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Everything posted by AlexZ

  1. Some places like Halfords do locking wheel nut removal tools. All it does is screw onto the locking nut in reverse, the tighter you turn the more it digs in. The only troulbe is if the locking nut takes most the room in the wheel hole the tool wont fit Other than that a specialist would be the best way imo. Not to scare you but on one off my older cars we have to oxiceterline (sp) the locking nut cause it was high tesile (sp) steel and hard as nails. This cost me a new rear hub and bearing lol. Alexz
  2. . Evening Sunset, they were tight in the body but nothing my 1/2 inch ratchet and 32mm spanner couldn't sort lol. They only look this clean cause I cleaned them up while they were off the car . Touch wood they havent made a sound since and they didnt seem to have any play in them. The job itself is very easy and if they do start to make a noise again I will just swap them for some new ones. Alexz
  3. Quality choice mate, I'm also new and love every min of driving it fast or slow. Alexz
  4. Did he offer you more once the GT status was agreed lol? Alexz
  5. Just jack the back end up mate, slide some axel stands under there and whip the out. There one 14mm bolt on the drop link through the stabiliser bar and two 14mm bolts holding the barcket to the car. Mine were well tight and I needed the 1/2 ratchet with a 32mm spanner on the end lol.. It takes an hour max start to finish. Alex nice one mate i might go hunting for torque values as im a paranoid perfectionist jacking the car up is a bad bit for me, never know if ive got it right If you look at this image you can clearly see the bolt I wrote about in the pm... According to the info I have all the bolts you undo should be tighten back to between 50=60N.M Alexz
  6. Just jack the back end up mate, slide some axel stands under there and whip the out. There one 14mm bolt on the drop link through the stabiliser bar and two 14mm bolts holding the barcket to the car. Mine were well tight and I needed the 1/2 ratchet with a 32mm spanner on the end lol.. It takes an hour max start to finish. Alex Is it possible to lube the droplinks in-situ? Or is removal a must? To be honest mate what little time it takes to remove the links when the car is in the air I would advise taking them off. Theres a lot less chance off you getting anything in your eyes if there out and on a bench or wheelie bin like me lol I guess you could do them on the car, but it would defo have to be in the air. Alexz
  7. I got some spray grease in the shed and found the chain lube while looking for it . You know what chain lube is like, takes some serious moving. Alexz
  8. Just jack the back end up mate, slide some axel stands under there and whip the out. There one 14mm bolt on the drop link through the stabiliser bar and two 14mm bolts holding the barcket to the car. Mine were well tight and I needed the 1/2 ratchet with a 32mm spanner on the end lol.. It takes an hour max start to finish. Alex
  9. Cheers mate, I'll keep you posted with the progress on cleaning. Alexz
  10. No big plans mate, I'm just a man who likes the genuine paint as best as possible no matter how old the car is. I'm not a big fan of repaints or bodywork really. I would like a little carbon here and there when I'm happy with the main bodywork condition. For now its just making the car mine with cleaning etc. Alexz
  11. I've just had a quick look through the thread titles and I'm not sure were to post this if i'm honest. What I plan to do is keep the thread running and eveytime I do somthing just add the images onto it. Some of you already know but I got my Z last Saturday. With the weather been a little poor and time been tight I finally got a few hours this afternoon to have a play between rain and dark. Right, first on the list was to sort the groaning for the rear end. I read on the site the most common problem is anti roll bar drop links. I whipped these off and give them a good old lube up with MucOff Chain Lube (inc PTFE). I thought this may be better than spray grease cause its a little more hard wearing and last longer on my bike lol When I removed the drop links the seemed to move freely and there was no play in them. I thought they feel fine, but as instructed from the forum I put some lube in them for good measure. What is the little linkage system on the passanger side drop link..Couldnt figure out what this was for lol... With the car in the air I could see how black my tail pipes were. What a mess, with the drop links sorted I thought I'll have a bash at cleaning them. It took me ages to sort one, with the dark sky's in view I thought ram the second pipe for today and work on a little polishing. BLACK CLEAN When I got the car home last weekend I saw some finger prints on the rear tailgate spoiler. My mate tells me this is ladies foundation. With the last owner been a lady I thought fair play. They would not wash off for love nor money. I thought I might aswell started here. I planned to Clay Bar the full car and get some polish & wax on before the bad weather comes. I clayed the spoller then used some Autoglym S/R. This brought the finger prints off no problem. Fingers Clean With the shiny spolier I thought I may aswell carry on while theres a little light left. I got the mirrors, Roof side sections (plastic above dooors), A pillars and the roof done. The roof isnt 100% yet I can still feel a few little bits in the centre that need attension. So far i'm happy and just need more time and a dry day to sort the rest. Roof Alexz
  12. AlexZ


