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Everything posted by AlexZ

  1. Plug something into it without the ignition on and see lol..... Surley if the battery is dead you wouldnt be able to tell anyway? I dont honestly think there normally constant live, well cig lighters normally are but ours are 12v supplies...
  2. Wouldnt have thought so mate but it works fines and there no trouble it been there. I plan to cover the front panel with a stainless plate when get the dimesnions....Then you wont be able to see it at all.... I would have thought the further the tank is away from the engine the better...The cooler the tank the quick the oil vapour will condence back to full oil.. Alex
  3. Hi guys, I need some help on getting the sizes for the cover that fits round the bonnet latch....I know theres some carbon ones kicking around on here. If someone would be kind enough to remove is and draw a template I would be really greatful. Any help would be good people.. Alexz
  4. After ordering a Cusco catch tank I set about fitting it last we....my first idea was to slightly move the power steering fluid pot and bracket across. After a couple of hours I decided I wasnt happy with the tightness of the area and the tank hitting the water pipe... The wilest place ever was then discovered but it works...theres a brakcet already there an waiting.... I've used hydralic air hose and a brass and alloy T piece. Theres a rocker cover filter attached to one of the unions on the tack so it can breath to atmosphere. What you guys think??? Alexz
  5. AlexZ

    Buying a Z'ed

    Theres a few members on here from Hull matie including myself.... You will be over the moon with it mate...good luck for the weather.. Alex
  6. Most modern windscreens including our Z's are laminated so no water would get in the car mate...Theres a think film of some material in between the two sections of glass. Alex
  7. Yep mines the same even when controlled of the key remote...Just one of those things I guess...I never see them fold from inside the car anyway because there done by the time I get in. Just lock, let them auto fold and walk away is my moto Alex
  8. Could be any of the balljoints at the front mate...maybe best popping it to your local tyre/suspenion place and putting it on a ramp...
  9. Not sure if either of the above are your local main dealer....but its worth a chat with them. With all the manufactures we repair for they require genuine approved bodyshops to repair there vehicles incase a warranty claim is put forward. I'm not saying you will ever have a problem and even less so with a bumper been plastic. All i'm saying is for what ever reason you may need a warranty claim, if the paint work isnt completed by an approved Nissan bodyshop you will find in most cases they wont pay out. Although it is hard to tell what year your vehicle is and it could be out of warranty anyway for paint work lol.. Alex
  10. Thinking about it, not saying this is the case with the Z but some manufactures vehicles i.e mercs, bmw's have to have certain weight loads on them to make the geometry set up correct. I think 0.7 of a liter of fuel is equal to 1kg iirc.
  11. This is true, ours at work locks the wheel to the seat...works a treat.
  12. Seems to me they need to centralise the rack into both track rod ends instead of just adjusting one side... The other option but not the correct one is to remove and relocate the steering wheel is the car steers stright.
  13. Ok guys, I know I sound thick but I've ordered the catch tank below, I've realised some off the tanks above have more tubes. I guess this just gives you more tubes to connect to the breather on the vehicle. Am guessing on the one Ive ordered there the two blue elbow are for IN and OUT. I would guess the two larger cam cover breathers at the rear are the main ones. I've seen the drawing above and my plan is to leave the pipe linking the two cam covers (front) there, then have two silicon pipes from the rear breathers meeting at a Y peice then a single silicon pipe leading into the catch tank. Would it be best to then let the vapour go to atmosphere rather then feeding it back into the system. If not were would you guy attach the return pipe from the catch tank back to the car? If some one could draw an image for the standard engine I would be really grateful lol... Alex
  14. Plastic welding should be very strong compared to figerglass and body filler itself. The other option is look for a second hand bumper in the same colour and use the guides on here to change it yourself or get a second hand bumper and pay the garage to paint and fit it. Just bare in mind the second hand bumper may have been repaired aswell lol....
  15. If all the plastic is still there (bent in) I would get it plastic welded, this is less likey to crack if you ever bumper or catch the bumper in the future...
  16. Good call mate lol, were also Merc approved and there no better...
  17. Hi Ian, I'm a VDA (vehicle damage assessor) and it'll repair fine if the bumper is removed. If it was insurance I would put it down to be replaced but the cost would be much greater as you can imagine. I would estimate as follows. Remove & Refit Bumper = 1hr@£30 Repair Bumper = 2hr@£30 Paint Bumper = 3.5hrs@£30 Paint Materials Cost = £78 Grand total £320.78inc vat Because you own a Z i would prob know an hour labour off leaveing it just shy of £300inc Alex
  18. No worries dude, just think how much oil vapour is getting sucked in with the fuel and air....this could all be A/F if the oil problem is resolved and you'll get an extra 40000bhp lol...or maybe just a cleaer engine lol.. Alex
  19. Emm, I've used three different people (all trained by BMW) and they have all used a panel hammer with a little plastic tool after de-dinging the panel to get it perfect. You tend to find the dent guys dont get 100% perfect finish with the metal tools from inside alone, they use the hammer and plastic tool to flatten the high spots they cause. There is a hugh difference in the quality of the de-dinger...If they dont take there time you can see where they have pick the dent into a little corner of the original dent. You will also find what looks perfect to the normal customer isnt alway perfect to a trained eye like in an trade. We do Ford warranty work and I would never buy a Ford lol..
  20. I have a couple of friends who do this. My main friend is the top guy at BMW import centre in Thorn, the other chap was his apprentis at the bodyshop. The younger lad did my Z when I picked it up, there were a couple of car park dents on the doors and a larger one on the roof. I got a little reduction on the cost because of the dents from the dealer... The dent on the roof was a little harder because I didnt want the roof lining taking out so my mate used a glue gun to pull the dent out then flattend it back down. I know this sounds crazy but the work is perfect. I've worked in a body shop for 13 years and I would pick PDR on my car every time if the paint isnt broken. The dent was just near the black rubber seal in the middle. Alex
  21. every days a school days guys lol
  22. Dude thats well bad lol....mine done 49k and she wasnt nowere near as bad. Mine does seem to be using oil though so I've ordered a Cusco catch tank of ebay from some other country lol... Alex
  23. haha great idea mate....I love road trips...
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