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Everything posted by chrisjones6699

  1. Front end looks like an old Elise! sorry vik
  2. I'm having my civil ceremony in Cardiff next April, haven't booked a photographer cos our photographer for the main wedding wants ridiculous amounts just for an extra 1-2 hrs because the civil is on a different day...i was going to do photography my self, but given the fact am getting married thats probably not going to work Your welcome to have a go at taking some photos if you like, got any pictures on the web around ..you can even use my Camera (Cannon 450D, got a couple of lens in addition to the kit lens, hopefully will have an external flash gun by next April) Thanks very much mate! I would love to give it a go! He's a few of photo's i took at my mates Moroccan wedding this year. I took a fair few but quickly picked these. They are unedited and i think they've lost some quality through photobucket.
  3. Yep! Sweaty hands!! Thats unbelievable! They MUST have parachutes!?
  4. WOW!! Youre really good at spanking the monkey!.............. I could only manage 260mph! You must have good wrist action! HAHA!
  5. Oh dear god! This has come back haunt me!! Spent a lot of time attempting this!
  6. Nearly 3 years there was enough for me thanks I'm still on a come down after it too! Thats what I was doing out there and yes, big money and even bigger risks! I'll not go into too much detail but my last two months there, involved a prison set up for me and my team and when we left camp, they blew us up killing two of the team.
  7. Im self employed now. I dont have a wage, i get a daily rate and at the moment, my daily rate is the least its been in the 5 years i've been doing this line of work. I would have to do pretty bad to earn less than I earn now. My point was that I'm fed up of not having a social life. I can earn a lot of money now but that would mean me leaving the country for months on end and potentially put my life at risk. I've done all that. I spent nearly 3 years in Iraq and i was nearly blown up and kidnapped. I want to settle down and have somewhat a normal life. I can stay in this line of work in the UK, be away from home for a few weeks a month and earn a reasonable wage (with no social life) or i can take a risk and try something new. I would say I'm fortunate enough to be able to come back to this industry if it didnt work out elsewhere. I have taken Biscuits advice and found an OU course that could be a good start to photography!
  8. It's a little more complicated than that. There's not much security work about and the job i'm on at the moment is ending very soon. I'm self employed so it not like i have to quit anything. pro's and con's i suppose!
  9. cough cough! yeah, lets not go down this road!
  10. I've seriously considered doing this but with my line of work, I'm not in one place long enough to commit to a collage. Maybe a change in career is the stepping stone to doing what i want to do in the long run? I hope you guys know that the results of this poll will decide my future!?
  11. you shouldn't laugh at your own jokes.....but it was quite funny!
  12. Ermmm thanks for the advice guys.....I think I'll stick to crate crash for the time being!
  13. I think that's where i would struggle to be honest. I have morals and I would feel like a right b@stard if i sold a heap of junk to someone!
  14. I have a passion for photography and i also cant stop thinking about the show i done with my brothers. I would love to do another few shows but its not up to me. I love photography but what options do i have without qualifications and experience? I dont know how i could make as much money as i can now. I know its not all about money but my situation requires me to make a decent living. I need to save for a mortgage.
  15. I'm sick of work so should I have a complete change in career? I'm in the security industry and I haven't had much of a social life for over 5 years. i have an interview for a car sales company in Cardiff next week. What should i do?
  16. Ok Update! Lost £5 on online poker! Cheers dave! Angry birds, already done!, havent been for a number 2 yet and i could be hooked on crate crash! Sniper game could be next! Thanks guys! Keep em coming!
  17. Thats Incredible! Also killed about 4 mins of work!
  18. LoL .. It's funny because I spend quite a lot of time doing the same thing ... If Facebook / Forum aren't very exciting I usually go looking for things on eBay .. or watch some youtube videos .. And if I'm REALLY bored ... I do some work .. I got this image of us living parallel lives! Forum.....facebook....forum....facebook....youtube.....forum....facebook.....work........ebay.........forum......end of day!
  19. Nice idea....but im in work Yeah could do! I love scrabble! Awesome idea!! Got it on my iPhone!
  20. Work can be very uneventful and all i seem to do is flick between the forum and facebook. Sometimes, not much happens on either site and I'm just sat here hoping that something will happen to kill time! I'm in need of boredom cures! Anyone got any good recommendations?
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