    Thanks for the link narcotix, ive saved that as a fravorite just in case lol. Right, took the car to a mate who has the gear to reset the air bag light. It was triggered by the passanger seat pretensioner connector. He tells me when I split the connection under the passanger seat after the light had started flashing it cleared the fault. The fault was still logged in the ecu though and he gave me the error number from the computer. He said even though I fixed the fault the air bag light would flash until it had been fully reset by his computer. Not sure if all this is true but I trust him and hes fixed it free of charge.
  13. AlexZ


    Thanks guys, this sounds like like the problem. I'll have a full read of that link after tea... Just some guidence on the airbag light now....Ive read some people saying they have reset it? I guess this means disconnect the battery for X amount of time? Alexz
  14. AlexZ


    Well i've ownd my Z since Saturday, on the way home from work this evening the airbag light came on for no reason at all...I havent done anything I know the pretensioners are under the seat and I have moved the seat since i've bought the car. I've unplugged both of them, check them for muck etc and re-connected them. This hasnt done anything...What other problems could cause the light????? The other little niggle is I seem to be getting a groaning from the rear end suspension when I go round corners slowly or up and down small slopes like petrol station forecourts...I 100% sure its on the rear cv joint as I did read these are a problem before I bought the Z.Any ideas?? I'll jack the car up at weekend and have a proper look and lube some joints.. Alexz
  15. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    Any images????? I have my girlfriends new shape civic net in at the mo and it seems to do the job ok...but if the pug one does fit better then i'll buy one. Alexz
  16. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    Hi Captain, I have every faith in you all with the Peugeot nets... My paryner has a new Civic and when she bought the spare wheel kit this came with a cargo net. I just want to make sure the Peugeot one fits better than this one before I spend the money I could have used on fuel lol. Alexz
  17. The 55 plate one your seeing is my friend, it's a 2007 with a private plate saying jassper (JX55PER). I'll come for a beer just let me know when dude. Alexz
  18. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    Good call mate, you got one or any images please? Alexz I have one, as do several other members. you can get one here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PEUGEOT-CITROEN-CARGO-BOOT-NET-206-207-307-308-407-C4_W0QQitemZ400081463403QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item5d26b6a86b Thanks for the info matie...I did have a look last night on ebay. Could you send me a image off it in the boot so I see how it fits.... Thanks
  19. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    Thanks for the welcome matie.. I had a 2001 Celica Premium with some light mods..It was the 140bhp model.. Alexz There is a red one down my street with full body kit, true dual exhaust and all sorts....looks very Yeh I think I've seen that one kicking around the town..Use to see him near Holderness Road early morning. Alexz
  20. Hi mate, you were coming over Drypool Bridge (I think its called that) towards Victoria Dock out off town. I have a silver GT coupe... I cant believe you complained to me and Hamster about other Z owners not been friendly to you on the road then you just plain miss me...lol Alexz
  21. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    Haha, very nice picture mate... I do like the colour, but I found the best car I could for my money and the colour wasnt really an issue tbh lol...Plus I like Silver lol... Alexz
  22. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    Haha, you will soon learn "Dudette" , that I call every one dude or babe lol...but I need to meet you a few more time before the babe term is used so I dont get punched lol.. Alexz
  23. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    Good call mate, you got one or any images please? Alexz
  24. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    I know dude lol Thanks to everyone who has welcomed me into the club. Alexz
  25. AlexZ

    I now own a Z

    Thanks for the welcome matie.. I had a 2001 Celica Premium with some light mods..It was the 140bhp model.. Alexz
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