Had my zed almost a month now I think so thought I would give you an update.
OK on a more serious note, im loving it, it's faster then my MR2 Roadster (not that I speed but from a standing start at lights etc), thre also seems to be power and some go in it through every gear.
It sounds amazing, I can hear it when I drive and that sound is so "look im a proper sports car NOT a Corsa with exhaust mod".
Having a boot is great, my old MR2 Roadster had none. I can fit about 7 bags of shopping in it.
Fuels not as bad as I thought.
Its comfy inside and a great driving position.
It seems to attract attention from people which lets be honest we all want, Ive always owned slightly unique cars (imports etc) and was worried this wuld not have the wow factor but seeing all the glances from people and my friends it turns heads.
The ladies seem to like it which is always a plus (unless your a lady owner yourself but in todays lifestyle you may still like that).
Im paranoid about someone hitting it at supermarkets or something (had 2 experiences of this with the MR2 where I cam back from shopping to find big dents in my car and no note).
Having an electric roof is soooo much better then the manual MR2 one.
The overall car feel inside and out just seems classy, way more classy then my old MR2 Roadster with bodykit.
Speaker system is great too.
I do find I tend to shudder setting off as im not used to a car like this so may need lessons in driving a high powered car.
Oh and my description of the car is its like its on steriods in looks and performance and sound.
I feel more manly now too