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Everything posted by chrisjones6699

  1. I was driving down the M50 last night and passed the for mentioned Audi, he thought it would be fun to have a little race....I was only happy to oblige . I wasn't quite expecting it to keep up with me all the way in to Newport though!! My god those things are fast! i had a quick look at my speedo and informed me that i was doing 88mph (cough cough)!!
  2. Its not called B&B Audio Concepts is it dude?
  3. I got the panels off easy enough, its just the work on fitting the speakers (drilling holes), tweeters, cables etc. Its beyond me dude I fitted the rear speakers though!
  4. It means that you should sell it so that we can get enough names to get a group buy for the Nismo! I'm gagging for a Nismo system on my Zed!
  5. Cheers Ian mate! just two speakers off an amazing system!
  6. Anyone know of anywhere i can get my Focals fitted in the south wales area? (Rhondda preferably) I did attempt it myself but after about an hour getting the door panel off and seeing what was on the inside....i gave up!
  7. Cheers Mart! Not sure what you mean about the weather? That was proper welsh sun bathing weather!.....I almost got burnt!
  8. I've been sticking photos of my Zed on the forum using my iPhone for far too long, thought it was about time i got a decent photo on here!
  9. I do receive alerts via email, I was wondering if it would be possible to see the contents of a PM in the email that you receive?
  10. Cant you pay the DVLA for his address? Im sure you can do it with good reason to do so. Simple, get his address, turn up about 3am and beat the sh!t out of his car with a golf club!.....Cough cough....Its not going to take away the damage he's done to your car BUT how much satisfaction would you have from it!? What an absolute nob! Really winds me up to hear things like this!
  11. Did NOT need to see this GTR today!! The first one i got a proper close up of! WOW! I know what my next car will be.....kind of! lol
  12. Taken on my iPhone so please excuse the quality. It was taken just after i gave him a good old clean!
  13. Ginge is a cool cats name! how about Sooty!?
  14. 1. martinmac 2. (cos, I can't afford another handbag to go with it) 3. Maccaman 4. ChrisJones6699 (but you already know that Mart
  15. you're right, I can check a pm on my iPhone but you require a half decent signal otherwise it's takes forever to open a page, sign in ect... It's a right hastle to do and where I am, I'm lucky to get one bar! Emails on the iPhone are different, they come through automaticly.
  16. I get those details but I personaly think it's not enough. I'll give you an idea to what I mean. When submiting my intrest in the gmg nismos, I said that I needed a couple of days to decide and I was expecting a pm with a couple of photos showing suspension before an after lowering. So when I seen an email to do with the alloys, I naturally thought it was the photos, I couldn't get to a computer so I thought it could wait. It wasn't photos, it was a msg saying an offer had been made and that if he didn't hear from me, he would except. Guess what happend! Ive seen other forums send the pm in the email and it works well.
  17. lol! Sorry Steve mate, I shouldn't laugh but this post tickled me! Chin up mate! Be strong!
  18. This is just an idea for the moderators. Would it be possible to display the PM in the email notification? The idea came to me after I lost the chance to buy some GMG nismo alloys a couple of weeks ago. If I had know how important the PM was, I would of made more of an effort to get on line to reply. I get my notifications through to my iPhone and think this idea would benifit quite a few people when it comes to trading or other important topics. You guys do an awesome job on here so I don't want you to think that I'm complaining. It's just an idea cheers chris
  19. Where did you get those prices from dude?
  20. I found a guy who wants to sell his wheels!!! He wants £2000 for them! I think that's a good price! Bad news is that they don't come with tyres!!! tyres would cost £1000 :S what a nightmare! I think this might be a lost cause! Just out of intrest, does anyone know what work I would have to carry out to get the GTR alloys on my Zed?
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