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Everything posted by speedy

  1. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-alloy ... 3a5697fc71
  2. Are these for real? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-SPACERS-35 ... 1e59f5c46b
  3. Looking good, I think a decent gloss black would look as good tbh. Will have to see. IMO i think it looks better having the black wheel and lip, leaving the handle and mirrors alone...
  4. haha for once i was around when something happend think of photoshop, pic of rich, homosexuality, anger, a million page thread Ah!!!
  5. +1 and i though is was a little high in price...
  6. speedy

    P3 Servicing!

    Plugs are not part of a P3 service but i think the diff oil is.
  7. Was bored at home (ill) so i decide to have a look around....but i dont know anything about the traders.... think its an import http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... &logcode=p This one looks ok but the exhaust is not standard http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... &logcode=p
  8. speedy

    P3 Servicing!

    Sorry to bring up an old (ish) thread but did TGMs price include all parts? TGM have just quoted me about the same but that price doesn't include parts cost. That include everything that needed to be replaced in the service i.e. oil, fliter etc etc (I can not rememeber what else is done) - what parts were you talking about?
  9. ok, if it is real and from the comments and the picture it could be, surely there would be damage to the barrier?
  10. Because its made of FAIL!! i know you all love that word funny!
  11. I hate txt speak as well...Although my grammer is not the best, by far in fact....
  12. txt speak Why, in the same sentence, did you type 'you' but then four words later could only be arsed to type 'u'. Thou has a different meaning to though........... Sarine - Has the other thread set you up for a rant?
  13. large Dominos pepperoni passion by any chance??? that my man is correct, it is my nirvana dominator crust aswell *drooooool* +1 LOVE IT even though i enjoy training.
  14. If you take suppliments then only take WHEY protein, plenty, you only need creatine if your a bloody triathlete etc doing 2-3 hours in the gym, ur body produces its own anyway. anything else????? I wouldnt say plenty is way tooooo much, rule of thumb is 1gram per kg body weight and some question the need for WHEY anyway as your body produce enough protein (combined with a normal diet). As with any supplement, the reason people take it is to enhance the benefits they get from it. You are very wrong regarding creatine, i do alot of lifting and have found (as many studies show) that this helps a great deal.
  15. +1 i even got the full box set for xmas...love it. Had a quick look, looks like it could be funny (maybe on dvd though)
  16. hmm. i cant see 3reps/3sets of those really working your core muscles to their max tbh I lift near max all the time, but its the exercise that are going to strengthen the core....Cleans, deads, hang and jumps are what all great for working the core...
  17. I do ABS everyday too, it recovers so fast you can get away with it Coops ABS are like any other muscle (becuase they are a muscle) if you train the correctly (asumming 3-4 set and 10 or reps) then you shouldnt train them again with a couple of days....I would be willing to guess you are not doing them correctly..
  18. Training and getting right is a mind field i have spent some years studying and train, got to GB level at uni (playing American football). The old saying of you are what you eat - is spot on. I train very differently, i train for power and strength but i also phase my training. At the moment i am only doing dead lifts, push press, clean, hangs, bench, standing jump. I only do 3 reps and 3 sets of these, and train them three times a week. I am not a fan of doing sit ups every day or in fact doing them at all....If i do my exercise correctly my core will be worked to max anyway. Anyway there is lots out there and it depends on what and where you are going with it
  19. I have a Silver UK GT with Rays. I live near the Sainsburys in Winnersh.
  20. Sunset i am in winnersh and braved the train in....only had to wait an hour and a half But my car looks alot like yours...Not going anywhere in it, i did drive last time it was snowing but i could even move it the morning.
  21. speedy

    Other car!

    Well not mine, but one of my dads….Has anyone else heard of these? They are great fun to drive and very powerful and quick. (though the pic would come up in the post - but you have to down load it)
  22. Wouldnt you have to get the cats put back on for the MOT?
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