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Everything posted by chrisjones6699

  1. Please do it! I would love to see a zed done like that!
  2. Come on, look at this! Its a gorgeous color! How many heads would that turn if it was done on a zed?
  3. Love that plenum! Think that could be something I would want to do to mine! Did you do that yourself and if so, how?
  4. Well that explains the shocking gearbox and the lack of power at 20mph in 3rd!! This vehicle should be destroyed! Why they make it is beyond me?? Please don't say farmers! Even a farmer would say its a rubbish pile of donkey s**t!! Got I hate the 110!!
  5. The google maps function is usable if you really need it for car journeys. I have used it because sometimes im too lazy to dig out my sat nav from the rear cubby!
  6. Hahaha! this thread is epic!! I am starting to feel a little sorry for this guy now though! He bought it sometime between march and may so there goes the "couple of months ago" lie! I'd love to know why he's selling so soon though?! Hmmmm? John mate, you would seriously travel nearly 200 miles just to check this guy out? Love it! I love this forum!
  7. Chris mate, this is legendary! BUT.....this guy clearly knows his stuff!........
  8. This is amazing! I'm loving this thread! Ok, I do have a £10 camera with a 4gb card. That would be plenty! We should let this settle for a couple of days before he gets suspicious and then arrange a meet.....maybe if we were to turn up at this guys house in 3 Zeds? Can you imaging his face!?
  9. Haha! that would be brilliant! On another note, i only just discovered how intrusive Ebay is! I just checked his purchase history and found a considerable amount of info! He owned a mk4 Astra last year. He buys a lot of hair products, like designer pants/clothes and does a lot of weights! Hmmmm On another completely different note............1000 posts!! Woohoo! Im a veteran!
  10. I love that rear bumper! What one is it? Love the wheels too.....needs lowering though!
  11. well i have some time on my hands next week so i may just pop on down! that would be hilarious!
  12. You got any photos of the camper Stanski?
  13. I live nearish to Swansea! I would love to go and have a look at it! maybe take it for a drive!! As said, this guy is a bellend! My god! The more i look at those pictures, the more i get wound up! Apologies to those whom own a Veilside bodykit, but i cant stand it!
  14. Thats a good thing about being on a forum. Everything you do (if you choose to) is documented. If you put your Zed up for sale on the forum, then no one would question things like a respray.
  15. I just hate everything about them! They way they are put together is shoddy, they are the most uncomfortable vehicles i have ever been in (I am 6"5 tho), ignition is in a stupid place, handbrake is in a insane place, gears are crap, wipers and washers are dire, seats dont go back far enough..........I could go on!
  16. We use two new ones for work! The worst bit of designing and engineering i have ever come across! Shocking!!
  17. Old discos are prone to bad rusting! The floor panel is notoriously bad!
  18. Lovely but im still waiting for the camper pictures!!
  19. HAHA!! Irony personified! I thought i saw xmas cards in a newsagents the other day....i thought i was hallucinating!! Unreal! I hate Christmas so much! What a joke! I hate it so much that this year, I will be in Miami with my brothers and GF! Perfect!!!
  20. This bloody thread got me all nostalgic!!!! Who's thread is it? You owe me £15.25! I'll not chuck it in the bid!........I'll play it first....then chuck it in the bin! Nah, It"ll go in my mothers attic and stay there until cash in the attic 2050 come round and value it for £1.2M! "£900.000 going once, twice, SOLD!" "Oooo well it didn't bring the 1.2m expected price".............. Think i've gone mad!?
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