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Everything posted by chrisdew

  1. is it all down to how much money you have got to spend!
  2. i know i am a fool, i had to tell the courts that too but still i need a slower car or might not have a job!!
  3. cheers for that! need to slow down until my license points are lower or no job!!
  4. might have to leave! - my 53 plate is up for sale on pistonheads, has done me well though since september 2004, i have put 100,000 happy miles on her but just been done for speeding on M1 so have to calm down for a while!! i'll be back
  5. my GTzed is a 53 plate with 104000 miles, hardly any problems...new fly wheel at 80 thats all, you don't to worry ou there they are as good a car at 100k as they are at 1k!! i've had mine 5 years this month & have put 95 of the 104k miles on it, it needs replacing now though 'cos i do lots of business miles so watch out in the ad page as i will be saying goodbye to it in December, looking then for an 08 or 09 plate then. if anyone hears of any deals please let me know - i might trade it or sell it private, if anyone knows of anyone wanting a good present for Christmas...at the right price of course, please reply
  6. chrisdew

    exhaust system

    EXHAUST SYSTEM - middle & back 53 plate with 100,000 miles on so not done too bad for first replacement, eom is ok for me but will consider others
  7. thanks for advice from everyone, i think i will stick with an oem & will advertise in wanted section. i am certainly no mechanic though so will have to go somewhere to have it fitted. i was pleasantly surprised when i logged on this morning to find 19 welcomes to the club i suppose i am a veteran driver! i have had mine nearly 5 years with 100,000 miles on it now so maybe i have been spotted by some of you in the past genearlly around yorks / lancs / derbyshire!! my only moan about the zed is the Bose Cd player - why do the cds keep jumping, i know it is related to the humidity cos if i take out the jumping cd & hold it over the warm air from the heater it cures it!...it is annoying
  8. hi all, i am a new member! and have a 53 plate with almost 100,000 miles on it now with a still, need some help though - exhaust has started to go middle & back & have been quoted £1200 !! i am a yorkshireman so that is a bit hard to swallow! - any tips?? Chris
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