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Everything posted by Mark-UK

  1. Hi Ian how much are they a pop, is that on all 4 wheels? I think my 07 has the orginal bridgestones on them, only takes a bit of damp or wet and the traction light comes on.
  2. Think a few tyres on my 07 350z are about due to be replaced so thought I'd ask on here if there is 1 known best tyre for the zed? Front and back, want to get ready for the winter for more grip. I presume the same tyre will be ok for the summer too? Thanks peeps.
  3. Had an ACL knee reconstruction 2 weeks ago due to rugby injury start of the year, I've not drove my Zed for 2 weeks no and it's not half made me realise how much I miss her. First physio tommorow and surgeon check up so hopefully will get all clear for sometime soon to be able to drive. Poor Zed looking all shiny locked up.
  4. Its been attached now, car has a new price as it has 6 months tax and rear lip spoiler attached and includes sat nav touch screen stereo bluetooth system.
  5. Can do that no worries as its a sunny day oop north.
  6. Imported from the USA and fitted yesterday, im pleased with the results apart from cars inside had white crap from fitters sitting in it moving it.
  7. Can you get professional detailers that come to your home and detail your car, do such companies exist, especially in West Yorkshire.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-Outdo ... 286.c0.m14
  9. No cats really, plus the places the scratches are and the pattern of 3 makes me think its a claw. This morning there was some pretty nasty ones on the pillar next to the passenger side wing mirror.
  10. OK so it's like this, I park my car at night in a gated yard, im more or less in the country and there are hundreds of bloody magpies around, the cars shiny black and every few days I notice new mini scratches on it that appear overnight, usally its like 3 in a line side by side like Wolverine lol or like a mini claw. Im wondering if its magpies as they hang around the area the car is in and all I see where I live and park the car are magpies who I thought like shiny things, at night the cars really shiny as it reflects the moon etc so a few people have said it could be magpies pecking or scratching trying to grab the reflection etc, anyone ever come across something similar?
  11. Thats what I paid for it, just cant relax with it. Especially with few friends getting broke into this wek to get their Focus ST.
  12. After much deliberation Im thinking of selling my 07 Roadster 313 Black. I just cant relax owning it due to thieves and other people damaging it, im paranoid all the time and cant relax so if I get back what I paid I'd maybe let it go, I didnt feel comfortable before spending a lot on a car and now after doing it i still cant relax. Im asking £17,95. Low miles only 10k, 6 months tax. Facelift model with raised bumper bit, fantastic condition inside and out and 18" rays and all extras inc steering wheel stereo control etc, rear lip spoiler attached at a cost of £300. New stereo too with sat nav and DVD player and handsfree bluettoth connection.
  13. Just tried Chris Knott and said they could not insure me as not had car for a year or so and they want experience in driving high powered cars lol. Bit pathetic really.
  14. Sky could only insure if i kept it in my compound lol, so there a no go, no point buying insurance that means I cant park outside my house lol. Adrian Flux £765, get in there!!
  15. No its a standard 07 roadster 313. I have 1 sp30 for speeding 4 years ago thats it. I do low miles a si work from home. I used confused.com to get my quotes. Ive had 2 claims in the past due to other drivers hitting me and a theft of a fiesta but never had an accident caused by myself (touch wood).
  16. Sorry no I mean my present insurers can insure with badges and spoiler but want an extra £300 making my insurance £1500 a year, im 34 with 6 years no claims. When i took out insurance with them (kwik fit) they said spoiler would be about £30 more not £300 so im leaving.
  17. My present insurers wont insure the car when my rear lip spoiler is on next week, plus wont insure the car as I have replaced the badges with Z badges lol, so does anyone know any specialist companies for zeds that insure them with modifications? Thanks
  18. If it rains when I open the passenger door there is a build up of water in the sill on the Z plastic bit that pours out. Doesnt happen on the drivers side, plus that side if I wash car or rinse with hose there is a slight leak that side which presume are related, any ideas anyone please.
  19. Anywhere to get rear mud guards cheap please.
  20. Had my zed almost a month now I think so thought I would give you an update. OK on a more serious note, im loving it, it's faster then my MR2 Roadster (not that I speed but from a standing start at lights etc), thre also seems to be power and some go in it through every gear. It sounds amazing, I can hear it when I drive and that sound is so "look im a proper sports car NOT a Corsa with exhaust mod". Having a boot is great, my old MR2 Roadster had none. I can fit about 7 bags of shopping in it. Fuels not as bad as I thought. Its comfy inside and a great driving position. It seems to attract attention from people which lets be honest we all want, Ive always owned slightly unique cars (imports etc) and was worried this wuld not have the wow factor but seeing all the glances from people and my friends it turns heads. The ladies seem to like it which is always a plus (unless your a lady owner yourself but in todays lifestyle you may still like that). Im paranoid about someone hitting it at supermarkets or something (had 2 experiences of this with the MR2 where I cam back from shopping to find big dents in my car and no note). Having an electric roof is soooo much better then the manual MR2 one. The overall car feel inside and out just seems classy, way more classy then my old MR2 Roadster with bodykit. Speaker system is great too. I do find I tend to shudder setting off as im not used to a car like this so may need lessons in driving a high powered car. Oh and my description of the car is its like its on steriods in looks and performance and sound. I feel more manly now too
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