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Everything posted by BladesGrant

  1. Hi mate and to the club. Good to see another GM on here, definitely the best colour!!
  2. I am just going to say high and as the others have already mentioned everything that you can do.
  3. But you also sell 350Z-UK merchandise Martin Oh yes, I forgot about that At least delivery is free if its to a meet, saves a few quid We also offer a free banning service if you feel you cant stop spending money Ban me!!!!!!!!! I am treating it like a game now, hide the credit card statement away from the missus, she loves it!!!!
  4. This forum is meant to be free, so how come everytime I log on I spend money?!? It's even worse when youmeet people for real, I haven't met anyone yet where I haven't bought something off them. And don't even get me started on Nurrish, it would be cheaper to have a affair with secret meetings abroad!!!!
  5. Thanks for all the comments. You're all going to have stop putting ideas in my head though!!! happy with the results and will leave it for a while to see how I feel and what's the next step.
  6. Thats not a bad idea!! Could leave the sides blue and have carbon once I have the engine cover and other bits. Might just have to leave it for now though as I am planning on going to RSTuning on 15th Aug and hopefully they can fit me in and see what damage they can unleash!!! Need to stop spending though otherwise I will be a second Nurrish!!!
  7. In Thailand you should definitely go to Lumpini stadium in Bangkok. Although it might not be your style of martial arts its definitely worth going to see the Thai-boxing there. It was amazing when I went (but I used to practise it and fight!!). you should also try and get down to the islands as I have honestly never been to a place like Phi Phi island before. The site of the island from the boat actually made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I also found a bar where you can have an exhibition fight for free drinks. I ended up getting up there after far to many Thai beers and whipped some guy for even more free Thai beer!!! Your trip sounds amazing and I am very jealous!!
  8. Yeah its a lot of blue!! Hopefully will calm it down once I have some carbon fibre in there. Really happy with the results though. I paid £70 for both, not exactly cheap but I got them to smooth the plenum before powder coating to ensure a nice smooth finish. Also paid a little extra for using a not so standard colour. Its a very close match, so very happy with it. They are a good place and have loads of different colours. I was personally surprised at how many colours they actually had to choose from. Just can't get that matalic look but its close enough for me.
  9. I am with you on this. I have white reflectors on my GM Zed and I think they look different and pretty cool.
  10. Cheers, do you want to PM your address so I can get the plenum sent to you? Only just got them swapped this afternoon so will be next week when you receive now.
  11. Good luck on you hunt, you really won't be disappointed when you get one!!!
  12. Yeah I did think that cause I have another engine cover in blue and was going to go black on the strut, but then thought the 2 blues were too close so opted for just the plenum and strut in blue and then hopefully break it up with some carbon. I am definitely going to go down the Samco route as well. Thanks for your comments.
  13. Right, firstly thanks to the following: Gaz @ Envy for supplying the motordyne plenum spacer CS for the K2 exhuast Here is my new engine bay with powder coated plenum (with spacer) and standard strut: And he is a picture of my nice shiny new K2 exhaust that really does sound brilliant. I didn't think driving a Zed could get any better but seriously it does!!! All opinions of the engine bay welcome as I know it won't be everyones cup o' tea (there is some Yorkshire for you!! ). I am eventually going to go for carbon fibre engine cover and brake/fluid covers (possibly surrounds as well). Thanks again to the traders for the usual fast and great service.
  14. Sorry Mods, didn't know where to put this one!! My remote seems to be losing power so I am thinking that it may need a new battery. Is this a simple straight swap or do I need to do anything special so that it is still paired with my car? Thanks Grant
  15. Just decided to have a play. Will see you Sat with everything on and then watch you mad machine being put together!!
  16. Big day indeed. I am hoping that I get my powder coated plenum and strut bar back today as well. Oh yeah forgot to tell you I have had the standard strut powder coated as well . Then going for a carbon engine cover and brake/fluid. All that aside I can't wait for the K2 to be fitted later. Its like Xmas!!!!
  17. That first picture is a jack (in India!!!). See this all the time at the side of the road when I am there. That and bamboo scaffolding!!!
  18. Its not my style but I do actually like it. Like most people say if you like it then go for it. Its your car and looking different is what its all about.
  19. I can't see it happening to be honest. His people are saying that he won't be coming back. Not sure he would be up for it half way through a season. I wouldn't want my reputation of champion being tarred by coming back as a stand in driver.
  20. I had the JDM Sat Nav in when I bought my car and had it pulled out and a new Sat Nav entertainment system installed with AV in. Just bought a freeview settop box that runs of the cig lighter. Plan is to install it where the old birdview DVD was sat (behind drivers seat) and hard wire into rear cig lighter. Will have free view tv and digital radio stations then. Just haven't got round to it all yet!
  21. The button next to my traction control is for the rear fog light. JDMs don't have rear fog lights and they are put onto a switch (generally) next to the ESP button. Go round the back and check your fog light.
  22. Its annoying because I love the sound but not sure if I could live with it everyday. I have heard 2 in the flesh and its a sweeeeeeeeeeeet sound!!!
  23. Thanks for the info. It does feel like it's a synchro issue. I was testing it tonight and if I apply pressure away (to the left) it seems to go in better than if I just pull down without any sideways pressure. Maybe thats why it us fine from 3rd to 2nd as well. As long as I don't need a new gear box!!!
  24. I seem to get a noise (possibly a slight crunch feel as well) when I change from 1st to 2nd gear. Now this only happens occasionally and only appears to happen when changing at low revs. If I go above 3/3.5k it never seems to make a noise and it never makes the noise when going from 3rd to 2nd. Its very strange and although it doesn't seem to be causing any problems (that I know of) it is just weird and frustrating. Does anyone elses Zed have this problem or should I be worried?!? This is where someone tells me my ear box is knackered and I need a replacement for one millllllllllllllllllllllion dollars!!!!
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