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Everything posted by chrisjones6699

  1. OK whos outbid me!?!? i know youre here!!
  2. Hmmm if i put a bid in for say.....£75.....might scare them off!?
  3. Cancel my last msg! found a black one!
  4. This link takes you to what i want, i'd just like a new black leather one
  5. Guys, thanks for all the feed back here. its made me think about what i really want and there's nothing i want to change with regards to the engine. I'm gonna get new disks and pads and that's about it. as for cosmetics, the only thing i fancy is a stubby aerial! Thanks guys!
  6. Right guys, mine has come back and its looking good!! photo was taken with iphone so excuse the quality Now for my next question!! I'm having trouble with finding a good sound setting! Can anyone help me here?
  7. This just gave me a reality check! I can honestly say that im not sure why i want more power!? Im very happy with my 350Z and the only thing i really, really want is Brembo Disks and pads all round. I was also considering a new exhaust system but thats not important! Thanks for that dude!
  8. Now im gonna be a pain in the arse!.....do you have links for these mods?
  9. Fair one. In a nut shell?........
  10. Honestly? its going to take that much money getting an extra 13bhp?
  11. Why 300? If you really want an easy 300bhp, just sell yours and buy an '06 or GT4 Wheres the fun in that? + if i had the money to buy an 06 model....i would of
  12. Does anyone know where i can get a new, original, black leather gear stick from? and the cost? Cheers
  13. No mods yet, basic GT model and south wales (Rhondda). What have you done to get more bhp?
  14. Hmmmm ok then, any ideas how to get to 300bhp?
  15. Has anyone had their 350 chipped? I'm considering having mine chipped. Would anyone recommend doing this? what are the pro's and con's of having it done and what one would be the best one? Cheers!
  16. I haven't had a chance to get mine sorted yet! Only today I'm picking up my Z from the garage! :S I should be taking it back to the audio shop some time this week to get it corrected! I'll be very interested to see the Photos Jtec! I'm the same when it comes to perfection and i hate the thought of having the gaps at the top and bottom! Good luck!
  17. LOL!! fair one! here's one for you guys!
  18. Not in the slightest! if it wasn't for you guys, i would have waited til next week and been in a bad mood at the thought of it! True, im without my Z for a week but hopefully its gonna get sorted and we'll have a happy ending! So thanks guys! genuinely!
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