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Everything posted by BladesGrant

  1. Am I the only person on here with one of these in there garage and not on the car? If anyone has one on their JDM would you mind taking a picture of the wiring so I can see which ones it is wired into? Thanks
  2. Good work mate, glad you have found a nice one . Have you gone for a Coupe? Roll on the next meet when you can show her off.
  3. I really didn't like it either, really ugly. I really liked the Sat Nav in the dials though, now thats cool.
  4. Is yours the one that they have been using and posting the results up on here? If not what increases have you seen? Currently trying to figure out how to fit an HKS to take the limiter off mine but if their remap does it and gets good increase in HP and tq then it might be just worth going down that route.
  5. I debated the very same thing when going for Sky. Ended up going for the HD package and definitely think it is worth it. Especially if you have a large tv. Its so annoying when having to watch football on ITV now as it just looks terrible compared to Sky Spors HD. I have a 47" tv and you can so tell a difference when not in HD due to the size and pixels.
  6. Here are a couple I took. not all came out very good though!! Maybe I need to work on my knob gripping technique. I was twisting Nurrish's knob all day without any kind of reaction!!!
  7. Thats the real reason you are doing this LED swap isn't, help you get the 350 posts and a free sticker!!!
  8. You have seen my 2nd car as well!!!! Not had any unwanted attention so far, fingers crossed it stays that way!!
  9. wot's your plans for the door reflectors? i have been thinking about trying to source a clear cover for the reflectors and mount some led's behind it and maybe incorporate a Z badge inside or something like that anyway will just be an experiment i suppose yeah damn right thats a lot of money hence the reason i think im going to try it myself as that is ridiculous for some led's in a bit of plastic. yeah expensive but I am lazy and don't have any skill or talent in that department, wanted something slightly different so paid the price. I am just happy that I fit them myself, about as creative as I have been!!!! no harm in that bud. i have been thinking about it if i could source the right led's for the job that would start the ball rolling. do the ones you have connect into the indicator harness or are they controlled by the side lights??? I wired them into the side lights. I saw the ones that had orange LEDs around the back but didn't look stock and looked too much like a Z4 ripoff so wanted something slight different. Prefer them to be on continuously when driving at night. Thankfully I had some LED reflectors that I replaced and the wiring was already there.
  10. No problem, thanks for the plenum. There will be another spare one up for soon though peeps as I will be selling my current one once I have done something with this one. Nice to meet you today as well, was like a mini mod day at nurrish's
  11. wot's your plans for the door reflectors? i have been thinking about trying to source a clear cover for the reflectors and mount some led's behind it and maybe incorporate a Z badge inside or something like that anyway will just be an experiment i suppose yeah damn right thats a lot of money hence the reason i think im going to try it myself as that is ridiculous for some led's in a bit of plastic. yeah expensive but I am lazy and don't have any skill or talent in that department, wanted something slightly different so paid the price. I am just happy that I fit them myself, about as creative as I have been!!!!
  12. Only a minor point but they don't come with the connectors by the sounds of the advert, the ones from the zstore come with the connectors to make it easy to tap into the existing wiring.
  13. Where did you get those side emblems from? And how much were they? I got them from thezstore.com. They are about £80 which is fairly expensive for 2 Z emblems but them do get some looks when its dark, especially paired with my reflector LEDs.
  14. I would have thought it would have been easy for you to do that looking at the job you are doing at the moment. Messing up is all part of the process. Like trying to fit my HKS speed defender this afternoon and then all the lights came on and it wouldn't start!!!!
  15. They look like this only better in real life. Z LED Emblem.jpeg[/attachment]
  16. So as I have blue LEDs in my side Z badges do you want to give me some blue LEDs on the inside? Just an idea as your local? Practise makes perfect.
  17. I can feel your pain, I had exactly the same issue when I bought my JDM . There is no way of changing the current equipment you have to work. I have just had the screen taken out and had a touch screen installed in the cubby. It looks totally stock and works great . I have taken the DVD unit out from behind the drivers seat (just need to find a blanking plate now). If you look up Custom Sat Navs in the for sale section you will see what I have had installed (mine was the first one to be done, by Nurrish). If you are anywhere near the Midlands fitting is included in the price as well. Quick question for you, is your cubby automatic? Mine goes up when the ignition is switched on and drops again when turned off. Not many around if you have that!!
  18. Even on Fifth Gear they only launched from 2500rpm!!!!
  19. Definietly sounds like you have been busy. you might have Nurrish beaten as not managed springs or HKS yet. Maybe a job for tomorrow as well. Once you have finished yours if you fancy practising your wax record breaking time I will happily loan you my Zed.
  20. Tried to fit the above to my JDM this afternoon (well Nurrish did!! ) and after following the wiring diagram from the Z-store.co.uk the car wouldn't start and had the below syptoms: Engine fan constantly on Light for TCS off illuminated Slip light illuminated Does anyone know why this would have happen even though the wiring diagram was followed? Cheers Grant
  21. I just push mine off from the back. When putting it back on I just used some clear silicone because I didn't have any glue handy.
  22. £231.50 all in Cheers Gaz, will be in touch at the end of the month when I get paid. Something new to play with!!
  23. M3 is miles better, you should definitely buy one..................................dibs on your spacers and exhaust!!
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