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Everything posted by Posidrive
Sounds very much like the behavior that I see. How many miles have you done, I should hit the magic 100k sometime over the next couple of weeks so a touch of wear is to be expected. I sometimes wonder how much effect the warmer Summer weather has on the pressure, perhaps the engine runs a little hotter? At idle mine is normally just a smidgeon below the 30 psi wark but on a couple of really warm days during the last month she was idling aroud the 20 psi mark. Still in spec according to Nissan but caused a fluttering in the nether regions to the extent that I changed the pressure sender to make sure that the reading was as accurate as possible. Bit peed of when it didn't change at all
Changed the pads myself for the first time ever this weekend and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was with the Bembos although why the pins are reversed on the rear calipers is quite beyond me. Makes pushing them out quite a pain. But when doing the front driver side I couldn't get my trolley jack under the car which was too low by about a quarter of an inch whereas I had no problem with the passenger side. Had to resort to the manual jack. I also noticed that the front tyres are wearing unevenly, much more wear on the right hand side of the tyre. Any idea what could cause this?
The Zed is my daily drive and I wouldn't have it any other way, but I may need to get a cheap and cheerful dog wagon to cart my German Shepherds around since the Zed is not exactly dog friendly. Is there any way of getting insurance on a 2nd car without getting screwed by a the no claims bonus being used on the insurance for the Zed. Its not as f I could be drving both at the same time.
I suppose what really pees me off about this is that I seem to be being penalised for something that is (a) not relevent to the risk of me being involved in any kind of motoring accident and ( was not in any way my fault (I don't recall inviting the burglar into the house) . It peed me off enough when I had to take out short term rental contents for a flat a couple of years ago and had 10% added to the premium for honestly declaring it. Even more galling that if I had any criminal convictions (I don't) I would not have to declare them if they were spent. I'm quite happy to contact our pet brokers again in a few weeks when it time for the annual pain of renewing the insurance but don't hold out much hope for a better deal than Admiral because of the high mileage that I do each year. Although I expect the usual **** taking renewal quote.
I'm not trying to defraud anyone but the Price Comparison web sites are doing my head in because I get almost no quotes, I presume because I ticked the box that I had an inurance policy renewal refusal over 25 years ago for house contents after I was burgled 3 times in a year. So, do I really need to declare this for motor insurance? The tick box on the price comparison sites appears genric about any kind of insurance rather than specific to motor inurance
You Can: You can just see the skis in there - wouldn't like to have a passenger in there though - severe decapitation risk I would have though! Your bag makes it look like we have the same employer
The Zed and I are off to the Alps for a week of Skiing in February so we need to get her kitted out. Your recommendations please. Before I get flamed as being insane, I spent 4 years driving in canada is far worse snow than we ever see in Europe and have had snow and ice driver training. Tires: Any recommendations on Winter tires and a good place to source them? Chains: Anyone ever used them, got any recommendations Wheels: I have been thinking about getting a cheap/used set just for Winter tires. Any ideas?
Just noticed this and pining for the slopes with a family that doesn't want to ski anymore. Did this ever go anywhere?
If you are going to get a second hand diesel make sure that you get anything that could involve having the injectors removed to fix thoroughly checked out. We found out to our cost with Mrs. P's Honda that being unable to remove the injectors without breaking them is a pretty common problem with many modern diesel's. In our case it ended up meaning that what should have been a reasonably simple job of replacing the timing chain was going to cost more than the car was worth (3K+)
I gave it a go and although not quite prefect I'm generally impressed by the results. Didn't use a spray or take the seats out though. Their leather conditioner is quite something else. You can almost see the leather sucking it in. Leather seems much softer as a result
My driver seat needs a bit of TLC and it looks like the liquid leather products will be the way to go. Does anyone know if the Burnt Orange color mentioned on their site is the Alezan color?
You dont want to know how much UK magazines are here I do At the current exchange rate use to may £15 for a £5.99 PC mag each month we lived in Calgary
I can't agree at all. In 50k miles of driving the Zed on 452's I have never had any grip problems with them including the 2 nasty Winters with lots of snow. For the money they can't be beaten. They also wear extermely well.
This is a real PITA. Replaced my fronts with 452's last week. I reckon that the rears have another 9-12 months on them but then I suppose I'll have to throw away the part worn fronts to replace all four
I find that the yellow light tends to come on around the 400 mile mark although for a one of experiment to see how much I could force out of tankful I hit 540 miles before the yellow light appeared. Don't plan on doing that again though
Mine can be a little eratic connecting but if I remove the adapter from its cradle then plug it back in while the engine is either running or the ignition key turned enough to switch on the stereo then it connects. May be worth a go.
From our experience living in Calgary the prices of second hand Japanese care are generally much higher than the domestic Dodge, Chrysler, etc. Quite a lot has to do with the perception of (and probably actual) build quality. They also tend to be rarer since being redneck country the locals like to support the local car industry. I'm not entiriely convinced about the low stress for cars in Canada. Maybe so in the sticks, but commuting in Calgary in rush hour is every bit as bad as London so plenty of start/stop driving and just wait until you try starting an engine full of wax in when the temperature is -50C. The good side about buying a Zed there though is that it will only have been used in Summer
Hope the garage owner enjoyed a few months of drinking his food through a straw But more seriously, I bought mine before finding this web site so had an AA inspection done. There weren't any faults and from my 3 years of ownership they didn't miss anything so can't really comment on whether or not it was worth it. But it did give me peace of mind because they jacked up the car to check for any hidden damage underneath (this was the more expensive option) as well as checking the bodywork for any repairs which might not have been obvious. If you don't go for an inspection, at least take someone esle along who knows something about cars who can if necessery prevent the heart from taking over from the brain if there is anything wrong.
Just went to compare the market and the best quote was from Elephant. Almost fell off my chair. £281 per year with protected no claims for 18k miles per year and business use. £600 excess. Given that I paid £560 with Admiral last year, this just seems too good to be true even though I am an old fart (53 and live in boring Swindon. Anyone with good or bad experiences with them?
I'm intrigued by this. Why would they not be willing to recover some of their losses by selling the car back to you. It doesn't quite make sense to me for a car with only a knackered engine that can be fixed with a rebuild to be scrapped. Was there more damage caused by the water?
I wonder if it may be a faulty MAF. I had very similar behaviour after I took the MAF off to clean it. I was a bit careless plugging the electrical connector back in and bent one of the pins. The engine light came on along with the the TCS lights and she became very stuttery. Fortunately the pin didn't break when I bent it back . All is well now.
Thanks for all the offers and comment guys. In the end I decided to match up with the rears so got some new Falkens. They seem to have gone up in price recently but bit the bullet anyway. Looks like the oil consumption issue is far less severe that I thought. Had an oil change yesterday and we measured what came out. Looks like she had drunk about 1 litre in 6000 miles while while not wonderful is far less worrying than I thought considering the highish mileage. Looks like I had been a bit of a dipstick while reading the dipstick. Anyone know what the volume of oil is between high and low on the dipstick? So, just the other half's Honda to fix now. Really peaved, the worn timing chain is a know issue that Honda extended the warranty to 7 years for and with our luck it appeared 6 months too late . I would never buy another Honda diesel, 2 dead turbos and now this chain issue in 100k (ish) miles
It didn't mention the Zed on the compatability page. Do you know if it will work with a 2005 Zed? I may be skint but birthday coming up and other half will want ideas
I need 2 new front tyres but other car related expenses (New timing chain of the other half's Honda and possible major engine work on the Zed) mean that the pot is rather empty at the moment. Anyone got any recommendations that will prevent me ending up in a ditch?