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Everything posted by morgs

  1. Hi Harry, sorry to hear this bud, especially after you've just got her back. If you're prepared to travel to Weston, Motorbodies are excellent. 01934 419593. They've just done a load of work and I'm very pleased, top blokes and top job,
  2. The car is pretty good, but it's the whole photo for me. mmmmm.
  3. I almost hit report instead of quote, my subconscious at work
  4. First time for 6 years I haven't had to work on Saturday. I've got the beers out and its a day of rugby for me! Another great Ireland vs Wales game!
  5. Been mad for the last 2 weeks and project K (the other Zed) has taken some time - done a few bits and hope to get some more done tomorrow with pics for ya Awesome, look forward to it fella!
  6. Bump. Anyone nearby who can help please?
  7. Ah, you're referring to cars?
  8. The woman or the car? Don't mind either in 4x4 Surely with your history, you prefer powering at the rear though?
  9. Okay thanks Alex, will see if I can source them closer to home but if not I will be back in touch. DE model for reference, if I do. PS. I have PM'd you Mitz, as you know, just posting for sake of thread completeness!
  10. Hi Alex, could you PM me costs please, so at least I have a fall back. Cheers for the advice, but had already done so. Read 1.05 vs a 1.03 max. I know you need help but it's not necessary to post the same topic in 4 different sections, I have deleted the other three. Sorry fella , just aware that some don't check this part of the forum so wanted to bring it to the awareness of those local to me. Would you be okay if I post in just the SW section again? They are hopefully my main chance!
  11. 'Ere, pull your finger out Anything else happening on the Mini front? I've been loving this!
  12. Hi all, car has failed the MOT on the Lambda readings and I need to get it passed ASAP. Garage reckon it's my N/S cat that is causing the issue. I run decats normally so only swapped the cats in for the test. Ideally I am after borrowing one (or both) of someone's cats, worse case buying one. Would prefer to collect to save money on postage, but may resort to that if needed. If that is the case, I'll be at Japfest and can hand it back over if the sender is going too, to save on postage costs! I'm just outside Weston-super-Mare and definitely happy to travel 1hr -1hr30 from there, open to others though as my job can take me further afield. Any help much appreciated.
  13. On this, how does it work if we have a passenger? Do we just order 2 tickets?
  14. morgs

    F&F6 GTR-35

    What like a sea of ferraris and lambos yawn its a street film, Even tho looking at some photos of the film they have filled it with lambos and ferrari in part of the london scenes a tasty old escort in it by look of things Ooo, Jensen Interceptor
  15. How could you say that?! You beat me to it In all seriousness though, that's just one step too far for me. Would like to see a demonstration in a busy area to see what it's collision avoidance is like. I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a repost from April 1st!
  16. Earlier this afternoon, followed me out of the centre til I turned off. Looked a lovely example! Glad the blues and twos were on a mission!
  17. morgs


    Completely agree, now where is that spare £200k
  18. Good few inches of snow here and it is perfect snowman building material! Benefits of being self employed I can work from home and leave the Z tucked up! Good excuse to bring this picture out from the last snowfall, other than photoshopped eyes, that was exactly how I found her!
  19. Swapped Thrifty out for me 1. Martinmac 2. Marzman - TRACK 3. The Bounty Bar Kid - TRACK 4. Wizard 5. WINKJ 6. Amyzed 7. Keyser - TRACK 8. Dave-350 - TRACK 9. 350Ad - TRACK - If i still have it 10. smudge - TRACK 11. x20drb - TRACK 12. jamesdean - TRACK 13. Sidewayz350z - TRACK 14. chippychip123 15. Jez - track 16 Andy james. TRACK 17. Darren 18. Kezkez23 19. PGregory 20. OsakaBen 21. ironhide - Track 22. Allan Zada 23. glrnet 24. Madhatter 25. Jam87ie - Track 26. morgs 27. choptop 28. Scootg 29. Beb - Track 30. Dannyg 31. Hennerz 32.dErZ - Track 33. Will370z 34. LewisH 35. Fxn 36. Alanm 37. Jaz 350z 38. m1ke
  20. Must. Resist. You bar steward
  21. Just doing this mod now. Any link as to where you got the fog bulb from? Have searched the forums, but all the links I could find were dead. Thanks in advance.
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