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Everything posted by MacW

  1. Not really seeing a great deal of difference from a drivers perspective between the old van and the modified one. The modified one seems designed specifically to identify the driver as opposed to the owner, doesn't have any effect on the numbers of car drivers caught tho. I strongly disagree with the vans regardless of how many cameras they have on them but this modification makes no difference in real terms except the waste of £110k.
  2. Not that pricey to get new mate: http://www.jdmperformance.co.uk/item_detail.php?prodID=60163
  3. Ouch.. sorry mate. If it's just the part you are after then I'd suggest dropping ZMANALEX and R35LEE a pm and see if they can sort you out.
  4. Removing the weight made all the difference to me. Admittedly it doesn't weigh as much as the spoiler (weight is about 1kg ish, the spoiler at a guess weighs about 2-3kg) but after removing it the boot springs up just as it's supposed to.
  5. If I had a choice between buying two cars, I would take the one with Abbey stamps in the service book over the one that had Nissan stamps in the book. Abbey see these cars all the time, Nissan techs wonder why you've brought that strange 2 seater onto their forecourt.
  6. Have I done something wrong in removing the bloody great weight behind the trim in my boot lid instead of replacing the struts then?
  7. Abbey would be my choice, but I may be biased as I'm fairly close to them.
  8. Keeping in mind it's a dealer who will always mark the value up, would you reckon it's reasonable for a private seller to have that car up for under £7k?
  9. Looks suspiciously cheap for what it is tho.
  10. At 7:15 tonight on the A217 at Kingswood. I waved as you overtook me.
  11. I've got a noodle mitt I use on the Z, works a treat. Will have to spin by Asda this afternoon to stock up on spares I think.
  12. I could be wrong (and I'm sure more knowledgable people will quickly tell me if I am) but isn't the OEM sat nav tied into the Bose system meaning you'll lose audio from the sat nav if you swap it out?
  13. Check the rolling banner at the bottom of the page mate.
  14. Have you got a stubby ariel fitted mate? Mine had one when I bought it and I couldn't even pick up Radio 1 on the motorway on the way home. Swapped it for a bee sting off a Mk3 golf and everything started working again.
  15. Yea, loved it when they showed the 'ring version the other week but very disappointed to discover the wrong wheel drive
  16. Oops... New braking technology not quite panning out as expected? And unless you've added a couple of doors that doesn't look like a Z you're in...
  17. Mine actually drifts slightly to the right but then I need 2 new tyres and it's been eight months since I had the alignment checked, will be sorting both next month.
  18. Assuming there's nothing on the problem list wrong with it I would say that's a good deal, especially as you'll likely be able to knock it under the 9k mark with a little haggling.
  19. /sit back and wait for the age chasm to really show
  20. The first time I took mine apart I had the same issue, just took a harder yank than you would imagine. The is a clip at the centre of the top that hooks onto the underside of the dash so try pushing down in the centre a little as you pull back.
  21. Chequers Lane garage in Walton on the Hill have the facilities mate, I've used them for servicing my cars for years and they know their stuff. http://www.chequerslanegarage.co.uk/
  22. ooooOOOOooooo..... very spangly, liking that a lot
  23. At the risk of sounding like an echo, you'll get better than that for your money mate. Also, there's absolutely nothing to worry about with a high mileage zed as long as the service history is complete. Have a read through the buyers guide sticky in the FAQ section and keep your eyes open for the common faults (of which there are few enough) and feel free to stick a link up to any car you're interested in for the general populous to endorse or ridicule. Ohh... and
  24. I don't think I was even spending £1900 on the car at 23 let alone the insurance
  25. Sounds like a great idea mate, will scribble down a wishlist and see what they think of it.
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