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Everything posted by rogerxp

  1. Received my tax reminder today funnily enough so can absolutely confirm it's -: £253.00 for 6 months £460.00 for 12 months Gonna stick 12 months on the beast to delay the effect of April's inevitable price rise .
  2. Prices for rears according to Blackcircles fitted (for reference) -: Falken 452 - £190 Hankook Ventus S1 Evo - £246 Bridgestone Potenza RE50A - £276 Pirelli Pzero - £304 Michelin Pilot Sport 2 - £350 Loads of variations upon a theme. Looking at these I'd be tempted by the Falkens (never let me down yet) but, as crumbMC states, I'd defo get Pilot Sport 3s as perference at £190 exc. fitting.
  3. Mine is constantly getting a battering, it's only a matter of time for it to cause real damage, probably taking half the bumper along with it. Mine scrapes everything, my driveway going on & off (have to crawl on now), large speed bumps (again, I have to crawl), but also any dip in the road, and yesterday in a multistory carpark coming down the steep ramps onto the next flat level. Ridiculous really. Would be interest to see a piccies of the holes left behind and also once filled in.
  4. Good point, over in BMW land (!!), it's usually a toss up between Falkens & Vredesteins - both great tyres.
  5. Yeah had a few sets of Falkens on my Beemers and they are great. I wouldn't consider anything else to be honest (unless I was going for a 'proper' brand). The other driver (if you pardon the pun) at the time was those damn run-flat tyres being so expensive so the price difference was massive. All price dependent of course.
  6. I'm interested in this too as the dealer told me on Tuesday that my rears are starting to get low - I've only covered 3750 miles - opps!!!
  7. All my Beemers have had it (except the E46) so was a little surprised that the Zed didn't. Like I say, I'm convinced I've not got it, as I seem to remember the initial surprise by the lack of it, but will do some testing tomorrow.
  8. Well I'm confused then; m u s t f i n d h i l l !!!
  9. Erm, well mine is manual and I don't recall it every stopping me rolling backwards . Mine's a 60 plate GT car so has the latest updates on - might have to go and find a hill to test it on .
  10. I'm 5" 8' (and a bit ) and have no problem. Fairly obvious but go and sit in one and see for yourself. The thing that annoys me (and don't know whether it's height related) but I struggle to see past the damn wing-mirror, I mean when waiting at a roundabout, I struggle to see cars coming from the right without peering over or around it. I've pumped my seat up a bit, which helped, but don't want my head sticking out of the roof!!!
  11. Is 'Hill Start' just a feature for you auto boys??? Mine hasn't got it .
  12. Chris, if you have any trouble sell and would consider selling seperately then drop my a PM (don't often frequent this section!) about the 18-135 lens and a price, I've been looking for something like 18-200 but depending on cost could be tempted. No worries if you'd prefer to keep things as a package.
  13. ...thinking about it, the easiest thing to do is point to you a thread I made on another forum I regularily contribute to. I'm obviously educating my mates with Beemers so you just need to gloss over the bits you know. http://www.e90post.com/forums/showthrea ... light=370z No videos on there though but will post if someone can tell me how to post up video up to 600mb (most between 200 & 400mb though).
  14. Hi, yes I'll happily report back but just been too busy recently to get round to it, big exam tomorrow absorbing all my time, plus 101 jobs around the house need doing as we're expecting our 2nd child in 3 weeks - the wife is nesting and EVERYTHING needs mending/painting/moving/replacing/cleaning, etc (driving me mental). Anyway... A local exhaust fitter did mine, not sure who exactly; my car was in for some repair work and they asked their favoured trusted exhaust fitter locally to put it on, then delivered the stock exhaust back to my house (I know the bodyshop owner), so it all worked out well. I'm sure someone could recommend someone local to you though. I've got before & after vids also but don't know how to post them as I shot them in 1080 so huge filesize. Anyone know where is best to 'privately' upload large video files (when I say private I mean you guys can see them but don't really want the world being able to freely search for them - I forgot to cover up my reg plate - doh).
  15. rogerxp

    P1 for a 370Z

    My very thoughts today. Westway Manchester a high performance centre of whatever they're called so have loads of GTRs; I know the Manager there so thought about putting a call in to grab a GTR for the day but Stockport is a little more convenient, were £20 cheaper and could so out my car next day so it'll be done tomorrow. ...if you don't ask...
  16. For me that system is way too loud but it's not my car so not my decision. I wouldn't be able to cope with any more than my current Stillen set-up but then again, I use it every day, visit clients in it, and have neighbours .
  17. rogerxp

    P1 for a 370Z

    Nice reminder, need to get mine sorted, only two near me are Westway Manchester & Westway Stockport, might give both a call. edit - £199 including vat, courtesy car & everything from Westway Stockport. Standard price £219 but he gave a discount (I didn't even have to ask, he just said that figure, I only found out when I called back to book as was quoted £219 by the other person answering the phone but after checked did it for £199). Plus, it's going in tomorrow, so result there. Only downside, either a Micra or Note for the day .
  18. Yes, £83 is absolutely criminal, I can’t believe they have the audacity to even put that figure in a brochure, I mean, it’s just a string bag, you get one free with onions!!! The one I use (from my 350Z days) is a Peugeot one from memory, recommended back in the day on a forum, bought off eBay for peanuts. Yes, OK, it’s a little too big for the 370Z but does the job well enough – the boot in the roadster is so small stuff can’t move too far anyway!!!
  19. I've not witnessed any other exhaust but can say I was really impressed by the difference the Stillen made performance wise; took me by surprise actually. Extra performance wasnt a priority at all (sound was all I wanted) so a bit of a brucie-bonus. Plus, I seem to have gained an extra 1mpg, so in about 45 years it'll have paid for itself .
  20. Tarmac (Chris) supplied my Stillen in super-sharp time so can recommend him. Sorry Chris, I promised to give you shout out but haven't had chance to do a proper write up, so this can be my little 'big-up' . Stillen sounds amazing. Must admit it took me a few days to adjust to the extra volume (I really panicked when it was fitted and thought it'd be in the classifieds pretty quickly afterwards) but now I love it. To be honest, I'm now not interested in any HFCs to compliment it, as I'm happy with the level of volume I've got now. So, personally, I'd fit the exhaust then decide afterwards if you want more. Oh, insurance, mine increased by about £100 over the year, so less than 10%, with Esure.
  21. Any update on this?? Just wondering a) did things get resolved OK how did you find the fitting c) how are you finding it to live with??
  22. I should really post a before/just after/2 months after diary of my Stillen experience shouldn't I... Will make time for a write-up soon.
  23. I can confirm that rear visibility in the roadster is shite .
  24. I'm a little taken aback by the speed of the Z4M Coupe round the track. I knew they were rapid but didn't realise they were that rapid. I very very very nearly bought one before I spotted my 370Z, but never drove one, so am surprised by the difference.
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