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Everything posted by BladesGrant

  1. Well aint that a bugger!!! Not sure why mine has it covered up. Lets just hope it hasn't been on all this time!!!
  2. I don't understand why you would put a sticker over it and its worrying me a lot!!! I don't have any performance issues though and I had it on a dyno last weekend with decent results so hopefully thats a good sign!!
  3. The K&N is pretty easy to clean. Pick out any big bits stuck on, then spray with K&N cleaner (not that expensive). Use the sink to wash the gauze out (run the tap slowly). Re-oil using spray or squeeze bottle. The trick is to not put too much oil on it. That will cause the oil to mess up the MAF sensor. As long as you take your time and don't get too rough with the filter itself then its pretty easy. You should only need to clean it every 30k - 40k though.
  4. Here is a picture with the formentioned sticker in the circle. You can just about make out the sticker, any ideas? [attachment=0]photo.jpg[/attachment]
  5. I would put it down to 3: K&N Pop charger Pipercross Would say its down to personal opinion which one as all 3 are good.
  6. is there anyway of gaining easy access to the inside of the dials without removing them? I have been trying to locate my engine management light on my JDM but I can't see it. There is a small black sticker (similar to the one over "k" when converted from kph to mph) that I think is over the light. Not sure where it is there and would like to take it off to see what is under there. Thanks
  7. +1 had both, both are good, but personal preference for me is the K&N which is what i have now. although i might look into dropping an apexi filter into my K&N airbox. What would be the reasoning behind this, better filter?
  8. Weston Performance 2003 JDM Raodster VQ35DE K&N Typhoon and thats your lot so good bench mark for standard 268.9BHP ATF 270ftlb TQ
  9. I have the K&N Typhoon and you don't really hear it until you get above 4500rpm. This is because it is totally incased in a heat shield and the pop charger isn't. Based on that i would say pop charger is louder but you get better (cooler) air from the K&N.
  10. It was a great day, especially with the weather being so good as well. There was a moment when they were doing best Ferrari in the centre arena. As they were all leaving they tend to wheel spin and rev a lot. A young guy in a F430 spider gave it a little too much right foot and everybody gasped as he was heading sideways into the rest of the pack of Ferrari's. It would have been a funny dink as they were all part of the same Ferrari club!!!!
  11. It was a great day, especially with the weather being so good as well. There was a moment when they were doing best Ferrari in the centre arena. As they were all leaving they tend to wheel spin and rev a lot. A young guy in a F430 spider gave it a little too much right foot and everybody gasped as he was heading sideways into the rest of the pack of Ferrari's. It would have been a funny dink as they were all part of the same Ferrari club!!!!
  12. Well if I was his daddy he would be s**t out of luck as he wouldn't ever get to drive it!!!!
  13. Well if I was his daddy he would be s**t out of luck as he wouldn't ever get to drive it!!!!
  14. I know, I live like 15 minutes away from the place and knew nothing about it!!! You are indeed seeing muliple Deloreans. I think there were about 9 in total. Most of the super cars were driven by relatively older people in general, apart from a 21 year old in a Lambo Gallardo Spyder. I wouldn't like to have his insurance bill!!!!
  15. I know, I live like 15 minutes away from the place and knew nothing about it!!! You are indeed seeing muliple Deloreans. I think there were about 9 in total. Most of the super cars were driven by relatively older people in general, apart from a 21 year old in a Lambo Gallardo Spyder. I wouldn't like to have his insurance bill!!!!
  16. Here are some pictures from the Gaydon Super Car Show. I only had my iPhone as I didn't know it was on and only swung by as I saw it while taking the old girl out for a spin. http://s837.photobucket.com/albums/zz29 ... /?newest=1 Hopefully this works ok as I haven't used photobucket before.
  17. Here are some pictures from the Gaydon Super Car Show. I only had my iPhone as I didn't know it was on and only swung by as I saw it while taking the old girl out for a spin. http://s837.photobucket.com/albums/zz29 ... /?newest=1 Hopefully this works ok as I haven't used photobucket before.
  18. I have sorted one now thanks.
  19. Where are all you guys getting this insurance from? I want a piece of that action!!!
  20. 28 years old Full no claims (protected) Garaged Roadster (JDM so slighty more expensive) £650
  21. If anyone has a standard engine cover for sale please get in touch. Thanks Grant
  22. Don't know the car, but not very happy about him calling Fairladys / imports cheap and nasty!!!!
  23. Welcome to the forum, another Zed in the Midlands is always good. Might see you at the Dyno meet on Saturday if you're not prowling the streets looking for your new Zed.
  24. I have just changed my reflectors as well. Opted for none bumper removal method. Passenger side was a piece of cake, drivers side was a tad more difficult with the washer bottle. the bolt holding that on is from the front so you have to have small, flexible hands (girlfriends are brilliant!!!). Only reason I opted for that approach was because I was also changing my Z fender emblems so needed to work under the archers otherwise I would definitely recommend the bumper removal way! Still its done now.
  25. Didn't know where to put this as its not technically bodywork. I noticed while washing my car that my passenger side repeater was very loose. Upon closer inspection it actually comes straight out of the car and hangs with the wires. I can't actually see how the repeater should be held behind the body work to try and repair it. Any tips or advice on how to keep this fixed on? Thanks Grant
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