7. Yep, got the same thing in mine. Seem to remember a reasonably recent post about it where numerous people also held their hands up to the same issue. I assume it's just another Z 'feature'
  8. That's him. THAT'S HIM! You've used him then, does he do good repair work?
  9. Just watched some bloke drive my Z away, taking to repair a dent in the rear quarter left by an anonymous git in Asda car park. I've never let anyone else drive it, sitting here with a lead lump in my stomach Sad aren't I.
  10. Passenger side for me, no disturbing noises though.
  11. But something about this one just looks right http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=21673
  12. MacW

    Whine noise

    Open up the bonnet, does it say 'Stillen' across the top of the engine?
  13. I've got a mate that's had 3 PS3s because the first 2 were delivered to his house and just left on the doorstep, they never bothered getting a signature for them. He just rings the company up and says they've not been delivered and they have to send another.
  14. Hah! Now I know you're just being polite. I've not washed the Z in almost 3 weeks and it looks like someone has emptied a hoover bag over the bonnet.
  15. MacW

    Mega Alfa GTR

    I'm torn between the salivating awe that always accompanies these sorts of projects and sheer despair at the choice of components. The 147GT was a ditch finding missile in its standard form. Building something like that could legally be considered assisted suicide
  16. Been in the club a while now mate Also got club stickers on both sides of the car, guess the carder was more saying hello than actually trying to point me over here.
  17. Sometime over the weekend someone dropped a spotted card on my windscreen, didn't notice it until this morning I'm guessing it was in Asda Burgh Heath car park as there was an azure roadster parked within spitting distance of me when I got back.
  18. On the plus side, if you set it on fire it would likely take the owner a while to realise. Hopefully the damage would be irreversible by then.
  19. That's a thing of beauty. I have a mate with 2 of them but neither in that sort of condition. Also worth noting, we're almost at 3 full pages of comments and nobody has yet to suggest lowering and spacers. This a record for us?
  20. 1. Rawbhp = Black 2. ATTAK Z = Silver 3. Husky = Black TESTER 4. ChrisS = Silver 5. MacW = Black - tow eye 6. Budge = Silver 7. ATTAK Z = Black 8. Woody = Black (awaiting pictures) 9. Slew77 = Black 10. jerry3167 = Black
  21. MacW

    Toyota FT 86

    I love the front, just think the whole thing falls over as soon as you get past the doors
  22. Brilliant.. just brilliant
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