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Everything posted by chrisjones6699

  1. Awesome! Cheers Ter! I'll be making a few purchases I think!
  2. My Zed had been cleaned, polished and was looking very sparkly on this particular sunny day in Cardiff, I was leaving a NCP and i drove past a 'real' Valley boy with his girlfriend and i was lucky enough to hear him say to her, "Oww look at aaa ana, bwand new tha'is" (translated- hey, look at that car, brand new that is) I was very happy to hear that because i was thinking, actually, its 6 years old! Tesco petrol station, A470. Another class valley boy said "Nice car blue". First time i've ever been called blue! I love being welsh but love the Valleys even more!!
  3. Subtle! Terry mate, can i be a pain and ask you to list the cleaning products used and where you got them from? I need to get myself some decent cleaning kit and who better to ask after the effort you put in! Very nice!! Cheers Chris
  4. Thanks guys! I'm a big fan of subtle changes so I wont be doing anything too dramatic. Next on my (small) list is the head lights, window tint, bumper re-spray with the lip sprayed black, fog light unit changed to clear, wheel refurb (may go darker)......and thats about it for the time being
  5. Oh and i make no apologies for how dirty he is because im living on a building site (with work) and its impossible to keep clean!
  6. I haven't put an up to date photo up for a while so i thought i would post a few showing a few of my subtle mods. I haven't shown the Blue flame, slam panel, strutt brace and sound system as these things have to be replace/cleaned/polished/tweaked. Oh yeah, spacers too!
  7. you gotta love that blue sticky sh!t!
  8. Actually, you may struggle a little.... http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1614285.htm
  9. Did the Z badge come off easy dude? sticky or fixed?
  10. Agreed. This has been playing on my mind and i'm not happy with the wrapped roof finish. I just needed to see if the whole black roof thing was what i wanted for a while before committing to paint - which i think will be soon I'm sure someone here has the black, glass like finish on their roof and it looks awesome!
  11. Me too!! May be an item for you to stock Sar?
  12. I've just bought the first part of the project (silver bulbs) so i will defiantly be needing help on changing the strips!
  13. Loving white at the moment but you need clear reflectors dude!
  14. I'm just about to make a purchase on those bulbs Sar!
  15. Thats a very, very nice Zed!! I'll be honest tho, not sure about the roof? Think i would prefer a shiny finish. Very nice tho!
  16. You need to get some air in that front right tyre!
  17. This is an old photo but its still a good one!
  18. That's exactly the same as mine! Have you got it sorted yet Mei? I've only just got back from Morocco so i'll give the a bell tomorrow to get it sorted.
  19. That's a good point! Spare is staying until i can think of something to replace all that space with!
  20. gutted! I love the Le Mans trip! Its a big part of the reason why i had my Blueflame exhaust fitted, all those lovely long tunnels!!
  21. This is making me feel rather sick! I've done Le Mans the past two years and this year, i planned to take my Zed but due to a friends work commitments, we have to give it a miss! Gutted!!
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