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Everything posted by AlexZ

  1. do you mean the top three I have circled? If so do you have any idea which does what?
  2. Ok so let me get this right....we whip out our headunit find the above location on the curcit board. brake the feed, solder a 3.5mm headphone plug onto the board and rebuild. Then you attach a mp3 player via the 3.5mm socket i've soldered on hit the tape button and it plays the mp3 if theres a tape in the deck??? This will rock if it works on the UK's
  3. Hi Pimm, if im honest I wouldnt have thought about it until the thread was started...after two years and no sucsess you somtimes need a fresh mind on the job...My brother rocks when it comes to solving problems... A wiring diagram will be avaiable when he get round to it (I hopeing this weekend) for £10 if you fancy the mod. Please add your name to the list or pm me. Alexz
  4. Looks to be a common fault matie. viewtopic.php?f=35&t=21318&start=0 Alexz
  5. very good mate, the images look good for a camera phone.... Wheel spacers seem to be big these days lol Alexz
  6. Perfect images mate. both cars are mint....Oh and you have the best colour....
  7. I think he'll be happy with 10 people paying £10 for a list of the parts used and a wiring diagram....lol....£100 for a days work isnt to bad...I'm just happy I mentioned it to him lol
  8. Thats right mate, I told him to bare in mind some people will have anti hijack alarms that lock the doors via time or movement etc...The microswitch rocks...very simple but so effect and cost nothing.
  9. Evening guys, this ones isnt really down to me more my brother. I read the thread about folding mirrors with the key fob and mentioned it to my brother. I said I bet you can't make the mirror fold with the key fob but allow the interior switch to work... He told me to whip the door trim off...had a peep and this is what he came up with... I dont know the full detials of how he did it, but it works fine and is cool..I dont have to flick that switch anymore and F down have to worry about my mirror be on the road side one morning that day i forget to fold them in. The mirror fold off the remote, interior switch and the door barrel. Alexz
  10. Nah mate S2000 are nice but there not a mark on the Z imo, plus I left one behind the other night
  11. AlexZ


    haha priceless....
  12. Power to weight rocks.....years ago I have a little Saxo VTR with cam, head work etc etc and it went really well....my mates with turbo's VTS's could run low 12's on the quarter mile...Silly as I would feel loseing to a Saxo, I'd rather drive home in the Z....
  13. Evening mate, to be honest I've always used the manufacture spec'd oils and correct amount in all my cars and never had a problem. This doent mean the Slick 50 isnt any good, I have friends and family who use it although it's normally engine not box... I would start buy checking the level or changing it first.
  14. Dude there's 11 to collect and you only need 7 lol....relax you will be fine...you do need the applicaton forum though and that was out last Thursday lol.... I'm another tight arse as you may guess lol, although I do have them all lol....
  15. I have a Clio one you can have mate....fit and looks fine, just a little soft when you do 100mph plus lol...Pm me if you need it with your address... Alexz
  16. Mine made this noise after I changed the gear box oil for about 10mins. It was fine before I dropped the oil and after the 4 mile drive home from work it was fine again....I could only put it down to there not been enough lube while the oil worked it way back it.... The oil change seems to have helped my issue with 1st & 2nd selecting. It seem to nothcy before with the old oil in but now its almost perfect everytime I change into and from first to second. I would advise getting the oil level checked or even better changed. From what I seen one here some main dealers do it in the P3 service and some just check the levels. Not sure how old yours is or what miles it's covered but for £20 (D.I.Y) you know it been done and has the correct amount in when its done. Hope this helps. Alex
  17. Looks to me like the brake pad friction materail has transfered to the disk face after hard braking...if it was mine I would strip the pads out and check the friction material, deglazed the disk face and then try bedding them in again... Worth a try before buying all new brakes Alex
  18. no problems mate....keep me posted with some images
  19. Depends on the condition of your brake cylinders mate, if they are dirty clean them first then I'd use a piece of wood and push it between the old pads (sometimes this is hard and sometimes not) noob question (im an electrical engineer ) how would one clean his brake cylinders? To be honest mate there shouldnt be much of an issue pushing the pistons back...I could push all mine with my fingers. Just remember when you push one, the others will move lol. Try and hold the others with your hand or wood while you push each one back... The only reason the piston could be stuck or slow moving is if the piston seal is damaged or damp has some how got around it. As you will know the brake fluid pushes on the back of the piston. If the brake fluid was to pass around the sides of the piston your brakes wouldnt work very well lol.. All the seal does is keep the surface face of the piston clean from damp and dirt. The seal also aids in pulling the piston back when you release the foot pedal. Alexz
  20. Evening dude, if you mean the disk has a small lip round the edge then you may get away with just using a screw driver...Place a flat bladed screw driver in one of the lower caliper corners (so it cant move) with the flat edge on the disk edge. Turn the disk into the flat edge of the screw drive if you follow me...this should remove the lip by scraping it off with the screw driver tip... If new pads are going in I would advise using sandpaper to deglazed the disk face aswell. Alexz
  21. I stand corrected.... dont really understand why the C would need a VIC and the D not. The only difference is the C is over the retail value and the D is a large percentage of the retail value....? From what I understand all C,D & X Cat's need the VIC to go back on the road. Alexz
  22. Posting sounds like a plan to me dude...If your going for a long periods couldnt you try somthing smaller items first and wing it from there.
  23. Thanks Mike, I'll keep em coming for people to view.
  24. Good call man, I did wipe the piston faces with a dry cloth but nothing major....I agree with the brake fluid on the pistons aswell....I pushed all 8 pistons back without trouble so there was no need for lube this time.
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