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Everything posted by BladesGrant

  1. Not what you want to see walking back to your car. Got to give credit to the guy for leaving his details though.
  2. Cheers for that. Just had another idea though so might not need one anymore but if one is knocking around I will still be interested.
  3. I don't know if this is something that is available or not but I have taken my birdview Sat Nav out and removed the DVD rom behind the drivers seat. I now have a nice whole there and would to put a blanking plate there if someone has one for sale. What is there on cars without the Sat Navs, is it another glove box style cubby or just a blanking plate?
  4. Good luck, you will need it. I was twisting really hard!!
  5. What did you get in the end? Now you just have to get yours off, 999 jaws of life!!!!
  6. Nurrish has a boot lip spoiler but its in black, not sure if that is any use to you?
  7. I have not heard of people needing ECU work to have plenum spacers. Sure if the volume and speed of air meant ECU work you wouldn't be able to bolt on a spacer or after market air intake. Thought these were direct application.
  8. You should have put it up before fitting my SatNav, I would have had it then!!
  9. Somebody has just recently joined with those rims. Remember people asking what they were.
  10. Are you also doing carbon Engine Covers? I have 2 of those at the moment as well and can't decide what to do with them. Sprayed one up to see whether I like that.
  11. I will hopefully be able to get the plenum to you next week. Unfortunately I am in Dublin this week but will get it sorted ASAP next week.
  12. Can you use the original bolts or do you need to get longer ones? In Dublin till Friday so will PM you for details when back home to make arrangements.
  13. And then you can sell your original plenum to bring the cost down.
  14. also if you can get a price for a plen with spacer, hopefully the 5/16" so the strut and engine cover still fits. After a spacer at the minute so could hold off.
  15. Well if he can be done with it before the 23rd Aug I Can pick it back up in person as I am in S****horpe for a christening.
  16. Hi This is the best pic I have at the moment. Didn't think to get that close (Doh), But Yeh White on Azure would, But they do a blue version as well. I have put pictures up of my blues if you are fancying them. Got a cloe up picture as well.
  17. I would be very surprised if it removed the MAF sensor. Fitted an AEM last weekend to Nurrish's car. It's the one that goes down to where the washer bottle is and u remove the original MAF señor housing and fit it to the AEM intake pipe. You can hide it round the back though so you can't see it.
  18. Happy to loan it to once it's off the car for this. Will hopefully mean a lot of people benefit. Where you situated in case we can cut down the postage costs as well? Do I get a discount on a carbon item?
  19. Thanks, Glad I did it while its still new ish. I think it would have been a right pain. After a couple of winters if the fastening had been a bit oxidised , but I'm well pleased with the results. It does look SOooo Goood. Front Z Emblem Next If you can get LED front badge than would be great. Let me know if you find one.
  20. I have a spare plenum that I currently having some work done to, once done I will be taking my currently fitted one off and putting it up for sale if your interested?
  21. I have the same on my Zed. It looks pretty cool at night and gets a few looks. Like all the orange, I have White front reflectors and blue Z emblems. I sucked it up and wired them in myself, properly scuffed my hands on the one behind the washer bottle!!!! looking very mate.
  22. I was in a taxi yesterday (13th) on the way from Dublin Airport going towards the centre towards Adelaid Road. Spotted a blue coupe parked outside An ICE shop with a big Pioneer sign above it. It was near a big stadium if this helps as it was my first time in Dublin so have no idea where I was!!! someone was getting some new toys for their Zed!!!!
  23. I have PM'd him but not had a reply. The message is stuck in my outbox which I think means he hasn't read it yet doesn't it? I think you should keep the orange gear stick and be unique!!
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